Ad campaign

Supercharge your marketing efforts with effective ad campaign strategies. Discover how to reach your target audience, increase brand awareness, and drive conversions with our top tips and tricks.
This ad campaign “highlights” women of distinction throughout history in order to sell the company’s product, highlighters of course! While clever, one must question, is this advertisement meant to play on the emotions of feminists for the sake of making money? If so, is this ethical? Do ads that elicit an emotional response sell more products? How should we view these types of images to prevent ourselves from being manipulated? Campaign, Ad Campaign, Advertising Campaign, Advertising, Advertising Awards, Advertising Design, Creative Advertising, Ads, Print Advertising

This ad campaign “highlights” women of distinction throughout history in order to sell the company’s product, highlighters of course! While clever, one must question, is this advertisement meant to play on the emotions of feminists for the sake of making money? If so, is this ethical? Do ads that elicit an emotional response sell more products? How should we view these types of images to prevent ourselves from being manipulated?

Ashley Megan
Less Talking, More Listening Motivation, Graphic Design, Graphic Design Posters, Web Design, Typography, Design, Instagram, Inspiration, Print Ads

We are surrounded by items, buildings, and even software that was designed one way or another. It tends to stick out when something is so poorly considered that we have to stop and wonder “what were they thinking?” Fortunately, most of the things around us conform to our expectations. A table is a table and a street sign is a street sign.

Schooljerk Designs