rower (E21)

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language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enrowerschema for items about rowers, defined by P106: Q13382576 or subclass thereofoarswoman | oarsmanedit
deRudererSchema für Objekte über Ruderer, definiert über P106: Q13382576 oder eine Unterklasse davonRuderin | Rudersportlerin | Rudersportleredit
itcanottiere/canottieraschema per descrivere un/una canottiere/aedit
zh-tw賽艇運動員賽艇運動員的項目架構,由 P106: Q13382576 或其下級分類定義edit
# This schema is for items about rowers
# technically items with P106: Q13382576 (occupation: rower or a subclass thereof) 
# see also: [[Wikidata:WikiProject Rowing/people]]
# property statistics for current rower items:

# as a Query Map, one could use something like 
# SELECT ?id WHERE { ?id p:P106/ps:P106/wdt:P279* wd:Q13382576 }

PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>

IMPORT <> # sportsperson
START = @<E21#rower>

<E21#rower> {
  wdt:P31 [ wd:Q5 ]; # EntitySchema:E10

# basic person data (might be better to check this in E10)
  wdt:P21 [ wd:Q6581072 wd:Q6581097 ]; # sex or gender
  wdt:P569 xsd:dateTime ?; # date of birth
  wdt:P570 xsd:dateTime ?; # date of death
  wdt:P19 IRI ?; # place of birth
  wdt:P20 IRI ?; # place of death
  wdt:P27 IRI +; # country of citizenship

# names (might be better to check this elsewhere)
  wdt:P1559 rdf:langString *; # name in native language
  wdt:P735 IRI *; # given name
  wdt:P734 IRI *; # family name

# defining as rower
    ( wdt:P106 [ wd:Q13382576 ]; wdt:P106 .* ) |
    ( wdt:P106 @<E21#subclass_of_rower>; wdt:P106 .* )

# body properties (rather unusual properties for persons otherwise)
  wdt:P2067 xsd:decimal ?; # mass
  wdt:P2048 xsd:decimal ?; # height

# participation data
  wdt:P1344 IRI *; # participant of
  wdt:P1416 IRI *; # affiliation

# identifiers
  wdt:P2091 xsd:string *; # FISA rower ID
  wdt:P1447 xsd:string *; # Olympic athlete ID
  wdt:P3171 xsd:string *; # ID
  wdt:P5815 xsd:string *; # Olympic Channel ID

# what we do not want to have (deactivated)
# wdt:P641 . {0}; # sport (use P106/occupation instead)
# wdt:P2416 . {0}; # sports discipline competed in (use P106/occupation, and P1344/participant of for participation data)
# wdt:P2094 . {0}; # competition class (use P1344/participant of for participation data)
# wdt:P1532 . {0}; # country for sport (use this property as qualifiers in P1344/participant of claims instead)
# wdt:P463 . {0}; # member of (use P1416/affiliation instead for club memberships)
# wdt:P54 . {0}; # member of sports team (use P1344/participant of for participation data, and P1416/affiliation for rowing club affiliations)

<E21#subclass_of_rower> {
    ( wdt:P279 [ wd:Q13382576 ]; wdt:P279 .* ) |
    ( wdt:P279 @<E21#subclass_of_rower>; wdt:P279 .* )