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ἁρμόζω , Att. ἁρμόττω , Dor. ἁρμόσδω Theoc.1.53 (ἐφ-); part.
A.ἁρμόσσονHp.Art.37: impf. ἥρμοζον, Dor.“ἅρμ-Pi.N.8.11: fut. “ἁρμόσωS.Ant.1318 (lyr.), Hp.Fract.31, Ar.Th.263: aor. “ἥρμοσαIl.3.333, etc., Dor. “ἅρμοξαPi.N.10.12 (συν-): pf.“ἥρμοκαArist.Po.1459b32:— Med., Ep. imper. “ἁρμόζεοOd.5.162, “-όζουPhilem.187: fut. “-όσομαιGal.10.971: aor. “ἡρμοσάμηνHdt.5.32, etc., Dor. “ἁρμοξάμηνAlcm.71: —Pass., pf. “ἥρμοσμαιE.Ph.116 (lyr.), Pl.La.193d, Ion. “ἅρμοσμαιHdt.2.124; Dor. inf.“ἁρμόχθαιOcell. ap. Stob.1.13.2; Dor. 3sg. “ἅρμοκταιEcphant. ap. Stob.4.7.64: aor. “ἡρμόσθηνPl.Phd.93a, Dor. “ἁρμόχθηνD.L.8.85: fut. “ἁρμοσθήσομαιS.OC908:—fit together, join, esp. of joiner's work, ἥρμοσεν ἀλλήλοισιν (sc. τὰ δοῦρα) Od.5.247 (also in Med., put together, ἁρμόζεο χαλκῷ εὐρεῖαν σχεδίην ib.162; “ναυπηγίαν ἁρμόζωνE.Cyc.460; “ἁρμόζειν χαίταν στεφάνοισιPi.I.7 6).39; “ἀρβύλαισιν . πόδαE.Hipp.1189; . πόδα ἐπὶ γαίας plant foot on ground, Id.Or.233; “. ποδὸς ἴχνιαSimon.182; ἐν ἁσυχαία βάσει βάσιν ἅρμοσαι (aor. imper. Med.) S.OC198; “στόμ᾽ ἅρμοσονkiss, E.Tr.763; . ψαλίοις ἵππους furnish them with . . , Id.Rh.27 (lyr.).
b. generally, adapt, accommodate, . δίκην εἰς ἕκαστον award each his just due, Sol.36.17; σφισὶν βίοτον . accord them life, Pi.N.7.98; apply a remedy, S.Tr. 687; make ready,τοὐπτάνιονHegesipp. Com.1.19:—Med., accommodate, suit oneself, πρὸς τὴν παροῦσαν πάντοθ᾽ ἁρμόζου τύχην Philem.l.c.; “πρός τιναLuc.Merc.Cond.30; . σύνεσιν acquire it, Hp.Lex2.
2. of marriage, betroth, Hdt.9.108; “. κόρᾳ ἄνδραPi.P.9.117; . γάμον, γάμους, ib.13, E.Ph.411:—Med., betroth to oneself, take to wife,τὴν θυγατέρα τινόςHdt.5.32,47 (but Med. = Act., 2 Ep.Cor.11.2); “. ὡς ἐὰν αἱρῆται γάμῳPOxy.906.7 (ii/iii A. D.):—Pass., ἁρμόσθαι θυγατέρα τινὸς γυναῖκα have her betrothed or married to one, Hdt.3.137; ὡς ἐκείνῳ τῇδέ τ᾽ ἦν ἡρμοσμένα as troth was plighted between him and her, S.Ant.570.
3. bind fast,. τινὰ ἐν ἄρκυσιE.Ba.231.
4. set in order, regulate, govern,στρατ όνPi.N.8.11:—Pass., “[νόμοις] οὐκ ἄλλοισιν ἁρμοσθήσεταιS.OC908; κονδύλοις ἡρμοττόμην I was ruled or drilled with cuffs, Ar.Eq.1236.
b. in the Spartan Constitution, act as harmost,ἐν ταῖς πόλεσινX.Lac.14.2, etc.: c. acc., “ἁρμοστὴν ὃς ἥρμοζε τὴν ἈσίανLuc.Tox.17.
5. in Music, tune instruments, “τὸ σύμφωνονPl.Phlb.56a, etc.:—Med., “ἁρμόττεσθαι ἁρμονίανId.R.591d; . λύραν tune one's lyre, ib.349e; “Δωριστὶ . λύρανAr.Eq.989; “αὐλόνLuc.Harm.1 (but μέλη ἔς τι . adapt them to a subject, Simon. 184):—Pass., of the lyre, “ἡρμόσθαιto be tuned, Pl.Tht.144e, cf. Phd.85e; “ἁρμονίαν καλλίστην ἡρμ.Id.La.188d; “ὁμονοητικὴ καὶ ἡρμοσμένη ψυχήat harmony with itself, Id.R.554e.
6. compose,ᾆσμαPhilostr.Her.19.17.
b. Math., coincide with, c. dat., Papp.612.14; correspond, Hero Aut.1.4.
2. suit, be adapted for,τινίS.OT902 (lyr.), El.1293, And.4.6; τόδ᾽ οὐκ ἐπ᾽ ἄλλον ἁρμόσει shall not be adapted to another, S.Ant.1318; “κἂν ἐπὶ τῶν θηρίων ἁρμόσειε λόγοςArist.Pol.1281b19; εἴς τι, πρός τι, Pl. Plt.289b, 286d; “πρὸς τὰς συνουσίαςIsoc.2.34, cf. D.61.24; of medicines, Dsc.1.2, al.; of an argument, apply, Arist.Ph.209a9, al.; “τὸ τοῦ Ξενοφάνους ἁρμόττειis applicable, Id.Rh.1377a19.
4. part. ἁρμόζων, ουσα, ον, fitting, suitable, Pi.P.4.129; ἁρμόζουσα ἀπόφασις the appropriate verdict, Archim.Sph.Cyl. 1 Praef.;ἀλλήλοιςPl.La. 188d, al.: c. gen., Plb.1.44.1; “πρός τιX.Mem.4.3.5, etc.
5. to be in tune,λύραν ἐπίτειν᾽ ἕως ἂν ἁρμόσῃMacho 2.9.
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