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1P a g e
This beautiful image is of a R/W Hard Drive.
This year, Samsung announced a 16 TB SSD.
15 years ago this level of storage was deemed
impossible on a single unit.
In 2016 both of these technologies, along with
Moore’s Law, became obsolete.
2P a g e
INSIDE: Mercedes Concept Driverless
I read that no one can predict the future
and that this fact alone makes it a
worthwhile endeavor.
The simple act of trying to predict the
future made future “predicators” much
better at making estimated guesses
over time than those who did not. It's a
low-risk proposition regardless, as no
one can accurately predict the future
expectations should remain low.
Yet, more and more, this is what we
are asked to do, and it appears that the
expectation for accuracy is rising.
When it comes to consulting we do the
research. A lot of research. This
process is something that Elon Musk
refers to as finding the "Recursive Y."
We know X is going to happen, we can
therefore afford to be liberal with our
predictions on the Y. In strategy, its
necessary to know the X (the “what”),
not quite so much the Y (the exact
3P a g e
INSIDE: Mercedes Concept Driverless
In the process of trying to communicate
potential scenarios for the future we have
observed a number of things. People older
than 25 tend to have blinkers on and high
amounts of resistance at how overwhelming
it can seem. They struggle to understand it
and see much as radical and unfathomable.
People under 25 have a much better grasp
and engage positively. Not all. Most. People
are resistant to change, however we have
found that incumbent generations over 25
can be easily swayed by emerging
generations and proliferation of information.
Often we are asked “so what makes you
sure you know what’s going to be
adopted?” Well, we don’t know 100%, (no
one can predict the future), but we have
asked ourselves the same question.
To this end we have now developed a
framework that we believe does a very
good job of identifying future trends based
on some extremely sound research.
Some of these tools are allowing us to
pinpoint and place the “Recursive Y.”
4P a g e
We have noticed that almost everyone does it in some degree: Businesses form strategies based on vision statements, sometimes 5 years
out. We try to predict lotto numbers, predict the right person to marry, plan our careers, sign leases for 2 years in advance. We set personal
goals for ourselves.
We noticed that goal setting works. So we are not worried about evaluating data and getting it wrong. So far we have hit more home runs than
Statistically we are more likely to fail than we are to succeed. Of course, when embarking on a new venture no one wants to fail, but by taking
the risk of failure and embracing it we have been able to freely extrapolate in a way that has secured success. Odd eh?
OUTSIDE: Mercedes Concept Driverless
When asked to engage
in these services we
like to call it “strategic
4 y e a r s : 2 0 1 2 t o 2 0 1 6
The World is
R E D : D e n s e . R e a l t i m e f r o m “ C a r n a B o t n e t ”
i l l e g a l 2 0 1 2 C e n s u s
Mobile devices have now eclipsed desktop devices
For the first time, combined usage of the top four messaging apps
exceeded the combined usage of the top four social media apps
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world
Amazon SE became Googles SE’s biggest competitor
Snapchat now receives more daily check ins than Facebook
2 0 1 6 : D E V I C E U S E I S R A P I D L Y C H A N G I N G
6P a g e
Heat Map of the composition of a mini
brain utilized by researchers
Christopher Hadiono, a 16-year old high school student has
redesigned a bioreactor that can hold more "mini-brains" at a
lower price through 3D printing. The SpinΩ is now aiding
studies on the Zika virus.
Student Invents 3D Printed
Bioreactor That Can Grow
Hundreds of Mini-Brains
7P a g e
Mini Brains
Mini Brains are approx. the size
of a pencil head
Regenerated Brain Stem Cells
Chemically induced brain cells
Heat Map of the composition of
a mini brain utilized by
researchers The US $400 BIO
“We did not think that even a biotechnology graduate
student could make this into a reality, once you have a
good idea, that changes everything.”
While it’s current commercial versions cost around $2000, Hadiono’s bioreactor, named SpinΩ,
costs around $400 and allows several devices to be run all at the same time due to its small
8P a g e
Human Longevity, Inc. raised more than $220 million. It has previously raised $80 million in 2014.
The ultimate goal of HLI is not only to keep a database on the world’s human genotypes and phenotypes, but also to subject this data to machine learning
that has the ability to predict susceptibility to diseases, such as cancer and heart disease.
Human Longevity INC
Enhanced Humans
Human Longevity: Big Investment
Biologists built a piece of software that can program
living cells like a computer
For the first time, researchers have developed a new kind of software that makes it possible to genetically
engineer, or ‘program’, a cell to perform any kind of function, via a simple programming language.
10P a g e
IBM creates
“Magic Bullet”
Virus Blocker
13th May 2016
IBM claims it has developed a 'magic bullet' solution to
combating viral infections.
The company has engineered a chemical that it says can
block viruses like Zika, Ebola, dengue, influenza and
Scientists believe, with the help of the Watson
supercomputer, it could someday be used in products such
as soap to prevent a viruses from spreading.
11P a g e
Quantum computing is still very much in the early
research stage, but IBM is hoping to accelerate
the progress around it by making a quantum
computer available to researchers as a cloud
IBM is allowing interested parties to access a 5
qubit quantum computer it’s calling
IBM Quantum Experience.
12P a g e
While conventional systems are designed on binary
principles (where opening/closing semiconductor gates
represents on/off, or 0/1) quantum systems utilize “qubits’
which can be on, off or both on and off.
IBM has created its own quantum chip running at 5 qubits.
It could take a machine running between 50 and 100
qubits to surpass the capabilities of today’s fastest super
IBM: Quantum and Watson?
The programming language IBM created for this project operates almost like writing music.
