DIY Beauty

Discover simple and affordable DIY beauty ideas to enhance your natural beauty. Try these at-home remedies and treatments for glowing skin and luscious hair.
Make Up, Diy Make Up, Concealer, Diy Beauty, Diy Makeup, Makeup, Diy Natural Products, Beauty Care, Makeup Recipes

Want an alternative to over-priced makeup and toxin laden cosmetics? Learn how to make this diy natural blush! Just takes a few ingredients and seconds to make! I don't wear a ton of makeup, I generally keep things minimal in that department. That said, I've not been able to convince myself to just ditch makeup altogether. I used to just buy whatever makeup was the cheapest. We are talking like $3 for mascara cheap! But then I found out that there are some nasty toxins that lurk in most of…

Ashlee Stoddard

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