Studio apartment bed

Maximize your space with creative bed ideas for your studio apartment. Discover top ideas to create a functional and stylish sleeping area in your compact living space.
Home Décor, Studio Flats, Apartment Therapy, Studio, Apartment Therapy Inspired Decor, Studio Apartment Divider, Studio Apartment Storage, Studio Apartment Closet, Studio Apartment Organization

Name: Catherine Elizabeth Location: Ravenswood — Chicago, IllinoisType of home: Studio Apartment (Studio)Size: 500 square feetYears lived in: 1 year, renting Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there: My small, 500-square-foot apartment in the Ravenswood neighborhood of Chicago is surrounded by small businesses such as Lillstreet Art Center, Urban Pooch, Hazel, and River Valley Farmer’s Table. I live with my ten month old mini Goldendoodle, Charlie.

Robyn Valentine
Studio, Studio Flats, Studio Apartment Divider, Small Studio Apartment, Apartment Room, Small Studio Apartment Decorating, Studio Apartment Layout, Studio Apartment Decorating, Studio Apartment Living

Studio apartments are efficient, cost-effective options for living in the city of your dreams, whether it’s New York or L.A., but they don’t exactly offer much privacy. However, you can still create a soothing sanctuary that feels separate from the rest of your open-floor plan home without bringing in a contractor or spending a lot of money.

Bridget Giunta Husted