Anita berber

Explore the fascinating life and legacy of Anita Berber, the iconic dancer and actress known for her avant-garde performances. Discover her unique artistry and impact on the world of entertainment.
ANITA BERBER Weimar, Berlin, Cabaret Costumes, Weimar Berlin, 1920s Berlin, Anita Berber, Model Icons, Ruth Gordon, Otto Dix

The woman with the shock of dyed red hair, her body wrapped in a fur coat, and a pet monkey grinning and holding tight to her neck was Anita Berber. She danced across the foyer of the Adlon Hotel opened her sable coat and revealed her lustrous naked body underneath. Men leered, goggle-eyed. Women giggled or turned their heads in shock and embarrassment. Anita Berber didn’t care. She liked to shock. She liked the attention. If she didn’t get it, she would shout and throw empty bottles or…

David Melville
Weimar, Weimar Berlin, 1920s Berlin, Anita Berber, Cabaret Costume, Berlin Mode, Drag King, Messy Nessy Chic, Mary Shelley

Anita Berber in one of her most famous choreographies, which she named "Cocaine", 1922. Berlin is a city of ghosts and one of the most alluring phantoms is Anita Berber, the high priestess of debauchery; she of the kohl black eyes and flaming red hair and vermillion lips. Immortalised by Otto Dix

Jeannette Pierce

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