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ἀναδέω , poet. ἀνδέω , Att. contr. part. ἀναδῶν (infr. 1.2): fut. -δήσω: aor. ἀνέδησα (v. infr.): pf. ἀναδέδεκα Nic.Dam.p.113D.:— Med. and Pass., Att. contr. ἀναδοῦνται, ἀναδούμενος (infr. 1.2, 111):— Pass., pf. -δέδεμαι:—
A.bind, iie up, wreath,δάφνᾳ κόμας ἀναδήσαντεςPi.P.10.40; “στέφανοι ἀνέδησαν ἔθειρανI.5(4).9:—Med., ἀναδέεσθαι τὰς κεφαλὰς μίτρῃσι bind their heads . . , Hdt.1.195; ἀνδησάμενος κόμαν having wreathed one's hair, Pi.N.11.28, cf. I.1.28:—so in Pass., “μίτρᾳ ἀναδεδεμένος τὴν κόμηνLuc.DDeor.18.1; κρωβύλον ἀναδεῖσθαι τῶν τριχῶν bind one's hair into a knot, Th.1.6; στέμμ᾽ ἀναδησάμενος having bound his brows with the fillet, Epigr.Gr.873.4 (Cyrene); τίς τοσάσδε . . ἀνεδήσατο νίκας; who has won so many crowns of victory? Simon.10: metaph., “τὴν ἀρχήνApp.BC1.84; κλέος, κράτος, Procop.Vand.2.27, Pers.1.14; “ἆθλονChor.Zach.6.9.
II. ἀναδῆσαι τὴν πατριὴν ἐς ἑκκαιδέκατον θεόν trace one's family to a god in the sixteenth generation, Hdt.2.143.
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