Summer reading program

Discover the perfect summer reading program to keep your mind sharp and entertained. Explore top ideas and find your next favorite book.
Reading, Ideas, Summer, Summer Reading Program, Summer Reading, Summer Learning, Reading Tracker, Summer Learning Activities, Reading Rewards

It's almost summer so we are back with a treat for the entire family. We are so excited to bring you this fun summer reading program of books, ideas, and helpful tips to encourage kids to read all summer long. This is our seventh year doing the summer reading program.…

Jenessa Newsome
Diy, Pre K, Craft Activities, Dragon Crafts Preschool, Crafts For Kids, Craft Kits For Kids, Kids Craft Kits, Preschool Crafts, Crafty

This week's theme is Knights and Dragons, with a To Go Kits for a Fire Breathing Dragon (more suited for younger children) and a Pom Pom Catapult (more suited for older children). The Fire Breathing Dragon craft was an idea from the CSLP Manual, with a link to One Little Project's original craft (which I borrowed the picture from for the instructions). Included in the kit was everything needed to make the dragons, except for scissors and glue/tape.I cut green construction paper in halves for…

Gabriella LaRosa