DIY old books

Transform your old books into unique and stylish decor pieces with these creative DIY ideas. Discover how to give new life to your forgotten books and add a touch of charm to your home.
Pop, 3d, Pop Up

I have always loved art, and I have always loved to read. Books pull you into a new world, while art lets you see it. It made sense to me that these two mediums should come together. The books...

Michelle Kelley
Tops, Old Books, Books, Vintage, Subtle, Creative, Vintage Books, Projects, Repurposed

a not-do-subtle effort to cater to the growing popularity of Pinterest, Toptenz will be attempting more articles based on image-focused lists that also look to teach and inspire. Sure, we'll have our standard lists about the bizarre, food and 'Why Batman and Teddy Roosevelt are Similar' but we hope you will find these simple lists enjoyable too. And, yeah, we would be mighty appreciative if you pin a few things. If you missed the link above, here is our pinterest page for you to follow. And…

Purple Thistle Patch Shop
Upcycling, Recycled Book Crafts, Upcycled Books Crafts, Old Encyclopedias, Old Book Art, Diy Old Books, Encyclopedia Books, Book Art Projects, Book Crafts Diy

While the thought of destroying a hardcover tome might make some book lovers squirm, there does come a time when an old, musty, or damaged book may have outlived its usefulness. While there's no sense in destroying truly rare and valuable books, for the run-of-the-mill old book, there are many ways to repurpose it. Here are just a handful of ideas.

Sharon Bray
31 DIY Old Page Book Ideas - 230 Upcycled Crafts, Vintage, Crafts, Diy, Knutselen, Book Gifts, Diy Book, Diy Geschenke, Book Crafts

Many book paper crafts can be done with old book pages. The possibilities are nearly endless, from the paper flower, and chandeliers to towel papers. This bundle of ideas is perfect for all our book lovers out there. It's fascinating to us how the pages of a book can be utilized to produce so many different things. The ideas below will undoubtedly inspire you to make some creative patterns that may be used in various locations across your home.

Beverlee Orr-Shadbolt