Standard German noun (E131)

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language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enStandard German nounGerman noun with Gender at the entry level and 8 inflected forms in case and numberGerman nounedit
frnom allemandlexème allemand nom communedit
ruстандартное немецкое существительноенемецкое существительноеedit
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX ontolex: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>

# Standard German noun
# German noun with Gender at the entry level and 8 inflected forms in case and number

# SELECT ?focus {?focus dct:language wd:Q188;wikibase:lexicalCategory wd:Q1084}

start = @<de-n>

<de-n> {
  dct:language [ wd:Q188 ] ;
  wikibase:lexicalCategory [ wd:Q1084 ] ;
  wikibase:lemma [ @de ] ;
  wdt:P5185 [ wd:Q1775415 wd:Q499327 wd:Q1775461 ] ;
  ontolex:lexicalForm {
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q145599 wd:Q146233 wd:Q131105 wd:Q146078 ] ;
    wikibase:grammaticalFeature [ wd:Q110786 wd:Q146786 ] ;
    ontolex:representation [ @de ];
  } {8};