Donald Trump 2024

News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO

  1. Trump this: Donald's got a gun

    Score another point for The Donald with the CPAC crowd: The developer is packin' heat.


    Score another point for The Donald with the CPAC crowd: The developer is packin' heat.

    Donald Trump was on a list of 37,000 names of people licensed to carry handguns in New York reviewed by The New York Times.

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  2. The Donald could debate himself

    If Donald Trump does enter the GOP presidential field, perhaps the most interesting faceoff might be between today’s Trump and the one who a decade ago leaned much further left.


    If Donald Trump does enter the GOP presidential field, perhaps the most interesting faceoff might be between today’s Trump and the one who a decade ago leaned much further left.

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  3. Drafting The Donald

    An Iraq War veteran has launched an official effort to draft Donald Trump for president.


    Donald Trump is pictured. | AP Photo

    An Iraq War veteran has launched an official effort to draft Donald Trump for president.

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  4. D.C. as Cairo: Tumult reigns at CPAC

    Opinion: Like the Egyptians, conservatives still have no idea who their new leader will be.


    While Egypt was sorting out its political crisis on the streets of Cairo, Republicans gathered in a Washington ballroom to bring order to their jumbled world. The events at the CPAC gathering may not have been as epic as the scenes unfolding in Egypt, but for a party obsessed with beating Barack Obama next year, much was at stake.

    That’s too bad for Republicans, since the conservative conference raised more questions for the party than it answered. Like most Egyptians, the conservative movement still has no idea who will lead it through the next election.

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  5. Trump: Gays yes, gay marriage no

    He's in favor of "almost all conservative principles."


    Donald Trump may have some New Yorkers doing a double-take, after he expressed his opposition to same-sex marriage while also saying he digs the city's robust gay population.

    "New York is a place with lots of gays, and I think it's great. But I'm not in favor of gay marriage," Trump said in an interview that aired late Monday night on Fox News. "

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  6. The Donald responds to Paul criticism

    The slugging match between presidential hopefuls Donald Trump and Ron Paul kept going as The Donald hit back at comments the congressman made earlier.


    The slugging match between presidential hopefuls Donald Trump and Ron Paul kept going Monday afternoon, as The Donald hit back at comments the congressman made earlier in the day.

    “I've employed thousands and thousands of people," Trump said on CNN. "I've made billions of dollars, which if I ever decided to run, which is a possibility frankly, I would make lots of money for the American people."

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  7. N.H. poll puts Mitt on top

    Mitt Romney holds a big lead in New Hampshire, according to a new poll.


    Mitt Romney holds a big lead in New Hampshire, according to a new poll out Monday.

    Romney got 40 percent of the vote in the WMUR Granite State Poll, putting him way out in front of Rudy Giuliani, who sits in second place at 10 percent.

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  8. Poll: Trump's unfavorable rating as big as his hair

    Republicans aren't overwhelmingly enamored with the flamboyant billionaire, according to a new poll.


    The CPAC crowd went wild for Donald Trump. But the rest of America isn’t as enamored with the flamboyant billionaire, according to a new poll.

    A Public Policy Polling nationwide survey found that a whopping 56 percent of Republicans have a negative opinion of Trump, while only 29 percent rate him favorably.

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  9. CPAC's winners and losers

    POLITICO’s take on who thrived and who flopped.

    The Conservative Political Action Conference is over. The thousands of activists who converged on northwest Washington have begun returning home. The Sarah Palin impersonator has left the building.

    Now that the music has stopped, it’s time to figure out who thrived at one of the most important events on the conservative calendar and who flopped.

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  10. GOProud deflects criticism for hyping Trump

    GOProud’s push for a Donald Trump write-in campaign at CPAC is striking some here as a pretty obvious attempt to get publicity and possibly endear the group to conference attendees. The group says not so.


    GOProud’s push for a Donald Trump write-in campaign at CPAC is striking some here as a pretty obvious attempt to get publicity and possibly endear the group to conference attendees.

    But Chris Barron, the head of the Republican pro-gay rights group, said Friday that his organization’s support of Trump is not a media stunt, insisting instead that it is a way to show thanks for his support of the organization, whose attendence at CPAC has caused a great deal of controversy.

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  11. Trump's report card

    Donald Trump likes POLITICO — and why shouldn't he?


    The Donald likes POLITICO — and who can blame him?

    "You people at POLITICO, I have to tell you, I have great respect for them because they got up and rated speeches and gave me the highest rating," Donald Trump said Friday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

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  12. Paul not hitting back at The Donald

    Ron Paul talked about almost everything Thursday night except the slamming he received hours earlier from CPAC’s celebrity headliner Donald Trump.


    Ron Paul talked about almost everything Thursday night except the slamming he received hours earlier from CPAC’s " target="_blank" link-data="{"linkText":"celebrity headliner Donald Trump","link":{"target":"NEW","attributes":[],"url":"http://","_id":"0000017f-4e89-d5cd-a57f-ffcff0b00001","_type":"33ac701a-72c1-316a-a3a5-13918cf384df"},"_id":"0000017f-4e89-d5cd-a57f-ffcff0b00002","_type":"02ec1f82-5e56-3b8c-af6e-6fc7c8772266"}">celebrity headliner Donald Trump.

    Appearing at a forum for CPAC faithful with his son, Sen. Rand Paul, the elder Paul only slightly alluded to Trump’s suggestion that the Libertarian favorite just can’t win the White House.

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  13. CPAC to Trump: You're hired!

    Donald Trump addressing the CPAC crowd on Thursday afternoon. | AP Photo


    If CPAC is a primary for self-confidence, Donald Trump won hands down.

    The real-estate mogul with a genius for self-promotion gave the most-acclaimed — and most colorful — speech at the conservative gathering this afternoon, from the moment he took the stage to the song "Money, Money, Money."

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  14. Trump makes an entrance

    Donald Trump is swarmed by admirers, photographers and just gawkers upon entering CPAC.

    The Donald Is In the Building

    Donald Trump was swarmed by admirers, photographers and just gawkers upon entering CPAC. He seemed delighted by the attention.

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  15. The hype machine

    A volunteer from the gay Republican group GOProud is passing out leaflets urging CPAC attendees to write in.... Donald Trump on the straw poll.


    A volunteer from the gay Republican group GOProud is passing out leaflets urging CPAC attendees to write in.... Donald Trump on the straw poll.

    The black-and-white piece features a serious-looking half of Trump's face next to a URL,, and a plea to write him in.

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  16. The 2012 Trump card

    Donald Trump says he’s thinking about running for president. Of course, that’s what he said last time.


    Donald Trump says he’s thinking about running for president. But of course, that’s what he said last time. And the time before that. And the time before that.

    Whether to take him at his word this time, then, is debatable. But in multiple interviews since last fall, Trump, 64, has publicly voiced his interest in seeking the 2012 Republican nomination.

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