Overactive thyroid

Discover effective tips and treatment options for managing an overactive thyroid. Take control of your health and find relief from symptoms with these expert-recommended strategies.
It may surprise you to know that hyperthyroidism can actually lead to weight gain. Most people know that the hyperthyroid state causes weight loss, typically, but what they fail to understand is that almost all treatments for hyperthyroidism result in WEIGHT GAIN. This is because all of the treatments for hyperthyroid states slow down thyroid function below what is normal. This drop in thyroid function slows down metabolism and can lead to weight gain in many cases. Learn more here. People, Diet And Nutrition, Thyroid Problems, Thyroid Disorders, Hyperthyroidism, Thyroid Weight, Thyroid Health, Thyroid Weightloss, Overactive Thyroid

It may surprise you to know that hyperthyroidism can actually lead to weight gain. Most people know that the hyperthyroid state causes weight loss, typically, but what they fail to understand is that almost all treatments for hyperthyroidism result in WEIGHT GAIN. This is because all of the treatments for hyperthyroid states slow down thyroid function below what is normal. This drop in thyroid function slows down metabolism and can lead to weight gain in many cases. Learn more here.

Dr. Westin Childs | Hypothyroidism | Hashimoto's Thyroiditis