Keith haring art

Immerse yourself in the vibrant and energetic art of Keith Haring. Discover his iconic style and powerful messages that continue to inspire and captivate art enthusiasts around the globe.
Art lesson at Collins Middle School about artist Keith Haring with music being the theme. Artwork by art teacher Ricky Talkington as a sample for his students about the lesson.

Art lesson at Collins Middle School about artist Keith Haring with music being the theme. Artwork by art teacher Ricky Talkington as a sample for his students about the lesson.

Ricky Talkington
Doodles, Street Art, Design, Art, Graffiti, Keith Haring Art, Keith Haring, Keith, Famous Artists

What I've got for y'all today is an ensemble brought to you by the exquisite fabric known as pleather. Which I have decided can only be pronounced as "plehh-thahh" in a deep and gravely Barry White voice, preferably followed by a "baby". As in, "I wanna wrap you in plehh-thahh, baby, plehh-thahhhhh." And just who doesn't want be draped from head-to-toe in leather fauxness with Barry White at their beck and call, hmmm? Little known fact: pleather actually comes from the rare and annoying…