The programmer can simply drag quantum objects to the “staff” to write a program.
13P a g e
D:WAVE is Google’s Quantum Computer. The tech giant has been practising M&A as a competitive strategy, as their desktop search
market continues to drop.
In this instance, they have joined with NASA to create a Quantum Computing Lab (pictured centre).
Google have also teamed up with Chrysler America to create a unit that integrates into existing cars for driverless applications.
They are currently testing 100 SUV’s.
Social Media
QUANTUM: Google team up with NASA
14P a g e
The Model T made its debut in 1908 with a purchase price of $825.00. Over ten thousand
were sold in its first year, establishing a new record. Four years later the price dropped to
$575.00 and sales soared. By 1914, Ford could claim a 48% share of the automobile
1908: The Model T Ford changes the world
FEB 2016:
NZ Government passes legislation to allow
autonomous vehicles on NZ roads. This is not yet
widely known.
Ford Model T 1908 is a good example of American style,
perfect look and high quality car produced by famous
American multinational automaker Ford which was founded
by Henry Ford in 1903. Ford Model T 1908 is one of the most
successful vehicles marketed by the company.
Henry Ford was determined to build a simple, reliable and
affordable car; a car the average American worker could
afford. Out of this determination came the Model T and the
assembly line - two innovations that revolutionized American
society and molded the world we live in today.
An assembly line is a pre cursor to the same methodology as
process automation.
Week One:
US Govt. announces implementation infrastructure
to accommodate self driving electric vehicles
Week Two:
India announced a roll out to remove all petrol
motor vehicles by 2030
Week Three:
The Netherlands, in a majority vote, supported a
motion to ban new sales of petrol or diesel cars,
starting in 2025
Week Four:
The NZ Herald published a video of The Tesla
driving “itself” over the Auckland Harbor bridge. You
would have had to be sitting inside the car to even
D r i v e r l e s s E l e c t r i c . B e
O v e r w h e l m e d .
stats &
Seven major companies, including Nissan and Cadillac, claim they’ll have driverless cars ready for the market by 2020. By 2030, according to a National League of Cities study,
driverless cars will be “ubiquitous with everyday life.”
Chinese hi-tech firm Baidu has unveiled a plan to let driverless vehicles range freely around an entire city.
The five-year plan will see the autonomous cars, vans and buses slowly introduced to the eastern city of Wuhu.
Initially no passengers will be carried by the vehicles as the technology to control them is refined via journeys along designated test zones.
Eventually the test areas will be expanded and passengers will be able to use the vehicles.
"They want to be the first city in the world to embrace autonomous driving," said Wang Jing, Baidu's head of driverless cars, in an interview with the BBC's Click programme.
Los Angeles to get on-demand 'driverless buses' Passengers will be picked up by using an app.
For the last 15 years, Oregon has been exploring a replacement to the gas tax based on vehicle miles traveled, a more accurate and fairer way to make sure drivers pay for the
roads they enjoy. In the Oregon pilot project, a volunteer plugs a device into their vehicle that records miles driven and fuel consumed, and is sent an invoice or a refund
depending on the state gas tax already paid at the pump.
French-made driverless electric bus to be trialled in Perth by RAC
9 Feb 2016, 9:04pm
The electric shuttle bus can carry 15 passengers at speeds up to 45 kilometres per hour. (Supplied: RAC WA)
RELATED STORY: Driverless bus takes to Dutch public roads in world 'milestone'
RELATED STORY: Driverless car hits the road on SA expressway
RELATED STORY: To kill or not to kill: Researchers probe moral code for driverless cars
MAP: Perth 6000
A driverless electric bus is set to be trialled in Perth in a test run for the use of autonomous vehicles on West Australian roads.
The staged trial is being conducted and funded by WA's RAC later this year using a French-made electric shuttle bus.
With no driver, it will use three-dimensional sensing technology to carry 15 passengers at speeds up to 45 kilometres per hour.
Formula E and Kinetik today announced a partnership with the intention to launch a global race series for driverless electric cars. This new championship called ‘ROBORACE’ will
provide a competitive platform for the autonomous driving solutions that are now being developed by many large industrial automotive and technology players as well as top tech
World Economic Forum:
Cities with driverless cars will attract talent and prosper
2. Driverless cars can decrease the gap between the haves and have-nots
3. Driverless electric cars could make housing more affordable
4. There will be more space for bikes and parks with driverless cars
5. Driverless cars will improve public health
Global Threat to jobs and auto insurance and potentially finance companies, public transport, taxis, hire vehicles, domestic flights,
Reduce roading infrastructure costs
Reduce public health spending
Under IoT cars can automate pick up times, pre route in advance and send arrival times
Will reduce parking buildings
Will reduce traffic congestion
Can be run cheaper than a bus service
Can run 24/7
No driver costs, no fuel costs, no emissions, reduced road wear and tear due to no emotional drivers
Driverless Electric anticipates, and communicates with every other vechicle on the road. May reduce the need for any new roading, may utilize all areas of the road not in use
(may reduce the need for lanes and inner city parking). Will anticipate congestion and operate alternative routes.
Cars are not assests – they depreciate and are under utilized. Petrol is prohibitively expensive. Sitting in a driverless electric with an internet connection allows anyone the
opportunity to catch up on email etc via tablet or phone on the way to and from work.
Morgan Stanley estimates that in 2030, cars will drive more than 19.6 billion miles worldwide, far higher than the 10.2 billion they traveled in 2015. That pace of growth is much
higher than the estimated production of cars and light vehicles during the same period. The natural solution appears to be more shared vehicles. Shared cars—taxis and cars
operated by ride-sharing companies, but not car rental—in 2015 accounted for 4% of global miles traveled, but by 2030, Morgan Stanley estimates that number could reach 26%.
