Trial court

Explore the important role of trial courts in the legal system and how they ensure justice is served. Learn about the key functions and processes of trial courts and their impact on the outcome of cases.
5 Tips for a Better Opening Statement At Trial Hot, Court, Best, Jury, Tips, Privilege, Quote, Start, Entire

As a “hot seat” presenter, I have had the privilege throughout the years to see some really great openings from well- practiced articulate “Trial Warriors” in Court. Some will start their opening with a quote, others will tell a story, while some will make promises to the Jury. An opening statement is a critical moment in a trial, and it sets the tone for the entire case. Here are five tips for delivering a better opening statement at trial:

Seacoast Multimedia
Sounds of Christmas - DebBrammer Christmas, A Christmas Story, Christmas Program, Christmas Play, Ministry, Childrens Ministry, Children's Ministry, Bible Study Verses, Easter Egg Party

Sounds of Christmas By Deb Brammer (an interactive Christmas story using rhythm instruments) Sounds: Joy: triangle Bells: bells Rush: castanets, clicked quickly like running footsteps Shake: shaker (could use rice in an plastic Easter egg) Parties: toy drum, party horn, shaker Quiet: pause in narration Walking: castanets, clicked slowly like walking footsteps … Continue reading →

Stephanie Wendt
hair color Red Hair, Blonde Highlights, Lindsay Lohan, Lindsay Lohan Hair, Beautiful Redhead, Beau, Redhead, Blonde, Hollywood

Courtroom or catwalk? Perp walk or runway strut? These are the "important" questions that the media has focused on in recent years when it comes to celebrities' run-ins with the law. Headlines focus not on their underlying criminal offenses, but instead on their couture du jour. This rings especially true in the case of Lindsay Lohan....

Ashley Nicole