Research Software (E367)

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language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enResearch SoftwareEntity schema that models aspects of research softwareedit
deForschungssoftwareSchema über Forschungssoftwareedit
esSoftware de investigaciónEsquema para Software de investigaciónedit
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX : <> 

# Example SPARQL Query:
# select ?x where { ?x wdt:P31 wd:Q95001953 } limit 10
# select ?p { values ?p { wd:Q112700944 }}

start = @:ResearchSoftware

:ResearchSoftware EXTRA wdt:P31 {
  wdt:P31   @:SoftwareInstance +     ; # instance of software
  wdt:P50   @:Author *               ; # author
  wdt:P170  @:Creator *              ; # creator
  wdt:P178  @:Developer *            ; # developer
  wdt:P277  @:ProgrammingLanguage *  ; # ProgrammingLanguage
  wdt:P306  @:OperatingSystem *      ; # Operating system
  wdt:P348  xsd:string ?             ; # Sofware version
  wdt:P356  xsd:string ?             ; # DOI
  wdt:P366  @:Usage *                 ; # has use
  wdt:P400  @:Platform *             ; # platform
  wdt:P571  xsd:dateTime ?           ; # Inception  
  wdt:P767  @:Contributor *          ; # Contributor
  wdt:P856  @:OfficialWebSite *      ; # OfficialWebSite
  wdt:P1324 @:SourceCodeRepo *       ; # Source code repository
  wdt:P1343 @:Source   ?             ; # Described by source 
  wdt:P1476 rdf:langString ?         ; # title
  wdt:P1547 @:Software *             ; # Depends on
  wdt:P2209 @:SourceForgeProject *   ; # SourceForge Project
  wdt:P9712 @:ResearchResourceId *   ; # Research resource identifier

:SoftwareInstance [ 
  wd:Q7397         # Software
  wd:Q95001953     # Research software
  wd:Q1639024      # Mathematical software
  wd:Q166142       # Application
  wd:Q11121294     # Simulation software
# Commented out to obtain better visualizations
# OR {   wdt:P279 @<SoftwareInstance> + } # subclassOf software

:Author { 

:Creator { 

:Contributor {}

:Software EXTRA wdt:P31 {
 wdt:P31    @:SoftwareInstance +

:ProgrammingLanguage { 

:OfficialWebSite IRI

:Developer { 

:OperatingSystem { 

:Platform { 

:ResearchResourceId {

:SourceCodeRepo { 

:Source {
 wdt:P31 @:ScholarlyArticle  

:SourceForgeProject {}

:ScholarlyArticle [ 
  wd:Q13442814 # Scholarly article 

:Usage {}