Martin luther

Discover the life and legacy of Martin Luther through inspirational quotes, stories, and insights. Learn how this influential figure shaped history and find inspiration for your own journey.
Here's the entire list of the 95 Theses that Martin Luther nailed to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517. This Date 1517 became the birth of the Protestant Reformation! Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Reformed Theology, Protestant Reformation, Church History, Martin Luther Thesis, Martin Luther Protestant, Theology, Martin Luther Reformation, Christian Faith

Here's the entire list of the 95 Theses that Martin Luther nailed to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517. This Date 1517 became the birth of the Protestant Reformation!

Living The Christian Life
Martin Luther...Wisdom...and the Law of Kindness: Reformation Day Skit Humour, Celebrities, Christians, History, Roman Catholic, Reformation, Catholic, Christianity, Humor

Nearly five hundred years ago, Medieval Europe was shrouded in darkness. Then, on October 31, 1517, a simple monk nailed a massive theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany and exploded a powder keg which would later be known as "The Reformation." Martin Luther nails his 95 theses to the Church Door For Reformation Day this year, I wrote a short script for the young people in our church. It is about 10 minutes long and is in a Reader's Theater style to limit…

Norma Villarreal