ABI Research: Smart Mobility on the Rise: Global Electric Vehicle Revenue to Hit $58 Billion in 2021
In about 2 years, you'll be chauffeured around in driverless cars on highways
Within ten years, roads will be full of driverless cars. Maybe within two, depending on where you're driving. That's what Chris Dixon, a partner at prestigious Silicon Valley
investment firm Andreessen Horowitz believes. Dixon has written extensively about the future of autonomous vehicles and invested in a number of startups in the space, from
self-flying delivery drones to Comma.ai, a company founded by a young man who built a self-driving car in his garage.
NSW to embrace driverless cars; road test successful in Southern Australia
Autonomous electric cars are the 'future of driving' in NSW
United States
Four states and the District of Columbia have stated that they will give driverless cars conditional use of their public roads by 2020. Nevada consented in 2011, and the Nevada
Department of Motor Vehicles stamped its first license for a Toyota Prius autonomous vehicle in 2012. Florida allowed driverless cars to test its roads in 2012. Michigan joined the
queue in 2013, with the proviso that a human driver be in the car. California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that legalized the cars at Google headquarters in 2015.
Starting from January 2016, citizens could hail driverless Citymobil2 shuttles on protected roads in the city-state. Singapore aims to extend the service to driverless taxis by
Summer 2016 and, from there, to public roads by 2018. Citymobil2 is a French program that promotes driverless shuttles in prominent areas of the European Union.
Battery-powered buses started trekking Trikala, a small Greek village, in November 2015. The project was piloted by Citymobil2 and tech organization Robosfot. Trips began with
no passengers, but the vehicles started transporting people in March 2016.
Sweden's second-largest city, Gothenburg, will allow 100 DriveMe Volvo
customers to test autonomous Volvo XC90 automobiles on certain roads
by 2017. Sweden aims to make its cars death-proof by 2020. Part of its
plans are to test and safe-proof the driverless car.
Dutch infrastructure minister Melanie Schultz is pushing for laws to allow
driverless cars to hit Dutch roads. Meanwhile, the Citymobil2 V201 buzzes
the Wageningen and Ede route in the center of the Netherlands at 15 mph.
Dutch citizens can schedule a ride on the six passenger-carrying buses by
using an app that programs the pickup location and destination.
In the United Kingdom, the town of Milton Keynes is testing driverless
pods. As of April 2016, only 20 driverless pods cruised the region. The
Engineer newspaper reported that by 2017, England will have 80 more of
these pods. London is in the wings, with its GATEway project that aims to
solidly test these autonomous vehicles before opening them to the public.
Citymobil2 paired with robotics company Robosoft and vehicle
manufacturer Ligier Group to bring its electric shuttle to a university
campus in Lausanne, Switzerland. As of April 2016, the bus, which was still
in its test phase, carried only six passengers and drove up to 15 mph.
Chinese company Yutong (600066.SS) hit the streets of Zhengzhou,
China, with its own trial driverless bus that logs 20 mph. As of April 2016,
the service was still in its testing phase.
Japan plans to show off its commercialized driverless taxis for the Tokyo
Olympics in 2020. Mobile internet company DeNa Co. Ltd. (OTC: DNACF)
paired with ZMP, a robotics company, to create Robot Taxi. Residents in
Fujisawa, Japan, were the first to test it, with a human in the driver’s seat.
The slim, white Citymobil2 Ez10 shuttle was introduced in Vantaa, Finland,
in early 2015. By October of that year, the shuttles had successfully
transported 19,000 passengers. Members of the public access it with the
same app that Citymobil2 uses to reserve trips on its Ez10 in the
18P a g e
Apple is building a car
In November 2015,
the World Economic
Forum (WEF)
surveyed self-driving
vehicles and found
that seven cities
believe that self-
driving vehicles will
become a reality by
The Internet
Ten countries have
already legalized
and tested
vehicles in their
areas. The top
issues and
concerns are
societal acceptance
and technology.
Google Car
ABI Research: Smart Mobility
on the Rise: Global Electric
Vehicle Revenue to Hit $58
Billion in 2021
3D Car Printed
IBM Watson
In about 2 years, you'll be
chauffeured around in driverless
cars on highways
Within ten years, roads will be full
of driverless cars.
Maybe within two, depending on
where you're driving. That's what
Chris Dixon, a partner at
prestigious Silicon Valley
investment firm Andreessen
Horowitz believes.
Basic Info
Insert your subtitle here
Singapore Pod
World Economic Forum:
Cities with driverless cars will attract talent and
World Economic Forum:
Driverless electric cars could make housing more
World Economic Forum:
There will be more space for bikes and parks with
driverless cars
Driverless cars will improve public health
Less human error. Road death in USA = 3000 per
MERCEDES BENZ: Electric Truck
Global Threat to jobs and auto insurance and potentially
finance companies, public transport, taxis, hire vehicles,
domestic flights.
Reduce roading infrastructure costs
Under IoT cars can automate pick up times, pre route in
advance and send arrival times
Will reduce parking buildings
Will reduce traffic congestion
Can be run cheaper than a bus service
Can run 24/7
No driver costs, no fuel costs, no emissions, reduced
road wear and tear due to no emotional drivers
DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC Driverless Electric anticipates, and communicates with
every other vechicle on the road.
May reduce the need for any new roading, may utilize all
areas of the road not in use (may reduce the need for
lanes and inner city parking).
Will anticipate congestion and operate alternative routes.
