Money box diy

Get inspired to save and display your cash with these creative DIY money box ideas. Start a fun project and make your own money box to keep your savings safe and organized.
DIY Money Box Template - Craftulate Origami, Molde, Diy, Design, Paper Box Template, Paper Box, Diy Box, Money Box Diy, Printable Box

This DIY money box is a perfect craft for young kids to make and then store their precious coins! The following post contains affiliate links, which means that at no extra cost to you I can make a tiny bit of money to help support this blog. Thank you! My son has been asking recently about money. Usually in conjunction with him asking me to buy him a toy. So I've been explaining about doing jobs for people, and then they pay you. 'And then you buy toys?' F asks. So then I had to explain…

Katie Wildman