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The Yin & Yang Of Creative Management David C Carrithers, Chief Bee Keeper
Work & The Creative Spirit
A Thought Creative Thinking 1.  Purge : Dispose of old prejudices, procedures and presuppositions that could and do constrict your thinking. 2.  Prod:  Attack challenges in ways that force you to consider new solutions and new courses of action. 3.  Precipitate  All of a sudden, out of nowhere, out drops something wild because we're thinking differently. Guy Kawasaki
Another Thought  “ All things are created twice: first mentally; then physically. The key to creativity is to begin with the end in mind, with a vision and a blueprint of desired results.” -  Stephen Covey
Insight Into Your Sherpa Dave Carrithers Managed creative organizations, groups and businesses from 2 to 150 20 years experience in semiconductor, chemicals, consumer products, incentives, stored-value & debit cards, development Communications, Marketing, IT, Sales, NBD, Operations Focus on product, business & market development PR, Design, Web, Trade Shows, Direct Mail, Data Base, Advertising (TV, Prints, Radio, Bill Board), Copy Writing Developed $2 billion in incentive products and revenues Managed in a 12 month period over 300 creative projects
Insight Into The Group Most are in the design business, along with web, advertising, public relations and some strategic consulting Most have less than 25 employees, with the majority under 10 Most feel that their jobs are more about babysitting, and being the master/ guiding light (a few added ‘the boss’) Most have between 4 years and more than 10 years in creative management Equal amount feel clients understand and don’t understand the creative process Most do not have a fully developed and/or defined project management process  BusinessHive Study
The Goal Of This Journey In businesses such as yours, the dueling forces of creativity and business can sometimes blur the corporate vision. We will explore some simple tools for achieving a balance between creative satisfaction and the bottom line. You’ll learn how to develop a  project-management approach that brings customer value , but doesn’t create a mountain of paperwork; how to  motivate a creative staff , but keep the focus on profitability; and how to implement an  employee-recognition program  that generates results and re-recruits your team every day.
Hope To Get Out Of The Session How to balance freedom & control Maintaining a contractor/manager relationship Ideas on improving management style & processes See & hear about what others are doing Boundaries Tips on pulling out of a bad mood Clarity, camaraderie & energy Insight into relationship management ideas Better tools for creative types
Hope To Get Out Of The Session Ideas for a more stimulating environment Sharing ideas with other design & studio owners New methods for encouraging team work New methods to inspire creativity How to streamline our process Inspiration, insight & validation Balance budgets Vs. creative time Project management ideas Motivating account staff to think creatively Building teams out of left vs. right brainers
Hope To Get Out Of The Session Renewed interest in the business Better focus for the future of my business Management tools & help Management insight See how others are doing it New ideas & leadership skills Employee reviews & happiness Project management process ideas Profit/creative satisfaction balance How do others divide job tasks
Creative Management  Creativity Business
Creative Management Shouldn't Be
Creative Management Could Be
Meeting Thought Creative management is no accident. It is all about planning & strategy to allow both the chaos of creative individualism to operate within a defined and developed business process. Successful creative doesn’t just happen . The good of the one outweighs the good of the many
Today We Will Explore The necessary processes of managing a creative business The necessary spirit & Zeitgeist of a creative business The unsaid elements that impact life & sanity when heading up a creative business Sharing of ideas & experiences Ideas on tools to help The Fine Print: for today to be a worthwhile investment everyone must – share, be involved and think!
In Simple Terms Processes Formats Requirements Project Software Performance Reviews Billing Offices Schedules Training Budgets Successful Creative Management Is More Than It Is: ‘ Leadership Of Ideas Focused On A Cause!’
The Animals We Have In The Room Dove – totally beautiful, peaceful, yet able to soar Golden Retriever – trusted, sturdy, lovable Panther – sleek, smooth & aggressive Owl – wise, knowledgeable & able to turn 360 Peregrine Falcon – fly where I want, ride thermals Lion – king of the jungle Cat – agility and can clean themselves Dog – like being lazy Bear – not worry about anyone else do what I want Tortoise – plan & plod slowly, resolute, cautious Fox – cunning, swift, beautiful, resourceful, family oriented Human – I’m tired of running around like a dog Phoenix – continually recreating myself Tico & The Golden Wings
Share Your Worst & horrible moment in creative management Most memorable & proud moment in creative management
Challenging Thoughts Could all the tactics of business management get in the way of what is required to make your business succeed? Could you be doing everything that is taught in business management and still miss the mark? Could you be impacting the lives of those on your team and not realize the cost in human spirit?
Lesson Of The Red Suit  All people, no matter age, race or history have basic wants & needs Adults are the children they were When we have a beard & costume to hide behind we let our humanity come though Sometimes, listening is more important than delivering
A Few Questions? How many of you really listen to what your clients need (not so much want)? How many of you correctly convey the requirements of the client project to the people who need to get it done? How many of you create a spirit of creativity, growth and security in your work environments? How many of you have a relationship with your clients & employees that is enriching and gives you energy? How many of you have a mission that is beyond the bottom line?
Look Inward & What Do You Find? How would you describe yourself? A leader? A risk taker? A coach? A teacher? A business person? A facilitator? A judge?
