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With all the new devices, websites, and apps we use each day, finding the right one for your life can get a little overwhelming. That’s where “Tech Byte” comes in. This weekly segment navigates the world of tech to find the best ways for you to stay up to date on what’s new and what works.

Tech Byte

Tech Byte - Google Pixel 8A

Patrick Moates interviews guest Winnie Wright from Verizon about the many helpful personal assistant, business, and photography features of the Google Pixel 8A phone. Brought to you locally by Rogers…

Tech Byte - Car Crash App

In this week's Tech Byte, brought to you locally by Rogers Technology Solutions, Patrick Moates interviews Brent Burks a lawyer whose firm helped develop "Crash Companion" a FREE app that walks…

Tech Byte - CPR Wrap

We have a lot of fun on Tech Byte, but today I want to bring attention to something a little more serious. Something that scouting told me years ago to be…

Tech Byte - Hi-Tech Camping

With the holiday weekend upon us, and June being celebrated since the 70’s for national camping awareness month, Sophia and I got to take a look at a new tech company…

Tech Byte: Hearing Loss Tech

We are in the middle of May which is known as National speech, language and hearing month. So today on Tech Byte, I have a very special episode for you…

Tech Byte - Speech Pathology

Patrick Moates explores the technology that has shaped modern speech pathology since WWII with guest pathologist Daye Click. Brought to you by Rogers Technology Solutions

Tech Byte - Ice Shaker

Patrick Moates interviews Ice Shaker CEO Chris Gronkowski about his innovative new water bottle, the Ice Shaker.

Tech Byte - The Reflexion Go

Patrick Moates explores new technology that helps combat the effects of cognitive decline. The Reflexion Go assesses your reaction time, hand-eye coordination, inhibition, mental flexibility and more then tailors training…

Tech Byte - Solar Eclipse Tech

Patrick Moates and guest WDEF Chief Meteorologist Austin Onek, discuss the science of the solar eclipse and what devices you need to watch and photograph it.

Tech Byte - Katalyst Fitness Suit

Patrick Moates explores new fitness suit tech from Katalyst with head trainer Max Graber. Brought to you locally by: Rogers Technology Solutions

Tech Byte - Tap XR

Patrick Moates explores the new Tap XR interactive wrist band technology in this episodes of Tech Byte sponsored by Rogers Technology Solutions.

Tech Byte: Verizon Big Game Tech

Patrick Moates and special guest Verizon's Winnie Wright take a closer look at different Verizon products you can use to enhance your March Madness or game experience.

Tech Byte - Pylot Headband

Patrick Moates interviews the CEO of a New Zealand tech company about their new smart device, the Pylot Headband. He discusses how it aims to boost your productivity by tracking your…

Tech Byte - AI & Photography

In this week's "Tech Byte," Patrick Moates is joined by Nino Batista and Renee Robyn to discuss the impact artificial intelligence is already having on photography and what may be possible…

Tech Byte - Glydr Gaming

Since the dawn of computers, they’ve all been controlled with handheld devices. When I got my first Nintendo in the mid-80s it came with two handheld controllers.  Eventually the technology brought…

Tech Byte - Broad Band Light Treatment

There are thousands of websites and businesses devoted specifically to helping you look younger longer. Today we will literally shed some light on how broadband light treatment can help…

Tech Byte - Samsung Galaxy S24

Growing up, my generation was told we’d never have technology like calculators at our fingertips. That statement couldn’t be further from the reality we live in today. Samsung is unveiling…

Tech Byte: CES AI Products

Artificial intelligence is taking over the Consumer Electronics Show this year. Emily Cassulo reports on some cool products being featured in 2024.

Tech Byte: Smart Home Apps

If you got a cool tech gift over the holidays, you might need a smartphone to be able to use it.  And you want to make sure you download the right app. Let's…

Tech Byte - Tech Gift Set Up

You finally got that tech gift you've been wanting for months. Now, how do you set it up in the first place? Let's look at an easier way to…

Tech Byte - Online Toy Shopping

Cyber Monday might be over, but there's still a lot of holiday shopping left to do. It's not too late to get that toy on your child's wish list. We catch up…

Tech Byte - Online Holiday Shopping Scams

If you haven't already, it's time to get started on your holiday shopping this year. While it may be more convenient online, it can increase your chances of getting scammed.…

Tech Byte - Smartphone Sleeping Help

Daylight Saving might be out of the way, but many of us are still having trouble adjusting to the time change. Emily Cassulo takes a look at how we can use…

Tech Byte - AI & Education

President Biden recently signed an executive order, to ensure artificial intelligence doesn't pose new risks to Americans. Emily Cassulo takes us through a look at how some universities are also responding…

TECH BYTE: Tech for Summer Travel

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (WDEF) — There’s still some time left before school starts back. Why not take advantage, and go on a fun trip this summer? There are some tech products you’ll want…

TECH BYTE: Tech for School Safety

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (WDEF) — With more school shootings happening across the country, tech companies are looking at new ways to protect students and teachers. Their latest device has been in the…