Cars are not assests – they depreciate and are under
utilized. Petrol is prohibitively expensive.
Sitting in a driverless electric with an internet connection
allows anyone the opportunity to catch up on email etc
via tablet or phone on the way to and from work.
Will reduce public spending on enforcement services.
Lets not be naïve. Its not all roses and silver bullets yet
There’s a lot of work still to do Aspects hard to predict: Impact on unemployment.
Changing employment conditions such as mobile
workers and at home workers may also co-incide to
reduce impact of vechicles.
Basic Info
Insert your subtitle here
May 2016:
Tesla recorded its first fatality. It is currently under investigation
Near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright make the first successful flight
in history of a self-propelled, heavier-than-air aircraft. Orville piloted the gasoline-powered,
propeller-driven biplane, which stayed aloft for 12 seconds and covered 120 feet on its
inaugural flight.
1903 Wright Bros
1930s Jean Batten
The mid 1930s were the heyday of Batten's flying career. After two failed attempts to fly from England
to Australia in 1933 she successfully completed a return journey in May 1934. Although the route had
been flown in one direction or another over 30 times, Batten’s gender and her beauty captured huge
media attention.
Her attention-grabbing flights continued. In November 1935 she became the first woman to fly herself
across the South Atlantic. In October 1936 she went one step further and made the first ever direct
flight from England to New Zealand.
32P a g e
April 2016:
Solar Powered Airplane Completes Two Thirds of Its Around-the-
World Flight
33P a g eJULY 2016:
'The definition of adventure': Solar Impulse 2 completes round-the-
world flight
Holograms for
everyday use
The technology is different from virtual
reality headsets.
With augmented reality, you still see the
real world – but with some digital
Microsoft’s prototype augmented reality
headset, the HoloLens, doesn’t even use a
The device adjusts the scene before
you by projecting light directly on to your
retina, conjuring virtual objects that
Microsoft calls holograms.
California’s minimum wage hikes are going to force logistics
firms with low-paid warehouse workers to invest more heavily
in robotic technology.
“It will increase the introduction of robotic technology with these
companies,” he said. “That’s the conveyor belts and things that
pack boxes and move them down the belt.
That sort of thing is going to increase, and it’s already been
John Husing Inland Empire Economist
California’s minimum wage
increase will add more
robotic automation in
2015: China Builds City's First All-Robot Factory
As part of a major push towards automation, the first robots-only factory is being built in China's Dongguan manufacturing hub, reducing
human employees to a bare minimum.
© 2014 Deloitte
Japanese company Spread claims to have developed the
world’s first fully automated, large-scale vegetable factory
Spread, a Japan-headquartered factory solutions provider, has begun construction of the world’s first large-scale is fully automated vegetable factory, which manages the
process from seeding to harvest and is capable of producing 30,000 head of lettuce per day.
41P a g e
A huge revolution is taking place in the technology
industry, with women forming an increasing part of
leadership and the entire tech workforce – evidenced in
part by fast growth in annual events such as the Women
in Tech Summit that takes place in several US cities.
Bridging the gender gap is a great place to be. Tech
holds the reputation of being diverse in its make up
across nationalities, but gender remains a concern.
True diversity is more than visual however.
Real diversity requires difference in thought.
42P a g e
The future economy
trading now
43P a g e
“A tour de force”
On the technology behind Bitcoin
44P a g e
1.0 CryptoCurrency
2.0 Smart Contracts
3.0 DNA
Value exchange
Via P2P
(Peer to Peer)
Disrupting the Banking
and Finance Industries
Publically listed
Future Crypto Gold
45P a g e
A consensus network that enables a new payment system
that is entirely digital.
The first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network that is
powered by its users with no central authority or middlemen.
It is a form of currency that is more stable per user than the
fiat currency of many countries, some of which are
categorized as developed.
46P a g e
Text or email financial transactions between peers (P2P)
Current: Transfer of funds from sender to receiver. Receiver
deposits text or email into assigned debit account
Future: Individuals can text or email a financial transactions,
in real time, across borders, anonymously
20 Million
14.8 %
47P a g e
Mobile-based payments in the United
States are expected to reach $142 billion
in volume in 2019.
Mobile Payments US 2019:
Just 23% of purchases on smartphones
use alternative payment methods, while
just 16% use digital wallets across
desktops and 19% use the payment
option on tablets.
Alternative Payment MethodsTransform Bitcoin into your
checking, mortgage or credit
Pay for Pizza, Taxis and online
purchases with whatever account
you want
Specify the App or Account that you
want to purchase from or to
400,000,000 Registered Users
Over 171,000,000 Global
Transactions daily
(March 2016 figures since removed from the Alipay website)
Ali Baba’s golden
48P a g e
In order for Bitcoin to publicly list, it needed a
public form of record – an available ledger.
To explain how this is achieved, we need to
explore a simple piece of code that may be applied
to almost every industry, and which may have
finally solved the age old “Byzantium Generals
Its called the Blockchain
49P a g e
50P a g e
Smart contracts enable an
entirely new form of exchange
called Peer To Peer (P2P),
Permissioned or Permission-
less, required platforms are now
When mapped, Human DNA is
approx. 5 gigabytes and can be
accessed, transferred and
analysed digitally.
While Bitcoin, the first to list and
the most widely known digital
currency, is arguably as stable
as many fiat currencies, it is
simply one CryptoCurrency of
an increasingly growing number.
Blockchain Applications
Stephen Haw king
“If machines produce everything we need, the
outcome will depend on how things are distributed.
Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the
machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people
can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners
successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So
far, the trend seems to be toward the second option,
with technology driving ever-increasing inequality.”