Successful Creative Organizations Vision and mission statement that goes beyond the owners / business driver Clearly defined roles & responsibilities Freedom to think and try new things – even fail without persecution (look at it as a learning) Reward & praise openly, criticize and coach in private Strong project management process, self developed but takes benchmarked think from elsewhere Performance reviews that include input from peers, customers and self A Connection of creative results to business results
Either Be Comfortable Or Productive Level Of Anxiety Team Performance Complacency = Boredom/Apathy Creative Tension = Excitement Terror = Flight or Catatonia Managing Creativity, by Donna Shirley
Successful Creative Organizations  A confident leader at the helm that is OK with different views, ideas and solutions Bring the client into the process, as an advocate – this means bring the creative team closer to the client Continual training and education Formal & informal communications approaches Listening skills Continually demonstrations and dialogue on business and why things are done and why not – NO forced actions and beliefs  A THINKING ORGANISM
The Creative Employee Brain & Heart Different because of the  nature of creative people
Insights – Creative Employees When are you most creative at work & why? Distractions are minimal and clear direction in terms of what the project needs to encompass Environment that encourages the right mood is vital Knowing the deadline & why Resources, energy & deadline Certain amount of bad stuff before you can make good stuff, it’s fairly easy to make mediocre stuff on the first try When I’m by myself and have a chance to hear my self think and let my mind wander – rather than the feeling I get when I stay within boundaries at “creative meetings” BusinessHive creative research study, July 2001
Insights – Creative Employees Biggest Beefs/Concerns? Lack of understanding as to what needs to happen to make a job happen Creative must use their talents, but some projects are better suited for different styles Wanting the best results with the least amount of time to do it and the least resources – only thing to draw upon is your energy and there is a price to pay Slick & cool looking does not equal good idea Taking the day-to-day and even bigger things people do for granted and not recognizing accomplishments through salary and pats-on-the-back BusinessHive creative research study, July 2001
Insights – Creative Managers On Managing Creative Teams? Creativity doesn’t happen between 9 to 5 – allow flexibility in place & time – maybe provide lap tops Provide training, all types, to allow growth in the individual When assigning teams make sure the personalities match up/ work and fairly divide up the work on a team The past was about individuals getting noticed, a great TV or print campaign. Now it is the entire relationship with the consumer and customer It is all about the team – no room for individual glory Today is about every-single-day sort of attention and effort BusinessHive creative research study, July 2001
Insights – Creative Managers On Managing Creative Teams? Immediacy, the old adage about the biz used to be ‘but what have you done for me lately?’ Now- a-days ‘lately’ is the last 10 minutes. No time to look back – the only way is up! What’s my role as a creative? Used to be that, even through a creative person might feel pressure and unwanted input from the client, once they got to the shoot, or the edit or the press check they felt like they were in control. Now it might be a clients IT department? Point is – creative people are having a tough time finding their ‘stake’ in the process BusinessHive creative research study, July 2001
Insights – Creative Managers On Managing Creative Teams? Today creative business need multi-disciplined, multi-taskers who can think  Get rid of deadwood fast Tough for creative folks to be as heroic as in the past, it is important for creative businesses to respect and congratulate the breakthrough creative thinking A year ago money was no object. Guess what? It is an object Creativity is a curvy thing it doesn’t always happen on schedule or in a vacuum BusinessHive creative research study, July 2001
Insights – Creative Managers On Managing Creative Teams? I had this really creative designer, but he was so hard to handle. He truly believed his so called creativity gave him license to flout an organization’s rules and common courtesies. As long as he regularly produced good ideas, he could afford to act the part of a corporate free spirit. BusinessHive creative research study, July 2001
Personal Insight: Catalog Team Amuck 10 people in the business Dedicated to catalog design & production Strong technical leader, no vision Worked off each previous year Employees had no team & no voice Headed for complete breakdown 68 year old owner of the company added to the breakdown
Personal Insight: Catalog Team Amuck Met with leader first Then each player one-on-one in their offices, more formal and no more than 10 minutes Next met one-on-one in a more casual environment (grab a soda) Craved leadership not dictatorship, wanted vision Manager thought he was doing the right thing – never asked, never even thought to
Creative Management  Acknowledge creative contribution They want credit for their ideas Loathe those who take credit for their ideas Creative people can’t be fit in into tidy stereotypes Develop a mission and value statement that all buy-into: Truth, trust, respect & unity Share your experiences, ideas & changes
Let Me Share A Story Sir Ernest Shackleton’s British Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1914 to 1916 with the goal of accomplishing the first crossing of the Antarctic continent, a feat he considered to be the last great polar journey of the "Heroic Age of Exploration."  In December 1914, Shackleton set sail with his 27-man crew, many of whom, it is said, had responded to the following recruitment notice:  "Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success. —Ernest Shackleton."
Let Me Share A Story Endurance crew spent 2 years in the Artic circle and on the ice Shackleton said all of them would get home They were experienced polar explorers They accomplished the unheard of: Survived the sinking of their ship Minimal food stores Sailing the most dangerous seas on the planet Crossing an uncharted mountain range
How? Shackleton’s Leadership 1. Never lose sight of the ultimate goal, and focus energy on short-term objectives.  2. Set a personal example with visible, memorable symbols and behaviors.  3. Instill optimism and self-confidence, but stay grounded in reality.  4. Take care of yourself: Maintain your stamina and let go of guilt.  5. Reinforce the team message constantly: "We are one—we live or die together."  6. Minimize status differences and insist on courtesy and mutual respect.  7. Master conflict—deal with anger in small doses, engage dissidents, and avoid needless power struggles.  8. Find something to celebrate and something to laugh about.  9. Be willing to take the Big Risk.  10. Never give up—there's always another move.  Leading at the Edge: Leadership Lessons from the Extraordinary Saga of Shackleton's Antarctic Expedition
Break Time Thoughts ‘ Of all the things a leader should fear, complacency should head the list.’ John Maxwell Charisma is a liability -- something to be overcome, like a speech impediment. Executive compensation and company performance are not linked.  Technology has nearly zilch to do with sparking a company's transformation from run-of-the-mill to top-of-the-hill. - Built To Last, Jim Collins
Break Time Thoughts Under the guidance of this modest but determined leader, a company must come to terms with three tough questions:  1. What can it be the best at?  2. What drives its economic engine?  3. And what are its people passionate about? - Built To Last, Jim Collins
Tools To Channel Creative Powers David Carrithers
Getting Creative On Track
A Little Demonstration One Volunteer From The Audience Please!
