Book storage

Discover innovative ways to store and display your books with these creative book storage ideas. Keep your collection organized and easily accessible while adding a stylish touch to your home.
Book Smart in Small Spaces — 600sqftandababy Home, Bedroom Décor, Home Décor, Bedroom Storage, Bookshelves For Small Spaces, Room Decor, Home Library, Room Design, Small Space Interior Design

Something that comes up often when talking about small space is books. Where to keep them, and whether to store or display them? Or some extreme minimalists would argue, that you don’t need to keep any books at all. Like with most minimalist ideals I find myself falling somewhere in the middle. I fi

Rita Crauwels

If you're a dedicated bibliophile, its likely that you'll always be collecting books. But where to store them? Once you run out of bookshelf space, titles often end up living under beds or in wardrobes - sometimes just in stacks. We've been there so we've listed our favourite creative ways to display books in this

Stephanie Hady
15 Fun and Amazing Ways to Display Books - Design, Inspiration, Decoration, Book Shelves In Bedroom, Bookshelf Organization, Book Shelf Ideas Bedroom Small Spaces, Bookshelf Ideas, Bookshelves For Small Spaces, Bookshelf Inspiration

Showing off your book collection is never goes out in style. Book brings color, warmth and personality to your space and it is also fun to curl up with. You can store your book with a simple open-backed shelving unit that is unique and could be a useful for a room divider. It is offer the illusion of a separate space without completely closing it off visually and it is allow light to flow through to both sides of the room and provide storage at the same time.
