Cheerleading pics

Explore a collection of captivating cheerleading picture ideas that will inspire and energize your team. Find the perfect shots to showcase your team spirit and talent.
Dance, Cheer Pictures, Tennis, Cheerleading, Cheer Dance, Cheer Pics, Cheer Photography, Cheerleading Photos, Cheer Girl

Cheer pom poms and feet int e shape of a heart. Photo found here. Whenever I see a navy blue shirt, my mind wanders off… I was 14 years old, awkward, confusing, all-changing 14! I was very shy and didn’t have a clue who I was or who I wanted to become… (Probably like most 14 year olds). I had decided, in 8th grade, to try out for cheerleader at my Jr. High. I was excited about the possibility of making new friends and coming out my shell a bit…this also scared me to death. There were tons of…

Rachel Wagner-Hutchison