A Thought Be Ready ‘To every person there comes in their lifetime that special moment when you are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to you and your talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds you unprepared or unqualified for work which could have been your finest hour!’ - Sir Winston Churchill
The Following Will Reduce turn over Build employee & team loyalty Reduce individual stress, especially among quite types Reduce or eliminate surprises Allow for changing direction & gaining buy in Build a ‘thinking organization’
The Necessary Tools To Manage A mission & values statement Roles & responsibilities Career direction setting & determining Appropriate project management Feedback & communications (formal & relaxed)
Mission & Values Statement Why? Creative types need a mission & vision to believe in and rally behind They need to feel that they have been a part of developing it Should be up-dated at minimum 2 times a year Attached copies of one example of how to do it Remember, once you do it live it You need to be a living example
Roles & Responsibilities  Have done before you hire someone Clear definition of job personalities and the positions role within the organization The position should not be designed for a specific person Clearly out line: Job description Who they report to and who reports to them Any specific areas of additional responsibilities  Client interaction expectations, etc.
Individual Career Direction Setting Before you hire spend one-one-one non-formal time (small group even better) More than performance reviews every six months – ‘daily adjustments’ Chance to benchmark personal success Encourage maintaining personal portfolios & resumes: Why? Reminds the individual of all they have accomplished Carry out 360 degree feed back Personal development & training plan Time management, presentation skills
Appropriate Project Management  Personal Insight: “ Be super creative, as long as it’s green & fits in a number ten envelop!”
Appropriate Project Management  MethodLogic – Creative Commerce Group Project tools over kill Project tools drive results Over Chinese food great ideas 1 day design session = great input Freely misses plan dates Project plan dates are everything Entrepreneurial fluid thinking Industrial linear thinking Works in bursts 24 hours a day Works intensely 8 to 5 Interactive – easily gets off track Guarded interactions Develops by trial & error - reactive Develops by milestones & proactive All about originality & success All about knowledge & resources Creative Thinking Task-Based Thinking Challenge me! I love the interaction! Do not challenge me!
Appropriate Project Management Build a process that brings value to the client, beyond completion of the project, on-time & on-budget (more than budget management) Most overlooked element is requirements gathering – the more questions the better Build a list, as a team, of every possible question that you could ask to help make sure the client gets what they need Regurgitate what you hear and learn Hold cross functional team meetings on large projects Include in performance reviews % time followed/complete Project management training Sell your process as much as your creative ability
Appropriate Project Management
Appropriate Project Management
Appropriate Project Management What you need to take into account:  Project owner Requirements gathering step (questions & understanding) Confirmation Group / Resource assignment Milestones/ Dates  Who does what, when and to whom Communications and confirmation Priority setting Completion & feed back Never assume anything!
‘Human Factor’ In PM = Velocity Determine up front how much or little the specific project requires the tools, tracking and formal processes Create a vision the team can belive in, including how fast and why Create a sense of urgency and action (if it can be done now then do it) Important means speed – velocity only comes with a clear understanding of where you started and where you are going Make it real, make it tangible The pace of the leader sets the pace of the pack!
Feedback & Communications Formal Employee surveys Performance reviews Client benchmarking Industry research & reports  Relaxed One-on-one conversations Quick surveys after a project
The Business World Today… Creates leadership vacuums: Consensus management Group think Political correctness The tallest blade gets cut first Fear of risk No where are these points written – they are learned!
I’m Here To Tell You … It is not going to be the technology It is not going to be the client It is not doing to be the tools It is not going to be the management You are the single most critical element to a successful creative team… U
A Quick Story U.S. Navy Cmdr. Mike Abrashoff took the worst ship in the Navy and transformed it into the top ship in the Pacific Fleet. In 1997, Abrashoff, a well-decorated officer, was assigned command of the USS Benfold, a ship with a $60 million budget and a crew of 300. Under his people-first leadership, crew retention increased from 28 to 100 percent, the ship achieved best-ever results in every competitive category, and it consistently operated at 75 percent of budget, returning millions to U.S. taxpayers. To cap off Abrashoff's success, the Benfold won the prestigious Spokane Trophy for the best ship in the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet.
Break Time Thoughts Killer Be’s Be brave! Be bold! Be adventurous! Be courageous! Be persistent! The best way to predict your future is to create it!
