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Cookie policy

Short version

  • We collect anonymous statistics about your visit, like which of our pages you viewed.
  • If you sign up with us we take great care to keep your information safe and we’ll never share it with others without your express permission.
  • We never share your data with 3rd parties.

Measuring our visitors

We measure visitors to our website using Google Analytics and WordPress Jetpack. Those solutions record what pages you view within our site, how you arrived at our site and some basic information about your device. All of that information is anonymous – so we don’t know who you are; just that somebody visited our site.

The information we collect from analytics helps us understand what parts of our sites are doing well, how people arrive at our site and so on. Like most websites, we use this information to make our website better.

You can learn more about WordPress Jetpack and Google Analytics. You can opt out from Google Analytics if you wish.

Discussion comments

We use a discussion system to allow visitors to discuss our articles. When you comment for the first time, we ask you to provide your email address and name; to remember you the next you visit us, we use a cookie. We never share those data with anyone.

Last updated on February 12, 2023