52P a g e
clinton den heyer

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  • 1. 1P a g e This beautiful image is of a R/W Hard Drive. This year, Samsung announced a 16 TB SSD. 15 years ago this level of storage was deemed impossible on a single unit. In 2016 both of these technologies, along with Moore’s Law, became obsolete. FUTURE
  • 2. 2P a g e INSIDE: Mercedes Concept Driverless Electric I read that no one can predict the future and that this fact alone makes it a worthwhile endeavor. The simple act of trying to predict the future made future “predicators” much better at making estimated guesses over time than those who did not. It's a low-risk proposition regardless, as no one can accurately predict the future expectations should remain low. Yet, more and more, this is what we are asked to do, and it appears that the expectation for accuracy is rising. When it comes to consulting we do the research. A lot of research. This process is something that Elon Musk refers to as finding the "Recursive Y." We know X is going to happen, we can therefore afford to be liberal with our predictions on the Y. In strategy, its necessary to know the X (the “what”), not quite so much the Y (the exact “when”).
  • 3. 3P a g e INSIDE: Mercedes Concept Driverless Electric In the process of trying to communicate potential scenarios for the future we have observed a number of things. People older than 25 tend to have blinkers on and high amounts of resistance at how overwhelming it can seem. They struggle to understand it and see much as radical and unfathomable. People under 25 have a much better grasp and engage positively. Not all. Most. People are resistant to change, however we have found that incumbent generations over 25 can be easily swayed by emerging generations and proliferation of information. Often we are asked “so what makes you sure you know what’s going to be adopted?” Well, we don’t know 100%, (no one can predict the future), but we have asked ourselves the same question. To this end we have now developed a framework that we believe does a very good job of identifying future trends based on some extremely sound research. Some of these tools are allowing us to pinpoint and place the “Recursive Y.”
  • 4. 4P a g e We have noticed that almost everyone does it in some degree: Businesses form strategies based on vision statements, sometimes 5 years out. We try to predict lotto numbers, predict the right person to marry, plan our careers, sign leases for 2 years in advance. We set personal goals for ourselves. We noticed that goal setting works. So we are not worried about evaluating data and getting it wrong. So far we have hit more home runs than not. Statistically we are more likely to fail than we are to succeed. Of course, when embarking on a new venture no one wants to fail, but by taking the risk of failure and embracing it we have been able to freely extrapolate in a way that has secured success. Odd eh? OUTSIDE: Mercedes Concept Driverless Electric When asked to engage in these services we like to call it “strategic soothsaying.”
  • 5. 4 y e a r s : 2 0 1 2 t o 2 0 1 6 The World is On-Line https://gigaom.com/2013/09/23/check-out-this-visual-map-that-shows- 24-hours-of-internet-usage-around-the-world/ R E D : D e n s e . R e a l t i m e f r o m “ C a r n a B o t n e t ” i l l e g a l 2 0 1 2 C e n s u s Mobile devices have now eclipsed desktop devices For the first time, combined usage of the top four messaging apps exceeded the combined usage of the top four social media apps YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world Amazon SE became Googles SE’s biggest competitor Snapchat now receives more daily check ins than Facebook 2 0 1 6 : D E V I C E U S E I S R A P I D L Y C H A N G I N G
  • 6. 6P a g e Heat Map of the composition of a mini brain utilized by researchers MINI BRAIN Christopher Hadiono, a 16-year old high school student has redesigned a bioreactor that can hold more "mini-brains" at a lower price through 3D printing. The SpinΩ is now aiding studies on the Zika virus. Student Invents 3D Printed Bioreactor That Can Grow Hundreds of Mini-Brains
  • 7. 7P a g e Mini Brains Mini Brains are approx. the size of a pencil head Regenerated Brain Stem Cells Chemically induced brain cells Heat Map of the composition of a mini brain utilized by researchers The US $400 BIO REACTOR “We did not think that even a biotechnology graduate student could make this into a reality, once you have a good idea, that changes everything.” While it’s current commercial versions cost around $2000, Hadiono’s bioreactor, named SpinΩ, costs around $400 and allows several devices to be run all at the same time due to its small
  • 8. 8P a g e Human Longevity, Inc. raised more than $220 million. It has previously raised $80 million in 2014. The ultimate goal of HLI is not only to keep a database on the world’s human genotypes and phenotypes, but also to subject this data to machine learning that has the ability to predict susceptibility to diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. Human Longevity INC Enhanced Humans Human Longevity: Big Investment
  • 9. 2016: Biologists built a piece of software that can program living cells like a computer For the first time, researchers have developed a new kind of software that makes it possible to genetically engineer, or ‘program’, a cell to perform any kind of function, via a simple programming language.
  • 10. 10P a g e 2016: IBM creates “Magic Bullet” Virus Blocker 13th May 2016 IBM claims it has developed a 'magic bullet' solution to combating viral infections. The company has engineered a chemical that it says can block viruses like Zika, Ebola, dengue, influenza and herpes. Scientists believe, with the help of the Watson supercomputer, it could someday be used in products such as soap to prevent a viruses from spreading. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3587987/IBM-s-magic-bullet- destroy-Zika-Ebola-herpes-Firm-enlists-Watson-supercomputer-combat-killer- viruses.html
  • 11. 11P a g e IBM HAS OFFERED CLOUD ACCESS TO THEIR QUANTUM COMPUTER Quantum computing is still very much in the early research stage, but IBM is hoping to accelerate the progress around it by making a quantum computer available to researchers as a cloud service. IBM is allowing interested parties to access a 5 qubit quantum computer it’s calling IBM Quantum Experience.
