Harry potter christmas decorations

Transform your home into a magical Hogwarts with enchanting Harry Potter Christmas decorations. Discover top ideas to add a touch of wizardry to your holiday decor and make this Christmas truly extraordinary.
Winter, Halloween, Harry Potter Theme Christmas, Harry Potter Christmas Party, Hogwarts Christmas, Harry Potter Christmas Decorations, Christmas Party, Harry Potter Christmas Tree, Harry Potter Halloween Decorations

It's been nearly 3 weeks since our Potter Christmas party, so I figured I should finally show you guys the GOOD pictures. Plus last time I missed all kinds of fun details I want you to see! This will be a recap, so please forgive any repeats. I want to get all the party stuff in one place, and I'll be linking to relevant tutorials along the way. So if you see something you want more details on, just click the link! Let's start in the front room again: With bonus Lily. If you've never seen…

Jessie Swillum