Improving Performance David Carrithers
Individual Performance Improvement
Thoughts The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. ~ William James I think the problem of management of creative people is both fantastically difficult & important.  - Abraham Maslow
Employee Insights All businesses have employee problems Most companies operate between the world of employee myth and reality
Employee Insights Employees were asked what they would be willing to do to earn a trip valued at $2,000: 79% Improve attitudes 71% Increase workloads 68% Work more hours 67% Increase the speed and intensity of work (Wirthlin Worldwide, Aug. 2001) Average cost to find, hire, train a new employee = $20,000 to $50,000
Employee Insights A study of CEOs by Transearch, an executive recruiting firm,  46 percent of respondents said that finding good people and keeping them is their single biggest worry . Similarly, three quarters of the corporate officers in a McKinsey study said their companies had insufficient talent or were "chronically talent-short across the board."  The number of  35-to-44 year olds -the critical wellspring of management talent-is  expected to decline 15 percent by 2015 , according to the U.S. Census Bureau.  "At the end of the day,  we bet on people , not strategies." Larry Bossidy, CEO AlliedSignal
Types of Programs Attendance Suggestions (reduce costs, generate revenue, quality of life) Quality Initiatives Safety Service Anniversary Employee/Sales Referrals Honor & Recognition Productivity Team Building Change Management Customer Service  Gift (Holidays, etc.) Training/Certification On-the-Spot Thanks
‘Individual Success’ = Spirit Utilize recognition & incentives Non-cash rewards are better Both team and individual rewards & recognition Reward for each milestone or important result Say thank you, in writing and in group settings Hold up performers Hold a kick off meeting followed up with an activity Reward positive behaviors openly, handle poor behaviors privately and one-on-one (use as a learning experience) Get management to ‘stop by’ performing individuals cubes/offices or meetings to say ‘I heard and wanted to say…’  Create performance legends & stories Positive spirit begins with you
‘Individual Success’ = Spirit ‘ The moment people in an organization are recognized, they will act to get recognition. The moment they realize that the organization rewards for the right behavior, they will accept it.’   Peter Drucker – WSJ Positive, Immediate and Certain Change requires a motivator - what gets rewarded gets done Award needs to have meaning and be beyond the living basics Cash is limited in promotion value, long-term remembrance and excitement
Motivation Basics Psychic Income Monetary  Needs Move beyond the basic needs, “more than monetary”  Tap into the psychic needs Look beyond the  common place, every day Maslow’s Pyramid Self- Realization Fulfillment of  potential Personal Esteem Honor, job importance,  title Social Acceptance Love, togetherness, teamwork, recognition by family, friends, neighbors Security From economic and physical danger Physical Comfort Food, drink, clothing, shelter
Non-Cash Rewards Are More Powerful NON-CASH REWARDS Offers special recognition — “trophy value,” peer recognition, bragging rights Have a higher perceived value — are less expense than cash because of perceived value Have more  impact  than cash because they are promotable, memorable, and special CASH Is cold and non-emotional Is confidential — not socially acceptable to brag about how much cash you have Can never have a higher perceived value — $100 is always $100 Doesn’t stand out because it’s not unique, memorable nor promotable VS
Trophy Value Tangible symbol - more than cash compensation Provides sense of award prestige Lasting memory of effort and sponsoring company - impact Reinforcement to motivate future behavior
Type Of Rewards Large merchandise catalogues  Catalogues from retail/direct mail companies Wide variety of merchandise from manufacturers  Group and individual travel  Retail gift certificates  Universal gift certificates Web certificates/ points Open incentive cards Cash/Payroll  Trophies/Plaques (H&R) Logoed merchandise Event tickets  In-kind/discounts/coupons Frequent flyer miles Phone Cards Selective or “filtered” incentive cards
‘Individual Success’ = Spirit
‘Individual Success’ = Spirit Have a strategy for reinforcing the new behaviors that align with your new work design -  Creating a successful team structure requires changes in behavior for everyone . Identifying the desired behaviors, and reinforcing them immediately, will bring about a smoother change. Use a  demand-pull model for motivating employees  - The specific, team-supportive behaviors expected from employees should be clearly communicated. As team members and leaders begin to use these behaviors and become more self-directed, they should be given more control and more freedom to act, make decisions, gain autonomy, get access to reward/celebration funds, etc. With this approach, teams are motivated to move forward, receive more training, and excel within the team system.   Reference: Daniels, Aubrey. Bringing Out the Best in People
‘Individual Success’ = Spirit Make the criteria for receiving reinforcement and rewards clear and achievable -  The more unclear contingencies for rewards are, the more confusion and skepticism employees will exhibit . Reward and reinforce individual efforts as well as team performance  - Individual recognition is important, but use it to reinforce a members contributions to the team.  Reference: Daniels, Aubrey. Bringing Out the Best in People
‘Individual Success’ = Spirit Empower teams gradually and systematically  - turn over responsibilities such as self-management and decision making only when team members are ready, and initially provide a limited scope for them. Handing over complete  empowerment immediately , especially when employees are not used to it,  can be disruptive  and counter-productive.  Reference: Daniels, Aubrey. Bringing Out the Best in People
Other Ideas Find ways to help employees lives by offering service for performance, like lawn care, house cleaning, chef in the house Hold peer review session twice a year where each member presents what they think is the best they have done and why – let peers review, stay out of it (yet make sure it doesn’t get nasty) Have activities that involve the family
Topic Change Preparedness Ideas: Meet with employees to build a plan of action in case of disaster Build a phone and e-mail list (including personal contact information) and mail to all homes, keep a copy in safe deposit box Reference attached article
Final Thoughts Energy, effort and enthusiasm are all parts of successful creative efforts. Take care of yourself physically. Eat & exercise sensibly. Get enough rest and relaxation. Creativity and creative life are marathons, not hundred-yard dashes. The environment you fashion out of your thoughts, your beliefs, your ideals, your philosophy is the environment you live in.
