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Break Up Quotes, How To Overcome Breakup, Getting Over Someone, Relationship Advice Quotes, Breakup Quotes, Quotes About Breakups, Relationship Advice, Breakup Healing Quotes, Best Advice Quotes

I’ll spare you the messy details, except to say this: I loved someone deeply, and they left suddenly and swiftly after many years together. It hurt, a lot. But one of the things that comes out of painful experiences are these glorious little pieces of wisdom — from yourself and from the people who love you. They may not stick right away, but by the time you have healed from the initial blow, they start to settle in and make themselves deeply felt.I’m lucky to have people around me who have…

Devon Francis
30 Valuable Life Lessons From People Over 40 Who Feel Happy About Their Lives | Bored Panda Inspiration, Glow, Nice, Lessons Learned In Life, Advice For Life, Lessons Learned, Important Life Lessons, Funny Life Lessons, Get My Life Together

Even though our society generally views being young as a virtue, we have to admit—being young isn't easy. Yes, twentysomethings might not yet have wrinkles, age-related health issues or loads of problems and people to take care of, this period of life has its own distinct challenges. These years tend to be pretty chaotic. You are forced to figure out your career, future plans, find a job, get a college degree, learn to build relationships, and you have to do all these things while not having…

On making the right choices. Motivation, Wisdom Quotes, Meaningful Quotes, Quotes To Live By, Life Choices Quotes, Choices Quotes, Inspiring Quotes About Life, Words Of Wisdom, Positive Quotes

We all get to the point in our lives when we just can't seem to wrap our heads around WHY we're here. For those times when you feel discouraged and hopeless, take a look at these inspirational quotes about life to keep you moving forward.

Christa Kamb