Fabric wall art

Transform your walls with stunning fabric wall art. Discover unique and creative ideas to add texture and style to your living space.

Making fabric wall art is an easy and inexpensive way to add color and pattern to your home decor. You can hang a single canvas, or create a whole gallery wall of fabric art. Want to get the printable PDF instructions? Sign up to our mailing list to download the PDF. Sign Up Here!

tammy chrisman

Looking for a super simple afternoon DIY or weekend project to give your space a lift? Framing your favorite fabric may be the way to go! I've done other framed fabric projects before, with upholstery fabric samples, a tablecloth or place-mats (I'll leave the links at the end of the post), but this one is with a table runner I picked up at World Market earlier this year. For this project, a table-runner was just what I needed to update a trio of vintage gilded bamboo, long thin frames I had…

Deb Meyrer