  • 12. 12P a g e While conventional systems are designed on binary principles (where opening/closing semiconductor gates represents on/off, or 0/1) quantum systems utilize “qubits’ which can be on, off or both on and off. SUPERCOOLED IBM has created its own quantum chip running at 5 qubits. It could take a machine running between 50 and 100 qubits to surpass the capabilities of today’s fastest super computers. 5 QUBITS IBM: Quantum and Watson? The programming language IBM created for this project operates almost like writing music. The programmer can simply drag quantum objects to the “staff” to write a program.
  • 13. 13P a g e D:WAVE is Google’s Quantum Computer. The tech giant has been practising M&A as a competitive strategy, as their desktop search market continues to drop. In this instance, they have joined with NASA to create a Quantum Computing Lab (pictured centre). Google have also teamed up with Chrysler America to create a unit that integrates into existing cars for driverless applications. They are currently testing 100 SUV’s. PROJECT 3 Marketing PROJECT 1 Social Media PROJECT 2 Awesome QUANTUM: Google team up with NASA
  • 14. 14P a g e The Model T made its debut in 1908 with a purchase price of $825.00. Over ten thousand were sold in its first year, establishing a new record. Four years later the price dropped to $575.00 and sales soared. By 1914, Ford could claim a 48% share of the automobile market. PROJECT 2 Awesome 1908: The Model T Ford changes the world
  • 15. FEB 2016: NZ Government passes legislation to allow autonomous vehicles on NZ roads. This is not yet widely known. Ford Model T 1908 is a good example of American style, perfect look and high quality car produced by famous American multinational automaker Ford which was founded by Henry Ford in 1903. Ford Model T 1908 is one of the most successful vehicles marketed by the company. Henry Ford was determined to build a simple, reliable and affordable car; a car the average American worker could afford. Out of this determination came the Model T and the assembly line - two innovations that revolutionized American society and molded the world we live in today. An assembly line is a pre cursor to the same methodology as process automation.
  • 16. 2016: ELON MUSK SELLS OVER 300,000 TESLA ELECTRIC SELF DRIVING CARS IN TWO WEEKS Week One: US Govt. announces implementation infrastructure to accommodate self driving electric vehicles Week Two: India announced a roll out to remove all petrol motor vehicles by 2030 Week Three: The Netherlands, in a majority vote, supported a motion to ban new sales of petrol or diesel cars, starting in 2025 Week Four: The NZ Herald published a video of The Tesla driving “itself” over the Auckland Harbor bridge. You would have had to be sitting inside the car to even notice.
  • 17. D r i v e r l e s s E l e c t r i c . B e O v e r w h e l m e d . stats & reports Seven major companies, including Nissan and Cadillac, claim they’ll have driverless cars ready for the market by 2020. By 2030, according to a National League of Cities study, driverless cars will be “ubiquitous with everyday life.” Chinese hi-tech firm Baidu has unveiled a plan to let driverless vehicles range freely around an entire city. The five-year plan will see the autonomous cars, vans and buses slowly introduced to the eastern city of Wuhu. Initially no passengers will be carried by the vehicles as the technology to control them is refined via journeys along designated test zones. Eventually the test areas will be expanded and passengers will be able to use the vehicles. "They want to be the first city in the world to embrace autonomous driving," said Wang Jing, Baidu's head of driverless cars, in an interview with the BBC's Click programme. Los Angeles to get on-demand 'driverless buses' Passengers will be picked up by using an app. For the last 15 years, Oregon has been exploring a replacement to the gas tax based on vehicle miles traveled, a more accurate and fairer way to make sure drivers pay for the roads they enjoy. In the Oregon pilot project, a volunteer plugs a device into their vehicle that records miles driven and fuel consumed, and is sent an invoice or a refund depending on the state gas tax already paid at the pump. French-made driverless electric bus to be trialled in Perth by RAC 9 Feb 2016, 9:04pm The electric shuttle bus can carry 15 passengers at speeds up to 45 kilometres per hour. (Supplied: RAC WA) RELATED STORY: Driverless bus takes to Dutch public roads in world 'milestone' RELATED STORY: Driverless car hits the road on SA expressway RELATED STORY: To kill or not to kill: Researchers probe moral code for driverless cars MAP: Perth 6000 A driverless electric bus is set to be trialled in Perth in a test run for the use of autonomous vehicles on West Australian roads. The staged trial is being conducted and funded by WA's RAC later this year using a French-made electric shuttle bus. With no driver, it will use three-dimensional sensing technology to carry 15 passengers at speeds up to 45 kilometres per hour. NEW DRIVERLESS SUPPORT SERIES TO DEBUT NEXT SEASON Formula E and Kinetik today announced a partnership with the intention to launch a global race series for driverless electric cars. This new championship called ‘ROBORACE’ will provide a competitive platform for the autonomous driving solutions that are now being developed by many large industrial automotive and technology players as well as top tech universities. World Economic Forum: Cities with driverless cars will attract talent and prosper 2. Driverless cars can decrease the gap between the haves and have-nots 3. Driverless electric cars could make housing more affordable 4. There will be more space for bikes and parks with driverless cars 5. Driverless cars will improve public health Global Threat to jobs and auto insurance and potentially finance companies, public transport, taxis, hire vehicles, domestic flights, Reduce roading infrastructure costs Reduce public health spending Under IoT cars can automate pick up times, pre route in advance and send arrival times Will reduce parking buildings Will reduce traffic congestion Can be run cheaper than a bus service Can run 24/7 No driver costs, no fuel costs, no emissions, reduced road wear and tear due to no emotional drivers Driverless Electric anticipates, and communicates with every other vechicle on the road. May reduce the need for any new roading, may utilize all areas