Michael Kruse

Senior Staff Writer

Michael Kruse

A senior staff writer at POLITICO and POLITICO Magazine, Michael Kruse has won the National Press Foundation’s Dirksen Award for Distinguished Reporting of Congress, back-to-back National Headliner Awards for his coverage of Donald Trump and a congressional race in Ohio, and a Toner Prize honorable mention for Excellence in National Political Reporting. Prior to POLITICO at the Tampa Bay Times, he won the American Society of News Editors’ distinguished writing award, the Paul Hansell Award for Distinguished Achievement in Florida Journalism and other state, regional and national honors. Anthologized in The Best American Newspaper Narratives, Out There: The Wildest Stories from Outside Magazine, and Next Wave: America’s New Generation of Great Literary Journalists, he’s at work on a book about the 2000 election. A native of the Boston area and a graduate of Davidson College, he lives in North Carolina with his wife, two daughters, three dogs, a cat and a fish.

Michael Kruse