Antique photography

Explore the timeless beauty of antique photography and discover how it can add a touch of nostalgia to your home decor. Find inspiration and create a vintage vibe with these top ideas.

When thinking about the past, it feels like a surreal reality that sometimes could be more difficult to imagine than the future. But seeing photos from 1800 and 1900 feels even weirder since it is actual proof of it happening. And more importantly, people's lives don't seem to be boring or dull. On the contrary, they look risky, weird, fun, and simply put - entertaining to my futuristic human eyes. I am sure, if these people had the internet back then, we would be greeted with quality memes…

What it looked like to be on the other side of the camera. Photographer Gambier Curtis Reeks taken at the turn of the century.

Gambier Curtis Reeks (1864-1917) was the younger brother of my great-great-grandfather, Alfred Augustus Reeks. Their family owned a photography business in England. He married Rachel Woodnutt in 1895 and had three children: Frederick (1891), Elsie (1894), and Ida (1896).