of the road not in use (may reduce the need for lanes and inner city parking). Will anticipate congestion and operate alternative routes. Cars are not assests – they depreciate and are under utilized. Petrol is prohibitively expensive. Sitting in a driverless electric with an internet connection allows anyone the opportunity to catch up on email etc via tablet or phone on the way to and from work. Morgan Stanley estimates that in 2030, cars will drive more than 19.6 billion miles worldwide, far higher than the 10.2 billion they traveled in 2015. That pace of growth is much higher than the estimated production of cars and light vehicles during the same period. The natural solution appears to be more shared vehicles. Shared cars—taxis and cars operated by ride-sharing companies, but not car rental—in 2015 accounted for 4% of global miles traveled, but by 2030, Morgan Stanley estimates that number could reach 26%. ABI Research: Smart Mobility on the Rise: Global Electric Vehicle Revenue to Hit $58 Billion in 2021 In about 2 years, you'll be chauffeured around in driverless cars on highways Within ten years, roads will be full of driverless cars. Maybe within two, depending on where you're driving. That's what Chris Dixon, a partner at prestigious Silicon Valley investment firm Andreessen Horowitz believes. Dixon has written extensively about the future of autonomous vehicles and invested in a number of startups in the space, from self-flying delivery drones to Comma.ai, a company founded by a young man who built a self-driving car in his garage. NSW to embrace driverless cars; road test successful in Southern Australia Autonomous electric cars are the 'future of driving' in NSW United States Four states and the District of Columbia have stated that they will give driverless cars conditional use of their public roads by 2020. Nevada consented in 2011, and the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles stamped its first license for a Toyota Prius autonomous vehicle in 2012. Florida allowed driverless cars to test its roads in 2012. Michigan joined the queue in 2013, with the proviso that a human driver be in the car. California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that legalized the cars at Google headquarters in 2015. Singapore Starting from January 2016, citizens could hail driverless Citymobil2 shuttles on protected roads in the city-state. Singapore aims to extend the service to driverless taxis by Summer 2016 and, from there, to public roads by 2018. Citymobil2 is a French program that promotes driverless shuttles in prominent areas of the European Union. Greece Battery-powered buses started trekking Trikala, a small Greek village, in November 2015. The project was piloted by Citymobil2 and tech organization Robosfot. Trips began with no passengers, but the vehicles started transporting people in March 2016. Sweden Sweden's second-largest city, Gothenburg, will allow 100 DriveMe Volvo customers to test autonomous Volvo XC90 automobiles on certain roads by 2017. Sweden aims to make its cars death-proof by 2020. Part of its plans are to test and safe-proof the driverless car. Amsterdam Dutch infrastructure minister Melanie Schultz is pushing for laws to allow driverless cars to hit Dutch roads. Meanwhile, the Citymobil2 V201 buzzes the Wageningen and Ede route in the center of the Netherlands at 15 mph. Dutch citizens can schedule a ride on the six passenger-carrying buses by using an app that programs the pickup location and destination. England In the United Kingdom, the town of Milton Keynes is testing driverless pods. As of April 2016, only 20 driverless pods cruised the region. The Engineer newspaper reported that by 2017, England will have 80 more of these pods. London is in the wings, with its GATEway project that aims to solidly test these autonomous vehicles before opening them to the public. Switzerland Citymobil2 paired with robotics company Robosoft and vehicle manufacturer Ligier Group to bring its electric shuttle to a university campus in Lausanne, Switzerland. As of April 2016, the bus, which was still in its test phase, carried only six passengers and drove up to 15 mph. China Chinese company Yutong (600066.SS) hit the streets of Zhengzhou, China, with its own trial driverless bus that logs 20 mph. As of April 2016, the service was still in its testing phase. Japan Japan plans to show off its commercialized driverless taxis for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. Mobile internet company DeNa Co. Ltd. (OTC: DNACF) paired with ZMP, a robotics company, to create Robot Taxi. Residents in Fujisawa, Japan, were the first to test it, with a human in the driver’s seat. Finland The slim, white Citymobil2 Ez10 shuttle was introduced in Vantaa, Finland, in early 2015. By October of that year, the shuttles had successfully transported 19,000 passengers. Members of the public access it with the same app that Citymobil2 uses to reserve trips on its Ez10 in the Netherlands.
  • 18. 18P a g e Apple is building a car In November 2015, the World Economic Forum (WEF) surveyed self-driving vehicles and found that seven cities believe that self- driving vehicles will become a reality by 2020.
  • 19. The Internet Car Ten countries have already legalized and tested autonomous vehicles in their areas. The top issues and concerns are societal acceptance and technology.
  • 20. Google Car ABI Research: Smart Mobility on the Rise: Global Electric Vehicle Revenue to Hit $58 Billion in 2021
  • 21. “olli” 3D Car Printed by IBM Watson In about 2 years, you'll be chauffeured around in driverless cars on highways Within ten years, roads will be full of driverless cars. Maybe within two, depending on where you're driving. That's what Chris Dixon, a partner at prestigious Silicon Valley investment firm Andreessen Horowitz believes.
  • 22. Basic Info Insert your subtitle here Singapore Pod World Economic Forum: Cities with driverless cars will attract talent and prosper
  • 23. PORSCHE CONCEPT World Economic Forum: Driverless electric cars could make housing more affordable
  • 24. AUDI CONCEPT World Economic Forum: There will be more space for bikes and parks with driverless cars Driverless cars will improve public health Less human error. Road death in USA = 3000 per annum
  • 25. MERCEDES BENZ: Electric Truck Global Threat to jobs and auto insurance and potentially finance companies, public transport, taxis, hire vehicles, domestic flights.
