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Rendang is named as the most delicious food in the world. The word Rendang was originated from Minangnese language, randang which means a slow and long time cooking process in low heat. In the making, there are 3 steps to cook Rendang, starting from Gulai, Kalio until it turns to Rendang. Meat Rendang is the most common one to be found; however, there are other types of Rendang.
there are four different pictures with food in them and one has an egg on top
Bakwan / Cucur
Tepung ni ala2 tepung cucur adabi. Yang ni khas untuk bakwan sayur/cucur sayur. Ndak letak telur pun boleh tapi saya suka letak.
there are many different types of food on the plates and in bowls, including dumplings
Chicken Gyoza 🥟
Japanese dumplings
several different types of food being cooked together
ig : martinpraja
Telur lauk bawang 🥚🧅🌶️
there are many different pictures of food being made
Sambal Tempe Goang
pantang betul nampak resepi makanan yang ada tempe ni. sambal dia ndak perlu goreng, tuang jak minyak yang betul2 panas di lada tu. 🤤🤤
Aroma, Local Food, Food Receipt, Food Combining
Otak-Otak Ikan Tenggiri, Kenyal dan Gurih!
the most popular croquetas in spanish are on display for everyone to see
the different types of french fries are shown in this poster, which shows how to cook them
a recipe book with pictures of food and utensils
Cute cheesecake recipe
Cute,aesthetic, tasty,small