Student performance chart

Enhance student learning and engagement with interactive charts. Discover top ideas to track and improve student performance for better academic outcomes.
Student Behavior Checklist: For Behavior Expectations portion, instead of giving points for student’s performance, write down the number of times the teacher had to correct the student during a lesson. This way student performance can be measured in a less arbitrary manner. Unlike the categories in Behavior Expectations part, the categories in Academic Expectations portion will be effective at all times, because teachers should always hold high academic expectations for their students. Teachers, Behavior Charts, Student Behavior, Counseling Resources, Behaviour Chart, School Counseling, Student Performance, Behavior, Counseling

Student Behavior Checklist: For Behavior Expectations portion, instead of giving points for student’s performance, write down the number of times the teacher had to correct the student during a lesson. This way student performance can be measured in a less arbitrary manner. Unlike the categories in Behavior Expectations part, the categories in Academic Expectations portion will be effective at all times, because teachers should always hold high academic expectations for their students.

Joe Yang