Oatmeal waffles

Try these mouthwatering oatmeal waffle recipes that are perfect for a wholesome and satisfying breakfast. Start your day with a nutritious and indulgent treat that will leave you wanting more.
These delicious 6 ingredient flourless banana oat waffles are soft and fluffy on the inside with nice crispy edges. No flour is needed for these homemade waffles - it's hard to tell they are gluten free and healthy!

These delicious 6 ingredient flourless banana oat waffles are soft and fluffy on the inside with nice crispy edges. No flour is needed for these homemade waffles - it's hard to tell they are gluten-free and healthy!

Heidi Doe

Good Morning Oatmeal Waffles 🍴🍓🍯😋 Oatmeal in the form of beautiful homemade WAFFLES! Super Simple, Whole-Food recipe and they are beyond Scrumptious! Oatmeal is a COMPLEX carbohydrate, that our body uses VERY well for sustainable energy. If your current goal is weight loss and/or overall health, I strongly suggest that you eat more COMPLEX carbohydrates
