Disinfect toothbrush

Learn how to properly disinfect your toothbrush to maintain oral hygiene. Discover simple and effective methods to keep your toothbrush clean and germ-free for a healthy smile.
How to Disinfect Your Toothbrush & Keep it Free from Bacteria | Keep your toothbrush germ-free by learning the best way to store it, how to properly disinfect it, and how often to replace it. | Greenopedia #disinfecttoothbrush #toothbrushgerms #toothbrushbacteria #toothbrush #germfreetoothbrush via @greenopedia Disinfect Toothbrush, Toxin Free Living, Toilet Spray, Best Shakes, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Oil Pulling, Eco Friendly Living, Healthy Living Lifestyle, Healthy Alternatives

How to Disinfect Your Toothbrush & Keep it Free from Bacteria | Keep your toothbrush germ-free by learning the best way to store it, how to properly disinfect it, and how often to replace it. | Greenopedia #disinfecttoothbrush #toothbrushgerms #toothbrushbacteria #toothbrush #germfreetoothbrush via @greenopedia

Greenopedia | Natural Alternatives
sync • sync your nutrition cycle on Instagram: "There’s good bacteria and then there’s bad bacteria.. 

and FYI the bacteria on your toothbrush is not the good kind 🦷🦠😨…

Here’s why you should clean your toothbrush >>

– Most people store their toothbrush in the bathroom - the same room as their toilet and sure you may be thinking “well I close the lid before I flush” but can you trust that everyone in your household does that too? 🤔 I don’t know about you but I can barely get my partner to put the seat down, let alone close the lid.. 🚽🤪

– Most people store their toothbrush in the same area as other household members. This has been shown to cross-contaminate and significantly increase the amount of bacteria found.

– Clinical research suggests you should change your toothbrush every Nutrition, Instagram, Cleaning Hacks, Clean House, Brushing Teeth, House Cleaners, Clinical Research, Healthy Living

sync • sync your nutrition cycle on Instagram: "There’s good bacteria and then there’s bad bacteria.. and FYI the bacteria on your toothbrush is not the good kind 🦷🦠😨… Here’s why you should clean your toothbrush >> – Most people store their toothbrush in the bathroom - the same room as their toilet and sure you may be thinking “well I close the lid before I flush” but can you trust that everyone in your household does that too? 🤔 I don’t know about you but I can barely get my partner…

Brooklyn Bergstrom