Thank You For Your Time David Carrithers, Chief Bee Keeper Providing consulting services for business individuals looking for honest and straightforward counseling, coaching & implementation of business solutions that improve profit performance and loyalty with employees, channels and   customers .  www.BusinessHive.com Generating Results Through: Targeted Individualized Coaching Program Improved Customer & Employee Loyalty Enhanced Product, Market & Business Development Results Profitable Brainstorming & Product Creation Faster & More Accurate Product & Business Launch Management Unbiased Incentive Program Assessment & Support Dynamic Organizational Development 707-484-3620 or e-mail David@BusinessHive.com

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Yin And Yang Of Creative Management How Conference

  • 1. The Yin & Yang Of Creative Management David C Carrithers, Chief Bee Keeper
  • 2. Work & The Creative Spirit
  • 3. A Thought Creative Thinking 1. Purge : Dispose of old prejudices, procedures and presuppositions that could and do constrict your thinking. 2. Prod: Attack challenges in ways that force you to consider new solutions and new courses of action. 3. Precipitate All of a sudden, out of nowhere, out drops something wild because we're thinking differently. Guy Kawasaki
  • 4. Another Thought “ All things are created twice: first mentally; then physically. The key to creativity is to begin with the end in mind, with a vision and a blueprint of desired results.” - Stephen Covey
  • 5. Insight Into Your Sherpa Dave Carrithers Managed creative organizations, groups and businesses from 2 to 150 20 years experience in semiconductor, chemicals, consumer products, incentives, stored-value & debit cards, development Communications, Marketing, IT, Sales, NBD, Operations Focus on product, business & market development PR, Design, Web, Trade Shows, Direct Mail, Data Base, Advertising (TV, Prints, Radio, Bill Board), Copy Writing Developed $2 billion in incentive products and revenues Managed in a 12 month period over 300 creative projects
  • 6. Insight Into The Group Most are in the design business, along with web, advertising, public relations and some strategic consulting Most have less than 25 employees, with the majority under 10 Most feel that their jobs are more about babysitting, and being the master/ guiding light (a few added ‘the boss’) Most have between 4 years and more than 10 years in creative management Equal amount feel clients understand and don’t understand the creative process Most do not have a fully developed and/or defined project management process BusinessHive Study
  • 7. The Goal Of This Journey In businesses such as yours, the dueling forces of creativity and business can sometimes blur the corporate vision. We will explore some simple tools for achieving a balance between creative satisfaction and the bottom line. You’ll learn how to develop a project-management approach that brings customer value , but doesn’t create a mountain of paperwork; how to motivate a creative staff , but keep the focus on profitability; and how to implement an employee-recognition program that generates results and re-recruits your team every day.
  • 8. Hope To Get Out Of The Session How to balance freedom & control Maintaining a contractor/manager relationship Ideas on improving management style & processes See & hear about what others are doing Boundaries Tips on pulling out of a bad mood Clarity, camaraderie & energy Insight into relationship management ideas Better tools for creative types
  • 9. Hope To Get Out Of The Session Ideas for a more stimulating environment Sharing ideas with other design & studio owners New methods for encouraging team work New methods to inspire creativity How to streamline our process Inspiration, insight & validation Balance budgets Vs. creative time Project management ideas Motivating account staff to think creatively Building teams out of left vs. right brainers
  • 10. Hope To Get Out Of The Session Renewed interest in the business Better focus for the future of my business Management tools & help Management insight See how others are doing it New ideas & leadership skills Employee reviews & happiness Project management process ideas Profit/creative satisfaction balance How do others divide job tasks
  • 11. Creative Management Creativity Business
  • 14. Meeting Thought Creative management is no accident. It is all about planning & strategy to allow both the chaos of creative individualism to operate within a defined and developed business process. Successful creative doesn’t just happen . The good of the one outweighs the good of the many
  • 15. Today We Will Explore The necessary processes of managing a creative business The necessary spirit & Zeitgeist of a creative business The unsaid elements that impact life & sanity when heading up a creative business Sharing of ideas & experiences Ideas on tools to help The Fine Print: for today to be a worthwhile investment everyone must – share, be involved and think!
  • 16. In Simple Terms Processes Formats Requirements Project Software Performance Reviews Billing Offices Schedules Training Budgets Successful Creative Management Is More Than It Is: ‘ Leadership Of Ideas Focused On A Cause!’
  • 17. The Animals We Have In The Room Dove – totally beautiful, peaceful, yet able to soar Golden Retriever – trusted, sturdy, lovable Panther – sleek, smooth & aggressive Owl – wise, knowledgeable & able to turn 360 Peregrine Falcon – fly where I want, ride thermals Lion – king of the jungle Cat – agility and can clean themselves Dog – like being lazy Bear – not worry about anyone else do what I want Tortoise – plan & plod slowly, resolute, cautious Fox – cunning, swift, beautiful, resourceful, family oriented Human – I’m tired of running around like a dog Phoenix – continually recreating myself Tico & The Golden Wings
  • 18. Share Your Worst & horrible moment in creative management Most memorable & proud moment in creative management
  • 19. Challenging Thoughts Could all the tactics of business management get in the way of what is required to make your business succeed? Could you be doing everything that is taught in business management and still miss the mark? Could you be impacting the lives of those on your team and not realize the cost in human spirit?
  • 20. Lesson Of The Red Suit All people, no matter age, race or history have basic wants & needs Adults are the children they were When we have a beard & costume to hide behind we let our humanity come though Sometimes, listening is more important than delivering
  • 21. A Few Questions? How many of you really listen to what your clients need (not so much want)? How many of you correctly convey the requirements of the client project to the people who need to get it done? How many of you create a spirit of creativity, growth and security in your work environments? How many of you have a relationship with your clients & employees that is enriching and gives you energy? How many of you have a mission that is beyond the bottom line?
  • 22. Look Inward & What Do You Find? How would you describe yourself? A leader? A risk taker? A coach? A teacher? A business person? A facilitator? A judge?
