Data journalism

Explore the world of data journalism and learn how to effectively tell stories through data. Discover top ideas and tips to create compelling and informative data-driven articles.
What Everyone Needs to Learn from the Data Journalism Handbook – ReadWrite Inbound Marketing, Manual, Data Journalist, Data Science, Data, Data Visualization, Data Journalism, Job Opportunities, Online Tutoring

It's hard to pay attention to the business of journalism without hearing about data journalism or data-driven journalism. But despite all the discussion of the topic, there's precious little documentation to guide practicing and future journalists in becoming proficient in it. The Data Journalism Handbook aims to fix that, albeit at a high level.

Rachel Sprouse
Poster about the Data Journalism Handbook for the Information Design Conference 2012 Data Journalism, Data Driven, Data Visualisation, Data Visualization, Information Design, Data Science, What Is An Infographic, Future Jobs, Data Design

Freelance infographic designer Lulu Pinney has kindly designed a wonderful poster which illustrates some of the topics covered in the Data Journalism Handbook, a free, open source reference book which shows how journalists can use data to improve the news. She uses a process diagram to represent di

Kazuo Irie
collage Data DATAVISUALIZATION ILLUSTRATION infographics information chart data visualization infographic social goood Layout, Design, Data Journalism, Data Visualization Examples, Information Graphics, Data Visualization Techniques, Information Visualization, Data Visualization Infographic, Data Visualization Map

]This year, I continued to explore new ways of presenting data & information. I tried collages, fonts, colors, pattern, long format and small format. These were good lessons. Beautiful numbers. Sad conclusions. Hard illustrations. I mainly don't like any …

Francie Martinez