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Explore a collection of famous and memorable quotes from the hit TV series Game of Thrones. Get inspired by the wisdom, wit, and epic moments of your favorite characters from the world of Westeros.
Most Powerful Game Of Thrones Quotes (14) Humour, Film Quotes, Quotes, Game Of Thrones, Fandom, Movie Quotes, Stark Quote, Arya Stark Quotes, Got Quotes

The series ‘The Game of Thrones’ seems to have become the flavor of the season with it influencing every sphere of our lives including our discussions, our way of thinking, our communication with each other and even quotes. It is not surprising that we are influenced by many aspects of the show though this can also be a bad thing to happen because not everything about the show is positive. But the thing is that nothing is good or bad on its own but what we manage to extricate from it and…

Ivan Soberon