  • 23. Successful Creative Organizations Vision and mission statement that goes beyond the owners / business driver Clearly defined roles & responsibilities Freedom to think and try new things – even fail without persecution (look at it as a learning) Reward & praise openly, criticize and coach in private Strong project management process, self developed but takes benchmarked think from elsewhere Performance reviews that include input from peers, customers and self A Connection of creative results to business results
  • 24. Either Be Comfortable Or Productive Level Of Anxiety Team Performance Complacency = Boredom/Apathy Creative Tension = Excitement Terror = Flight or Catatonia Managing Creativity, by Donna Shirley
  • 25. Successful Creative Organizations A confident leader at the helm that is OK with different views, ideas and solutions Bring the client into the process, as an advocate – this means bring the creative team closer to the client Continual training and education Formal & informal communications approaches Listening skills Continually demonstrations and dialogue on business and why things are done and why not – NO forced actions and beliefs A THINKING ORGANISM
  • 26. The Creative Employee Brain & Heart Different because of the nature of creative people
  • 27. Insights – Creative Employees When are you most creative at work & why? Distractions are minimal and clear direction in terms of what the project needs to encompass Environment that encourages the right mood is vital Knowing the deadline & why Resources, energy & deadline Certain amount of bad stuff before you can make good stuff, it’s fairly easy to make mediocre stuff on the first try When I’m by myself and have a chance to hear my self think and let my mind wander – rather than the feeling I get when I stay within boundaries at “creative meetings” BusinessHive creative research study, July 2001
  • 28. Insights – Creative Employees Biggest Beefs/Concerns? Lack of understanding as to what needs to happen to make a job happen Creative must use their talents, but some projects are better suited for different styles Wanting the best results with the least amount of time to do it and the least resources – only thing to draw upon is your energy and there is a price to pay Slick & cool looking does not equal good idea Taking the day-to-day and even bigger things people do for granted and not recognizing accomplishments through salary and pats-on-the-back BusinessHive creative research study, July 2001
  • 29. Insights – Creative Managers On Managing Creative Teams? Creativity doesn’t happen between 9 to 5 – allow flexibility in place & time – maybe provide lap tops Provide training, all types, to allow growth in the individual When assigning teams make sure the personalities match up/ work and fairly divide up the work on a team The past was about individuals getting noticed, a great TV or print campaign. Now it is the entire relationship with the consumer and customer It is all about the team – no room for individual glory Today is about every-single-day sort of attention and effort BusinessHive creative research study, July 2001
  • 30. Insights – Creative Managers On Managing Creative Teams? Immediacy, the old adage about the biz used to be ‘but what have you done for me lately?’ Now- a-days ‘lately’ is the last 10 minutes. No time to look back – the only way is up! What’s my role as a creative? Used to be that, even through a creative person might feel pressure and unwanted input from the client, once they got to the shoot, or the edit or the press check they felt like they were in control. Now it might be a clients IT department? Point is – creative people are having a tough time finding their ‘stake’ in the process BusinessHive creative research study, July 2001
  • 31. Insights – Creative Managers On Managing Creative Teams? Today creative business need multi-disciplined, multi-taskers who can think Get rid of deadwood fast Tough for creative folks to be as heroic as in the past, it is important for creative businesses to respect and congratulate the breakthrough creative thinking A year ago money was no object. Guess what? It is an object Creativity is a curvy thing it doesn’t always happen on schedule or in a vacuum BusinessHive creative research study, July 2001
  • 32. Insights – Creative Managers On Managing Creative Teams? I had this really creative designer, but he was so hard to handle. He truly believed his so called creativity gave him license to flout an organization’s rules and common courtesies. As long as he regularly produced good ideas, he could afford to act the part of a corporate free spirit. BusinessHive creative research study, July 2001
  • 33. Personal Insight: Catalog Team Amuck 10 people in the business Dedicated to catalog design & production Strong technical leader, no vision Worked off each previous year Employees had no team & no voice Headed for complete breakdown 68 year old owner of the company added to the breakdown
  • 34. Personal Insight: Catalog Team Amuck Met with leader first Then each player one-on-one in their offices, more formal and no more than 10 minutes Next met one-on-one in a more casual environment (grab a soda) Craved leadership not dictatorship, wanted vision Manager thought he was doing the right thing – never asked, never even thought to
  • 35. Creative Management Acknowledge creative contribution They want credit for their ideas Loathe those who take credit for their ideas Creative people can’t be fit in into tidy stereotypes Develop a mission and value statement that all buy-into: Truth, trust, respect & unity Share your experiences, ideas & changes
  • 36. Let Me Share A Story Sir Ernest Shackleton’s British Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1914 to 1916 with the goal of accomplishing the first crossing of the Antarctic continent, a feat he considered to be the last great polar journey of the "Heroic Age of Exploration." In December 1914, Shackleton set sail with his 27-man crew, many of whom, it is said, had responded to the following recruitment notice: "Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success. —Ernest Shackleton."
  • 37. Let Me Share A Story Endurance crew spent 2 years in the Artic circle and on the ice Shackleton said all of them would get home They were experienced polar explorers They accomplished the unheard of: Survived the sinking of their ship Minimal food stores Sailing the most dangerous seas on the planet Crossing an uncharted mountain range
  • 38. How? Shackleton’s Leadership 1. Never lose sight of the ultimate goal, and focus energy on short-term objectives. 2. Set a personal example with visible, memorable symbols and behaviors. 3. Instill optimism and self-confidence, but stay grounded in reality. 4. Take care of yourself: Maintain your stamina and let go of guilt. 5. Reinforce the team message constantly: "We are one—we live or die together." 6. Minimize status differences and insist on courtesy and mutual respect. 7. Master conflict—deal with anger in small doses, engage dissidents, and avoid needless power struggles. 8. Find something to celebrate and something to laugh about. 9. Be willing to take the Big Risk. 10. Never give up—there's always another move. Leading at the Edge: Leadership Lessons from the Extraordinary Saga of Shackleton's Antarctic Expedition
  • 39. Break Time Thoughts ‘ Of all the things a leader should fear, complacency should head the list.’ John Maxwell Charisma is a liability -- something to be overcome, like a speech impediment. Executive compensation and company performance are not linked. Technology has nearly zilch to do with sparking a company's transformation from run-of-the-mill to top-of-the-hill. - Built To Last, Jim Collins
  • 40. Break Time Thoughts Under the guidance of this modest but determined leader, a company must come to terms with three tough questions: 1. What can it be the best at? 2. What drives its economic engine? 3. And what are its people passionate about? - Built To Last, Jim Collins
  • 41. Tools To Channel Creative Powers David Carrithers
  • 43. A Little Demonstration One Volunteer From The Audience Please!
