Vintage pottery

Explore unique vintage pottery ideas to add a touch of charm and character to your home decor. Find inspiration to create a timeless and elegant look with vintage pottery.
China, Craftsman, Roseville Pottery Vintage, Roseville Pottery, Antique Pottery, Vintage Pottery, Mccoy Pottery, Vintage China Patterns, Pottery Patterns

The Roseville Pottery Company was founded in 1890. Roseville initially produced simple utilitarian ware such as flower pots, stoneware, umbrella stands, cuspidors, and limited painted ware. In 1900, Roseville Rozane became the first high quality art pottery line produced by Roseville. In the early teens as demand for the more expensive, hand-crafted art pottery declined Roseville pottery shifted production to more commercially produced pottery. Roseville's ability to nimbly adapt to market…
