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French America's Cup yacht holed in Greenpeace protest

France's America's Cup yacht was rammed and holed by a Greenpeace boat yesterday during protests against the team's sponsor, a nuclear power company.

A boat with four Greenpeace activists on board struck the FRA-69 at a speed of 15 knots, damaging the hull. The 80ft yacht's inaugural outing had already been cancelled because of security fears at a marina in Lorient, north-west France.

Le Défi Areva, the syndicate behind the French entry to the 2003 America's Cup, accused the activists of deliberately ramming the £3.5 million boat. The environmental group claimed, however, that its craft - a rigid inflatable boat (RIB) - had merely collided with the FRA-69 accidentally after being rammed by another boat belonging to the Défi Areva syndicate.

Witnesses report seeing contact between the Greenpeace RIB and a team RIB. The boat, which is France's entry into the prestigious international series, is sponsored to the tune of £14 million by Areva, the French state-owned nuclear power group.

The boat had been named the night before at the syndicate's base in southern Brittany by Claude Lelouche, the film director, and Patricia Kaas, an actress. Greenpeace activists had been present at the ceremony but made only a peaceful protest.

Yesterday afternoon the yacht was due to leave Lorient harbour for a short cruise, its first outing on open waters. The sail was cancelled at midday, however, after the crew noticed several trailing wire nets and oil drums towed behind some of the 1,000 or so spectator boats.

Instead FRA-69 stayed tied to its dock for photographs as marine police tried to form a protective cordon. Just as the yacht was about to be lifted out of the water again to be returned to its hangar, the Greenpeace RIB burst through from among the spectator boats and hit the racing yacht at speed. The carbon-fibre hull was holed and there was further damage around the impact area.

"Today we have been victims of a serious act of vandalism," said Luc Gellusseau, the Areva team's technical director.

Greenpeace's French chief, Bruno Rebelle, said, however, that the collision occurred when an inflatable boat belonging to the French team rammed the activists' boat, sending it crashing into the sleek lime-coloured yacht.

The Greenpeace boat, carrying four activists, was heading for a pontoon to drop off a protester with a banner, he said. "We deal only in pacifist and non-violent confrontation."

The Areva team said the collision would delay preparations for the race in New Zealand next February. Qualifying rounds begin on October 1. It also said repairs would add about 8lb to the boat's weight, a crucial disadvantage in top-level yacht racing.

Officials were quick to condemn Greenpeace. "I find these attacks indescribable," said Jean-Yves Le Driant, a parliamentary member for Lorient. "The nuclear debate is a democratic debate and must be resolved in a democratic fashion."

Police questioned 11 people about yesterday's collision, including Greenpeace's anti-nuclear campaign co-ordinator, Frederic Marillier, whom they later released.

The syndicate has been aware of the threat of violent attack since accepting the support of the nuclear company. There have been warnings of further assaults when the boat arrives in Auckland and of attempts to disrupt racing during the three months of elimination trials.

New Zealand police have promised a tough response but said that an open stretch of water was difficult to guard against determined attackers.

It was in Auckland harbour in 1985 that the Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior was sunk in an assault by French special forces. New Zealand remains opposed to nuclear power, both military and civilian.