  • 44. A Thought Be Ready ‘To every person there comes in their lifetime that special moment when you are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to you and your talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds you unprepared or unqualified for work which could have been your finest hour!’ - Sir Winston Churchill
  • 45. The Following Will Reduce turn over Build employee & team loyalty Reduce individual stress, especially among quite types Reduce or eliminate surprises Allow for changing direction & gaining buy in Build a ‘thinking organization’
  • 46. The Necessary Tools To Manage A mission & values statement Roles & responsibilities Career direction setting & determining Appropriate project management Feedback & communications (formal & relaxed)
  • 47. Mission & Values Statement Why? Creative types need a mission & vision to believe in and rally behind They need to feel that they have been a part of developing it Should be up-dated at minimum 2 times a year Attached copies of one example of how to do it Remember, once you do it live it You need to be a living example
  • 48. Roles & Responsibilities Have done before you hire someone Clear definition of job personalities and the positions role within the organization The position should not be designed for a specific person Clearly out line: Job description Who they report to and who reports to them Any specific areas of additional responsibilities Client interaction expectations, etc.
  • 49. Individual Career Direction Setting Before you hire spend one-one-one non-formal time (small group even better) More than performance reviews every six months – ‘daily adjustments’ Chance to benchmark personal success Encourage maintaining personal portfolios & resumes: Why? Reminds the individual of all they have accomplished Carry out 360 degree feed back Personal development & training plan Time management, presentation skills
  • 50. Appropriate Project Management Personal Insight: “ Be super creative, as long as it’s green & fits in a number ten envelop!”
  • 51. Appropriate Project Management MethodLogic – Creative Commerce Group Project tools over kill Project tools drive results Over Chinese food great ideas 1 day design session = great input Freely misses plan dates Project plan dates are everything Entrepreneurial fluid thinking Industrial linear thinking Works in bursts 24 hours a day Works intensely 8 to 5 Interactive – easily gets off track Guarded interactions Develops by trial & error - reactive Develops by milestones & proactive All about originality & success All about knowledge & resources Creative Thinking Task-Based Thinking Challenge me! I love the interaction! Do not challenge me!
  • 52. Appropriate Project Management Build a process that brings value to the client, beyond completion of the project, on-time & on-budget (more than budget management) Most overlooked element is requirements gathering – the more questions the better Build a list, as a team, of every possible question that you could ask to help make sure the client gets what they need Regurgitate what you hear and learn Hold cross functional team meetings on large projects Include in performance reviews % time followed/complete Project management training Sell your process as much as your creative ability
  • 55. Appropriate Project Management What you need to take into account: Project owner Requirements gathering step (questions & understanding) Confirmation Group / Resource assignment Milestones/ Dates Who does what, when and to whom Communications and confirmation Priority setting Completion & feed back Never assume anything!
  • 56. ‘Human Factor’ In PM = Velocity Determine up front how much or little the specific project requires the tools, tracking and formal processes Create a vision the team can belive in, including how fast and why Create a sense of urgency and action (if it can be done now then do it) Important means speed – velocity only comes with a clear understanding of where you started and where you are going Make it real, make it tangible The pace of the leader sets the pace of the pack!
  • 57. Feedback & Communications Formal Employee surveys Performance reviews Client benchmarking Industry research & reports Relaxed One-on-one conversations Quick surveys after a project
  • 58. The Business World Today… Creates leadership vacuums: Consensus management Group think Political correctness The tallest blade gets cut first Fear of risk No where are these points written – they are learned!
  • 59. I’m Here To Tell You … It is not going to be the technology It is not going to be the client It is not doing to be the tools It is not going to be the management You are the single most critical element to a successful creative team… U
  • 60. A Quick Story U.S. Navy Cmdr. Mike Abrashoff took the worst ship in the Navy and transformed it into the top ship in the Pacific Fleet. In 1997, Abrashoff, a well-decorated officer, was assigned command of the USS Benfold, a ship with a $60 million budget and a crew of 300. Under his people-first leadership, crew retention increased from 28 to 100 percent, the ship achieved best-ever results in every competitive category, and it consistently operated at 75 percent of budget, returning millions to U.S. taxpayers. To cap off Abrashoff's success, the Benfold won the prestigious Spokane Trophy for the best ship in the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet.
  • 61. Break Time Thoughts Killer Be’s Be brave! Be bold! Be adventurous! Be courageous! Be persistent! The best way to predict your future is to create it!
