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Assange isn’t a hero. Veterans like me will shed no tears for his ‘ordeal’

The hacktivist claims his actions were journalistic endeavours, but they were the converse. The information he disclosed helped our enemies

A screen grab captured from a video shows Wikileaks founder Julian Assange being released from a UK maximum security prison
A screen grab captured from a video shows Wikileaks founder Julian Assange being released from a UK maximum security prison

I for one will not be celebrating Julian Assange’s plea deal. Assange is no hero to me and to many other veterans in this country, and the US, who fought in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere to protect our democracy. He is but a Left-wing dupe who damaged our national security and that of our allies, putting lives at risk.

Some call him a ‘journalist’. I beg to differ. Journalism requires judgement. Assange’s Wikileaks just just dumped all of the leaked disclosures on the internet, without judging whether they would be harmful and apparently without exercising any judgment over what was being released. Journalists have a ‘responsibility’ to not just get to the truth but also not to expose details which could put people in harm’s way, and information which might affect the security of my country.

Assange claims his actions were journalistic endeavours to uphold democracy, but – as such – they are the complete converse. The information he disclosed only helped our enemies: the Taliban, ISIS and no doubt the Russians.  

Like most Afghan veterans, I have left too many friends in the fields and mountains of Afghanistan to shed even the slightest tear for his years hiding behind doors and bars.  If he was the hero some would have believed, he would have had his day in court; instead he chose and sought every manoeuvre to avoid justice – not the actions of a brave man, and I’ve seen enough of them to judge.

When wanted by the Swedish Government on a rape charge, he ran and hid in the Ecuadorian Embassy for years, and Keir Starmer, to his credit, pursued those charges and tried to get him extradited to Sweden to face the courts. But all along Assange believed if he left the sanctity and security of the UK, he might have to face US justice, which is not so and forgiving as we are when US soldiers and the security of the nation has been handed on a plate to its enemies.

It is great we live in a country where freedom fighters and ‘stop-everything’ and ‘save-everything’ protesters have carte blanche to do what they like, completely oblivious to the views and the rights of the silent majority.  But it is actually their freedoms that they scream about which are really damaging. The law is there for a reason to protect the masses from criminals and despots who would do us harm, and Assange and his revelations have certainly done that.

I’d like to take Assange through the streets of Sangin in Helmand province Afghanistan in 2011 and show him the evil his revelations helped to perpetuate. Similarly in Syria in 2014, where the CIA was hamstrung and in Mosul with the Peshmerga in Northern Iraq trying to subdue the most evil of our foes, Islamic State. Did he ever stop, for one moment, to think what the effect of his ‘journalistic’ actions would have on those of us on the frontline? I can assure him, it’s hard enough fighting these terror groups without one hand tied behind your back and them knowing about your tactics.

I shed no tears for the years Assange has hidden from justice; I shed loads of tears for the brave men and women of the British Armed Forces that never came home from Iraq and Afghanistan.  People like him make our life so much more difficult, but they still want us to keep them safe in their beds at night. If he has any decency, he will reflect on this, and apologise to the grieving families. Lest we forget in all this hullabaloo, he is pleading guilty to a charge which he has squirmed out of for the last 14 years.

Lest we forget, yes, though this morning I am thinking about those who did not come home.

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