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Father, why are you quiet? Isn't what we're saying true? Aren't you listening? Or are you deafened by the noise?

Shush! What is it?

I'm getting out of here!

Stay, if you can.

No way. But you go ahead: you keep looking and track down the cows, any way you want to, and take the gold ... unless the biggest ... time.

No, I won't leave you, nor sneak away from the work, before we know for sure what's going on in there.

Addressing the source of the noise Hey! You in there! ... voice ... reward ... you will be happy at home. To Silenus He's not coming out. To the noise-maker again. But I'll force you out, making the ground rumble with my swift leaps and kicks, so you'll listen, even if you're altogether deaf.

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