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E. A. Abbott. A Shakespearean Grammar. (English) search this work
Though most widely known today as the author of Flatland, a Victorian social satire and introduction to higher-dimensional geometry, Edwin Abbott Abbott (1838 - 1926) was also for twenty-five years the tireless headmaster of The City of London School, where he wrote A Shakespearian Grammar to help students understand the differences between Elizabethan and modern syntax. It is still the most complete work on the subject.
The Annals of Scotland, An Electronic Edition. (English) search this work
In Some Part Continued From The Time In Which Holinshed Left, Being the Yeare of our Lord 1571, Vntill the Yeare of our Redemption 1586.
Sir Francis Bacon. The New Atlantis. (English) search this work
A Continuation of the Chronicles of Ireland, Comprising the Reigne of King Henrie the Eight., An Electronic Edition. Henry Ellis. (English) search this work
A Continuation of the Chronicles of Ireland, Comprising the Reigne of King Henrie the Eight.
The Description of Ireland, An Electronic Edition. Henry Ellis. (English) search this work
The Description of Scotland, An Electronic Edition. (English) search this work
The Description Of Scotland, Written At The First By Hector Boetius In Latine, And Afterward Translated Into The Scotish Speech By John Belleden Archdeacon Of Murrey, Now Finallie Into English By W. H.
Alexander Dyce. A General Glossary to Shakespeare's Works. (English) search this work
Alexander Dyce, an important Nineteenth Century scholar, collector, bibliophile, and editor of classical and Renaissance literature, compiled this comprehensive dictionary of words used in Shakespeare's drama and poetry. Entries include definitions of words, as well as examples of usage from Shakespeare and other Renaissance writers.
Faust Book. (English) search this work
The First Inhabitation of Ireland, An Electronic Edition. Henry Ellis. (English) search this work
The First Inhabitation of Ireland, by Whome it was Instructed in the Faith, with the Seuerall Inuasions of the Same, &c.
Richard Hakluyt. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. (English) search this work
Richard Hakluyt's Principal Navigations comprises a startlingly thorough and vivid record of English commerce, travel, and international politics through the Sixteenth Century. Hakluyt (1552?-1616) spent years putting together a compendium of all major English journeys "made by sea or overland to the remote & farthest distant quarters of the Earth at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeares," resulting in this treasure-trove of primary sources. The Principal Navigations includes first-hand accounts of voyages to the New World, the Holy Land, Russia, Africa, and Asia; a lengthy description of the English fleet's encounter with the Spanish Armada; correspondence, patents, and passports written by English monarchs and their foreign counterparts (including the Sophy of Persia, the Emperor of Russia, and the "Great Turke"); ship manifestos; trade documents (including ordinances and instructions on how to conduct trade in foreign ports); personal letters; and much more. This is both an invaluable scholarly resource and an excellent choice for casual browsing.
William Harrison. An Historicall Description of the Iland of Britaine, An Electronic Edition. Henry Ellis. (English) search this work
with a Briefe Rehersall of the Nature and Qualities of the People of England, and such Commodities as are to be Found in the Same. Comprehended in Three Bookes.
The History Of England After the Conquest, An Electronic Edition. Henry Ellis. (English) search this work
The History of Scotland, An Electronic Edition. (English) search this work
Conteining the Beginning, Increase, Proceedings, Continuance, Acts and Gouernement of the Scotish Nation, from the Originall thereof vnto the Yeare 1571.
Raphael Holinshed, Abraham Fleming. The Historie Of England, From The Time That It Was First Inhabited, Vntill The Time That It Was Last Conquered, An Electronic Edition. Henry Ellis. (English) search this work
Wherein The Sundrie Alterations Of The State Vnder Forren People Is Declared; And Other Manifold Obseruations Remembred
James I. The Political Works of James I. Charles Howard McIlwain. (English) search this work
When King James VI of Scotland took the English throne in 1603, a range of political possibilities and challenges erupted. Facing urgent questions about a changing national identity, the role of religion in the nation-state, and the proper derivation of kingly authority, James had to negotiate between dangerous extremes. These writings lend valuable insight into English politics during the period between the height of the Renaissance and the devastating Civil Wars only forty years later. This collection of James's most important political works includes Basilikon Doron, James's letter to his son instructing him in the art of kingship, as well as a number of texts in which James vigorously asserts his views on the role of religion in the life of the nation; speeches here include James's comments on the potential unification of England and Scotland and his response to the Guy Fawkes Rebellion. Editor Charles Howard McIlwain also provides a lengthy introduction which contextualizes and summarizes many of the period's most important political debates.
The Irish Historie, An Electronic Edition. Henry Ellis. (English) search this work
Composed And Written By Giraldus Cambrensis, And Translated Into English (With Scholies To The Same) By Iohn Hooker Of The Citie Of Excester Gentleman
Aemelia Lanyer. The Description of Cooke-ham. (English) search this work
M. Annaeus Lucanus. Pharsalia, First Book. Christopher Marlowe. (English) search this work
M. W. MacCallum. Shakespeare's Roman Plays and their Background. (English) search this work
This is Mungo William MacCallum's landmark study of Shakespeare's Roman plays: Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, and Coriolanus. MacCallum (1854-1942), an eminent turn-of-the-century scholar, examines the plays, their relations to each other, and their development from classical and contemporary sources.
Christopher Marlowe.
C. T. Onions. A Shakespeare Glossary. (English) search this work
C. T. Onions's famous 1911 lexicon of terms used in Shakespeare's plays and poems is still an indispensable resource for readers and scholars who wish to clarify their understanding of unfamiliar words or phrases. An outgrowth of his work on the Oxford English Dictionary, this glossary includes brief definitions and examples of usage from Shakespeare, with particular attention to words that are provincial, archaic, unusually connotative, or otherwise obscure for the modern reader.
P. Ovidius Naso.
Henry Peachum..
Plutarch. Lives, Caius Martius Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, Marcus Brutus, Marcus Antonius, Octavius Caesar Augustus, Theseus, Alcibiades. Thomas North, Rev. Walter W. Skeat. (English) search this work
The Processe of Irish Affaires, An Electronic Edition. Henry Ellis. (English) search this work
The Processe Of Irish Affaires (Beginning Where Giraldus Did End) Vntill This Present Age, Being A Witnesse Of Sundrie Things As Yet Fresh In Memorie: Which Processe From Henseforward Is Intituled The Chronicles Of Ireland
Alexander Schmidt. Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary. (English) search this work
Alexander Schmidt's Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary is a painstakingly compiled glossary of every word in the Shakespeare corpus and an exhaustive collection of quotations. It has long been a standard reference work.
William Shakespeare.
Sir Philip Sidney. Defence of Poesie. (English) search this work
The Svpplie Of This Irish Chronicle, An Electronic Edition. Henry Ellis. (English) search this work
The Svpplie Of This Irish Chronicle, Continued From The Death Of King Henrie The Eight, 1546, Vntill This Present Yeare 1586, In The 28 Yeare Of Hir Maiesties Reigne, Sir Iohn Perot Residing Deputie In Ireland.
Thomas Wilson. Wilson's Arte of Rhetorique. G. H. Mair. (English) search this work
Clifford E. Wulfman. The Perseus Garner: An Overview. (English) search this work