  • 64. Thoughts The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. ~ William James I think the problem of management of creative people is both fantastically difficult & important. - Abraham Maslow
  • 65. Employee Insights All businesses have employee problems Most companies operate between the world of employee myth and reality
  • 66. Employee Insights Employees were asked what they would be willing to do to earn a trip valued at $2,000: 79% Improve attitudes 71% Increase workloads 68% Work more hours 67% Increase the speed and intensity of work (Wirthlin Worldwide, Aug. 2001) Average cost to find, hire, train a new employee = $20,000 to $50,000
  • 67. Employee Insights A study of CEOs by Transearch, an executive recruiting firm, 46 percent of respondents said that finding good people and keeping them is their single biggest worry . Similarly, three quarters of the corporate officers in a McKinsey study said their companies had insufficient talent or were "chronically talent-short across the board." The number of 35-to-44 year olds -the critical wellspring of management talent-is expected to decline 15 percent by 2015 , according to the U.S. Census Bureau. "At the end of the day, we bet on people , not strategies." Larry Bossidy, CEO AlliedSignal
  • 68. Types of Programs Attendance Suggestions (reduce costs, generate revenue, quality of life) Quality Initiatives Safety Service Anniversary Employee/Sales Referrals Honor & Recognition Productivity Team Building Change Management Customer Service Gift (Holidays, etc.) Training/Certification On-the-Spot Thanks
  • 69. ‘Individual Success’ = Spirit Utilize recognition & incentives Non-cash rewards are better Both team and individual rewards & recognition Reward for each milestone or important result Say thank you, in writing and in group settings Hold up performers Hold a kick off meeting followed up with an activity Reward positive behaviors openly, handle poor behaviors privately and one-on-one (use as a learning experience) Get management to ‘stop by’ performing individuals cubes/offices or meetings to say ‘I heard and wanted to say…’ Create performance legends & stories Positive spirit begins with you
  • 70. ‘Individual Success’ = Spirit ‘ The moment people in an organization are recognized, they will act to get recognition. The moment they realize that the organization rewards for the right behavior, they will accept it.’ Peter Drucker – WSJ Positive, Immediate and Certain Change requires a motivator - what gets rewarded gets done Award needs to have meaning and be beyond the living basics Cash is limited in promotion value, long-term remembrance and excitement
  • 71. Motivation Basics Psychic Income Monetary Needs Move beyond the basic needs, “more than monetary” Tap into the psychic needs Look beyond the common place, every day Maslow’s Pyramid Self- Realization Fulfillment of potential Personal Esteem Honor, job importance, title Social Acceptance Love, togetherness, teamwork, recognition by family, friends, neighbors Security From economic and physical danger Physical Comfort Food, drink, clothing, shelter
  • 72. Non-Cash Rewards Are More Powerful NON-CASH REWARDS Offers special recognition — “trophy value,” peer recognition, bragging rights Have a higher perceived value — are less expense than cash because of perceived value Have more impact than cash because they are promotable, memorable, and special CASH Is cold and non-emotional Is confidential — not socially acceptable to brag about how much cash you have Can never have a higher perceived value — $100 is always $100 Doesn’t stand out because it’s not unique, memorable nor promotable VS
  • 73. Trophy Value Tangible symbol - more than cash compensation Provides sense of award prestige Lasting memory of effort and sponsoring company - impact Reinforcement to motivate future behavior
  • 74. Type Of Rewards Large merchandise catalogues Catalogues from retail/direct mail companies Wide variety of merchandise from manufacturers Group and individual travel Retail gift certificates Universal gift certificates Web certificates/ points Open incentive cards Cash/Payroll Trophies/Plaques (H&R) Logoed merchandise Event tickets In-kind/discounts/coupons Frequent flyer miles Phone Cards Selective or “filtered” incentive cards
  • 76. ‘Individual Success’ = Spirit Have a strategy for reinforcing the new behaviors that align with your new work design - Creating a successful team structure requires changes in behavior for everyone . Identifying the desired behaviors, and reinforcing them immediately, will bring about a smoother change. Use a demand-pull model for motivating employees - The specific, team-supportive behaviors expected from employees should be clearly communicated. As team members and leaders begin to use these behaviors and become more self-directed, they should be given more control and more freedom to act, make decisions, gain autonomy, get access to reward/celebration funds, etc. With this approach, teams are motivated to move forward, receive more training, and excel within the team system. Reference: Daniels, Aubrey. Bringing Out the Best in People
  • 77. ‘Individual Success’ = Spirit Make the criteria for receiving reinforcement and rewards clear and achievable - The more unclear contingencies for rewards are, the more confusion and skepticism employees will exhibit . Reward and reinforce individual efforts as well as team performance - Individual recognition is important, but use it to reinforce a members contributions to the team. Reference: Daniels, Aubrey. Bringing Out the Best in People
  • 78. ‘Individual Success’ = Spirit Empower teams gradually and systematically - turn over responsibilities such as self-management and decision making only when team members are ready, and initially provide a limited scope for them. Handing over complete empowerment immediately , especially when employees are not used to it, can be disruptive and counter-productive. Reference: Daniels, Aubrey. Bringing Out the Best in People
  • 79. Other Ideas Find ways to help employees lives by offering service for performance, like lawn care, house cleaning, chef in the house Hold peer review session twice a year where each member presents what they think is the best they have done and why – let peers review, stay out of it (yet make sure it doesn’t get nasty) Have activities that involve the family
  • 80. Topic Change Preparedness Ideas: Meet with employees to build a plan of action in case of disaster Build a phone and e-mail list (including personal contact information) and mail to all homes, keep a copy in safe deposit box Reference attached article
  • 81. Final Thoughts Energy, effort and enthusiasm are all parts of successful creative efforts. Take care of yourself physically. Eat & exercise sensibly. Get enough rest and relaxation. Creativity and creative life are marathons, not hundred-yard dashes. The environment you fashion out of your thoughts, your beliefs, your ideals, your philosophy is the environment you live in.
  • 82. Thank You For Your Time David Carrithers, Chief Bee Keeper Providing consulting services for business individuals looking for honest and straightforward counseling, coaching & implementation of business solutions that improve profit performance and loyalty with employees, channels and customers . www.BusinessHive.com Generating Results Through: Targeted Individualized Coaching Program Improved Customer & Employee Loyalty Enhanced Product, Market & Business Development Results Profitable Brainstorming & Product Creation Faster & More Accurate Product & Business Launch Management Unbiased Incentive Program Assessment & Support Dynamic Organizational Development 707-484-3620 or e-mail David@BusinessHive.com