Innovation management

Discover effective and cutting-edge innovation management strategies to stay ahead of the competition. Learn how to foster a culture of creativity and drive growth in your organization.
What is Innovation Management?, Pain Points and Benefits - Motivation, Software, Design, Business Marketing, Leadership, Innovation Strategy, Change Management, Innovation Management, Business Intelligence

Innovation is key for growth. Companies recognize this and they are doing their best to bring new products to market. R&D expense as a % of sales is up to 18% but the most recent studies reveal how difficult innovation is. Most new products fail either during development or once they reach the market. What can you do? The first step is to identify the reasons that products fail. Companies invest their time and resources in developing a lot of concepts without doing the upfront necessary…

Predictive Analytics
Innovation Management, Innovation Strategy, Disruptive Innovation, Business Analysis, Business Process, Business Intelligence, Business Development, Business Innovation, Change Management

In order to succeed, everybody should be involved and engaged in innovation. Innovation should be broad; from innovations in the product or offering, to innovations in the process, delivery, and/or finance.
