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Xi Jinping propaganda film breaks box office records in China - because citizens have to watch it

A poster for the film "Amazing China" at a cinema hall in Shanghai.
A poster for the film "Amazing China" at a cinema hall in Shanghai. Credit: AFP

He has a nickname praising his paternalism, a song depicting him as the ideal husband, and now president Xi Jinping has his own box office-breaking movie which hails his leadership.

But while authorities claim that Amazing China is a "smash hit" and a widely-loved "epic" that will have a "huge social effect", its success at the box office is in fact the result of people being forced to watch it.

The 90-minute documentary film was created by state broadcaster CCTV to highlight the country's achievements since Mr Xi assumed leadership in 2012.

It has become the top grossing factual movie ever in China, raking in over 300 million yuan (£34 million) at the box office since it opened on March 2.

But when The Telegraph watched the film this week - at one of only eight daily screenings that wasn't shown as 'sold out' at Beijing's Blue Island Tower cinema - most of the movie-goers had tickets which were given to them by state-owned companies that they worked for. 

Indeed, two men sitting near the popcorn stall were compiling a list of teachers and staff from the local Chenlingjun Middle School, so that authorities would know who did not show up to see the film.

"The teachers don't need to pay for a ticket, the school pays," one of the men told The Telegraph, before inviting his colleague to cast his eye over the list they have compiled. 

"How are we going to report to our superiors that so few people turned up?" he asked the man.

Amazing China is the latest propaganda tool to be rolled out by Beijing as part of an intensifying cult of personality that is being built around Mr Xi.

The film fawns over a series of landmarks achieved by China in science, diplomacy, military advancement and poverty-reduction.

Women walk past a propaganda poster showing China's President Xi Jinping next to a freeway outside of Qingshui, Qinghai province 
Women walk past a propaganda poster showing China's President Xi Jinping next to a freeway outside of Qingshui, Qinghai province  Credit: AFP

At the end of almost each and every section - from China's Moon Rover mission in 2013 to the maiden flight of the country's first home grown commercial airliner in 2017 - the Chinese president pops up to imprint his own image on the achievement.

He appears more than 20 times, congratulating workers on feats of engineering, meeting peasants who have been lifted out of poverty, and delivering slogans to the Communist Party faithful.

And many in the audience would be already familiar with these slogans, as they have been plastered across China on street corners, shopping centres and modern tower blocks, in one of the most visible examples of Mr Xi's personality cult at work.

A propaganda poster showing China's President Xi Jinping is pictured on a wall in Beijing
A propaganda poster showing China's President Xi Jinping is pictured on a wall in Beijing Credit: AFP

And if the message still isn't getting through, Mr Xi's image and words are regularly splashed across the front pages of official newspapers or in television news reports.

A personal story has also been deployed by propaganda chiefs as they seek to burnish the Chinese president's 'man of the people' crudentials.

Under Mao Tse-tung, a teenage Mr Xi was sent to live in a flea-infested cave in a peasant village, where he toiled for seven years ploughing land and shovelling manue.

He wrote a book about his time at the village, which has recently been transformed into a tourist destination.

Tourists in Xi’s cave. Liangjiahe the backwater village where Xi Jinping lived in a cave as a teenager in the Cultural Revolution. It is being transformed into a theme park-style tourist attraction. 
Tourists in Xi’s cave. Liangjiahe the backwater village where Xi Jinping lived in a cave as a teenager in the Cultural Revolution. It is being transformed into a theme park-style tourist attraction.  Credit: Neil Connor/Telegraph

Authorities are also encouraging grass roots adulation of Mr Xi, who is also known by many ordinary Chinese as Xi Dada, or "Big Daddy Xi", a term which depicts him as a paternal father figure.

A number of songs praising not only Mr Xi's leadership, but also his qualities as a husband and lover to wife Peng Liyuan, have gone viral in recent months.

"If you want to marry, marry someone like Xi" is among the most popular tunes, while "Xi Dada loves Peng Mama" even has its own dance steps.

China has been rising on the global stage, but Beijing's propaganda drive at home is seen as a important means of tightening the Communist Party’s rule and boosting the popularity of Mr Xi.

It was no coincidence that Amazing China was released just days before the start of China's rubber stamp parliament, the National People's Congress (NPC), where Mr Xi was last week handed powers to rule for life.

China's President Xi Jinping waves to delegates at the NPC
China's President Xi Jinping waves to delegates at the NPC Credit: AFP

Last October he had his ideology, 'Xi Jinping Thought', enshrined into the constitution - meaning any attack on Mr Xi is now an attack on the party itself, and the party is considered irreproachable in the Chinese political system.

"Xi is now everywhere," said Steven Tsang, the director of the China Institute at SOAS, University of London 

"Amazing China shows that China cannot be amazing without Xi.  What more can anyone do?"

Prof Tsang said Beijing’s efforts to develop a personality cult had made Mr Xi "the most popular leader of China since Chairman Mao".

However, he warned that such a position would leave him "feeling infallible" and "intoxicated by the grandiose hubris".

And The Telegraph saw many fans of Mr Xi at the screening of Amazing China.

"I thought it was a brilliant film which made me feel very proud and warm in my heart at being Chinese," said Ms Wu, who was one of several movie-goers who burst into applause at the end of the film.

Ms Wu, who was with a group of people on a trip organised by the local residential committee, added: "I don't think Xi appears too much in the film at all!"

A man named Mr Li, who was taken to the screening by his employers, a state run construction firm, said workers had little choice about attending.

"It's a bit like being taken somewhere to watch the evening news," he said. "Except that we were ordered to go, and we couldn't say no."

Additional reporting by Christine Wei

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