Gene Wiki bot for the Gene Ontology (E328)

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enGene Wiki bot for the Gene OntologyGene Ontology on Wikidata as monitored and maintained by Gene Wiki botsedit
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX pr: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
prefix wdt: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX go: <>

BASE <> 

# Example query: SELECT DISTINCT ?go WHERE {?go wdt:P686 ?goid .} LIMIT 5

start = @<gene-ontology-term>

<gene-ontology-term> EXTRA p:P31 p:P279  p:P361 {
   p:P31 @<P31_instance_of> ;
   p:P279 @<P279_subclass_of>* ;
   p:P361 @<P361_part_of>* ;
   p:P2888 @<P2888_exact_match>+ ;

   # identifiers
   p:P686 @<P686_gene_ontology_id> ;

<P31_instance_of> {
   ps:P31 [
     wd:Q2996394  # biological process
     wd:Q14860489	# molecular function
     wd:Q5058355  # cellular component
     ] ;
   prov:wasDerivedFrom @<gene_ontology_reference>

<P279_subclass_of> {
   ps:P279 [wd:~] ;
   prov:wasDerivedFrom @<gene_ontology_reference> ;

<P361_part_of> {
   ps:P361 [wd:~]  ;
   prov:wasDerivedFrom @<gene_ontology_reference> ;

<P686_gene_ontology_id> {
   ps:P686 /GO:[0-9]+/ ;
   prov:wasDerivedFrom @<gene_ontology_reference> ;

<P2888_exact_match> {
   ps:P2888 [go:~] ;
   prov:wasDerivedFrom @<gene_ontology_reference> ;

<go_parent> {
   wdt:P686 /GO:[0-9]+/ ;

# references
<gene_ontology_reference> {
   pr:P248 [wd:~] ;
   pr:P813 xsd:dateTime ;
   pr:P686 /GO:[0-9]+/ ;