Our work in Solomon Islands

Our work in Solomon Islands

The WHO Representative Office in the South Pacific, located in Suva, Fiji, operates under the umbrella of the Western Pacific regional office, and our role is to act as a catalyst and advocate for action at all levels, from local to global, on health issues of public concern. We work together with a broad spectrum of partners from all sectors of society, WHO is involved in a host of closely related public health activities; including research, evaluation, awareness raising and resource mobilization.





WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2018-2022: Solomon Islands
The Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) is WHO’s strategic framework to guide the Organization’s work in and with a country.

Solomon Islands-WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2018-2022

The World Health Organization (WHO), working with partners, will support the Government in pursuing its national strategic priorities. Each strategic activity is linked to at least one of the subregional focus areas that are detailed in the Pacific Island Countries and Areas–WHO Cooperation Strategy 2018–2022.


National health policy

The health system is in transition and the Government has embarked on an ambitious reform agenda focused on devolving health services to the provinces and integration of health services. The Solomon Islands National Health Strategic Plan for 2016–2020 looks at four key result areas: improving service coverage; improving service quality; building strong partnerships; and setting the foundations for the future.

The NHSP has also identified six priority interventions: immunization; family planning; water, sanitation and hygiene; supervised hospital or facilitybased deliveries and neonatal care; malaria control; and TB control. The plan also identifies four underserved provinces (Malaita, Makira, Choiseul and Central Islands) and two priority population groups (people with disabilities and women exposed to violence and abuse). The overarching goal is UHC and the main driver to achieve this is the Role Delineation Policy.


Solomon Islands-WHO strategic priorities

1. To improve service coverage

1.1 Support coordination of the reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) programme and scale best practice interventions.
1.2 Strengthen malaria control to reduce transmission in order to accelerate elimination
1.3 Increase coverage of community-based tuberculosis control activities.
1.4 Scale up implementation of Package of Essential Noncommunicable

2. To improve service quality

2.1 Build capacity, deploy and retain health workers.
2.2 Strengthen implementation of the monitoring and evaluation framework of the National Health Strategic Plan by supporting its use to conduct periodic evaluation reviews and promote evidence-based decision-making.
2.3 Strengthen health information systems and disease surveillance.
2.4 Strengthen the National Public Health Laboratory by providing it with technical support to improve and accredit it.

3. To build strong partnerships

3.1 Convene and coordinate health development partners.

4. To set foundations for the future

4.1 Strengthen preparedness and response towards disasters and outbreaks.


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