Saints Report: The New Orleans Saints beat their division rivals Atlanta Falcons with a final score of 48 to 17.

On Sunday, the New Orleans Saints didn’t control their playoff destiny, but a win against the division rival Atlanta Falcons would significantly increase their chances of not only being in the playoffs, but potentially hosting a playoff game in the Superdome.

Despite all the negativity from Saints fans this year, quarterback Derek Carr made the potential final game of the season one of his best in a Saints uniform. Carr finihsed with 264 passing yards and 4 touchdowns as the Saints put up a season-high 48 points and defeated the Falcons 48 to 17. 

After the game head coach Dennis Allen and Derek Carr refelcted on the season that was for the black and gold.   

“The last half of the year I thought we were doing some really good things and improving. A lot of yards, getting better in the redzone, situationally on third down,” said Derek Carr. “.I felt like this was the icing on the top of all the hard work. It came together all at one time for us. Yes, there was a chance we could have another home game after this but if we didn’t we wanted to give our fans something to let them know that we didn’t put all of that hard work in for nothing.”

“It’s too early to assess the season in its totality. I think we will soak this one in a little bit and then we will have time to reflect and see what we thought. Our record is what our record is and we have earned whatever comes our way. If the breaks go our way and we make it in, we have earned it. If they don’t we earned that too,” said head coach Dennis Allen.

The Saints did not get the help that they needed and their season has come to an end, finishing with a 9 and 8 record. 

All eyes move towards the off-season as questions loom with Dennis Allen and whether or not he will return as head coach next season.

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