Holding scythe pose reference

Master the art of holding a scythe with our dynamic pose reference. Explore different angles and perspectives to bring your artwork to life and create captivating characters.
Scythe, Singer Ko on ArtStation at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/LGzYv Character Art, Fantasy Weapons, Dynamic Scythe Pose, Character Design Inspiration, Warrior Pose, Person Holding Scythe Reference, Character Poses, Female Art, Holding Scythe Pose Reference

Hey all! Here's a new character that I've been working on recently. I've finished up the high poly, and hope to get to the game rez soon, but for now enjoy! The awesome concept is by Young-June Choi https://gpzang.deviantart.com/art/Charater-concept-art-for-Project-D-485335298
