Pretty eyes

Discover tips and tricks to highlight your pretty eyes and make them the focal point of your makeup. Get inspired with top ideas to create stunning eye looks that will leave a lasting impression.
Portrait, Inspiration, Eye Make Up, Natural Wonders, Natural Phenomena, Rare Eye Colors, Eye Photography, Eye Art, Eye Colors

Fingers bending backward, pointy “elf” ears, and freckled eyes may sound like a description of an imaginary superhero, but these are body features of real people who received an unexpected gift from Mother Nature. Sharing photos of their rare beauty, these people prove that we are all unique, like snowflakes, but we’re all equally gorgeous.

Turkish Photographer Captures the Beauty of Children’s Eyes That Shine Like Gems Portraits, Portrait, Photographer, Most Beautiful Eyes, Most Beautiful, Gorgeous Eyes, Beautiful Eyes

Abdullah Aydemir, a photographer based in Istanbul, believes that the whole universe can be hidden in the eyes of children. He takes pictures that can instantly hypnotize you with magnificent looks of children he meets on the streets. His portraits capture the unrealistic beauty of his little models, and we can’t take our eyes off his incredible shots.

Malvern Masvosva
Already have very open eyes? Want to just give a little bit of volume to your look? Well this simplistic lash and natural brow combo would look perfect for you! Shading the eye a little but, but still leaving the wide shape leaves just the perfect space for a drawn out lash at the end of the eye. A little brow pencil and you are ready to go with this natrual lash. #AVEDAIBW #DoeEyes #DoeEyedLash #LashInspo #NatrualLashes #NaturalBrows Eyes, Eye Make Up, Glow, Doe Eye Makeup, Eye Types, Eye Brows, Eye Makeup, Eye Shapes, Natural Eyes

Already have very open eyes? Want to just give a little bit of volume to your look? Well this simplistic lash and natural brow combo would look perfect for you! Shading the eye a little but, but still leaving the wide shape leaves just the perfect space for a drawn out lash at the end of the eye. A little brow pencil and you are ready to go with this natrual lash. #AVEDAIBW #DoeEyes #DoeEyedLash #LashInspo #NatrualLashes #NaturalBrows

Green Eyes, Hazel Green Eyes, Dark Hazel Eyes, Hazel Green, Hazel Eyes, Amber Eyes, Hazel Eyes Hair Color, Ivory Skin, Neutral Skin Tone

Before giving direct instructions on choosing the best hair color for hazel eyes we need to define what eyes are actually called “hazel”. Believe us or not, but some women can’t decide if they have hazel or green eyes. Hazel eyes are always multicolored. They are semi-brown, semi-green, and even with some gold bursts in …

Maddie Taryn