Getting off social media quotes

Discover powerful quotes that will motivate you to take a break from social media and reconnect with the real world. Find inspiration to live in the present and regain control over your digital life.
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Truly happy people don’t sit around sharing every single good thing that happens to them on social media. They’re way too busy enjoying their lives!

The Joy and Importance of Birds in our lives.
10 Quotes From Netflix's 'The Social Dilemma' That Will Have You Questioning Social Media Social Media Quotes, Humour, Inspiration, Social Media Quotes Truths, Quotes About Social Media, Addiction Quotes, Social Quotes, Social Media Ruins Relationships, Social Media Addiction

If you’ve seen The Social Dilemma on Netflix, you’re probably having trouble using social media right now. If you haven’t watched it yet, well, maybe you should. Because it leaves you feeling not-so-social-media friendly. These [...]

Eva A.B.