  • 26. DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC BUSSES Reduce roading infrastructure costs Under IoT cars can automate pick up times, pre route in advance and send arrival times Will reduce parking buildings Will reduce traffic congestion Can be run cheaper than a bus service Can run 24/7 No driver costs, no fuel costs, no emissions, reduced road wear and tear due to no emotional drivers
  • 27. DRIVERLESS ELECTRIC Driverless Electric anticipates, and communicates with every other vechicle on the road. May reduce the need for any new roading, may utilize all areas of the road not in use (may reduce the need for lanes and inner city parking). Will anticipate congestion and operate alternative routes. Cars are not assests – they depreciate and are under utilized. Petrol is prohibitively expensive. Sitting in a driverless electric with an internet connection allows anyone the opportunity to catch up on email etc via tablet or phone on the way to and from work. Will reduce public spending on enforcement services.
  • 28. Lets not be naïve. Its not all roses and silver bullets yet There’s a lot of work still to do Aspects hard to predict: Impact on unemployment. Changing employment conditions such as mobile workers and at home workers may also co-incide to reduce impact of vechicles.
  • 29. Basic Info Insert your subtitle here May 2016: Tesla recorded its first fatality. It is currently under investigation
  • 30. FIRST FLIGHT Near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright make the first successful flight in history of a self-propelled, heavier-than-air aircraft. Orville piloted the gasoline-powered, propeller-driven biplane, which stayed aloft for 12 seconds and covered 120 feet on its inaugural flight. 1903 Wright Bros
  • 31. 1930s Jean Batten The mid 1930s were the heyday of Batten's flying career. After two failed attempts to fly from England to Australia in 1933 she successfully completed a return journey in May 1934. Although the route had been flown in one direction or another over 30 times, Batten’s gender and her beauty captured huge media attention. Her attention-grabbing flights continued. In November 1935 she became the first woman to fly herself across the South Atlantic. In October 1936 she went one step further and made the first ever direct flight from England to New Zealand.
  • 32. 32P a g e April 2016: Solar Powered Airplane Completes Two Thirds of Its Around-the- World Flight
  • 33. 33P a g eJULY 2016: 'The definition of adventure': Solar Impulse 2 completes round-the- world flight
  • 37. Augmented Reality: Holograms for everyday use The technology is different from virtual reality headsets. With augmented reality, you still see the real world – but with some digital embellishments. Microsoft’s prototype augmented reality headset, the HoloLens, doesn’t even use a screen. The device adjusts the scene before you by projecting light directly on to your retina, conjuring virtual objects that Microsoft calls holograms.
  • 38. California’s minimum wage hikes are going to force logistics firms with low-paid warehouse workers to invest more heavily in robotic technology. “It will increase the introduction of robotic technology with these companies,” he said. “That’s the conveyor belts and things that pack boxes and move them down the belt. That sort of thing is going to increase, and it’s already been increasing.” John Husing Inland Empire Economist California’s minimum wage increase will add more robotic automation in logistics
  • 39. 2015: China Builds City's First All-Robot Factory As part of a major push towards automation, the first robots-only factory is being built in China's Dongguan manufacturing hub, reducing human employees to a bare minimum.
  • 40. © 2014 Deloitte Japanese company Spread claims to have developed the world’s first fully automated, large-scale vegetable factory Spread, a Japan-headquartered factory solutions provider, has begun construction of the world’s first large-scale is fully automated vegetable factory, which manages the process from seeding to harvest and is capable of producing 30,000 head of lettuce per day. AUGUST 04, 2015 ABDUL MONTAQIM
  • 41. 41P a g e DIVERSITY A huge revolution is taking place in the technology industry, with women forming an increasing part of leadership and the entire tech workforce – evidenced in part by fast growth in annual events such as the Women in Tech Summit that takes place in several US cities. Bridging the gender gap is a great place to be. Tech holds the reputation of being diverse in its make up across nationalities, but gender remains a concern. True diversity is more than visual however. Real diversity requires difference in thought.
  • 42. 42P a g e PEER TO PEER EXCHANGE The future economy trading now
  • 43. 43P a g e “A tour de force” BILL GATES On the technology behind Bitcoin
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  • 47. 47P a g e ALIPAY Mobile-based payments in the United States are expected to reach $142 billion in volume in 2019. Mobile Payments US 2019: Just 23% of purchases on smartphones use alternative payment methods, while just 16% use digital wallets across desktops and 19% use the payment option on tablets. Alternative Payment MethodsTransform Bitcoin into your checking, mortgage or credit accounts Pay for Pizza, Taxis and online purchases with whatever account you want Specify the App or Account that you want to purchase from or to 400,000,000 Registered Users Over 171,000,000 Global Transactions daily (March 2016 figures since removed from the Alipay website) Ali Baba’s golden innovation
  • 48. 48P a g e PUBLICLY LISTED In order for Bitcoin to publicly list, it needed a public form of record – an available ledger. To explain how this is achieved, we need to explore a simple piece of code that may be applied to almost every industry, and which may have finally solved the age old “Byzantium Generals Problem”. Its called the Blockchain
  • 50. 50P a g e Smart contracts enable an entirely new form of exchange called Peer To Peer (P2P), Permissioned or Permission- less, required platforms are now available. CONTRACTUAL ASSET EXCHANGE 2.0 When mapped, Human DNA is approx. 5 gigabytes and can be accessed, transferred and analysed digitally. MEDICINE 3.0 While Bitcoin, the first to list and the most widely known digital currency, is arguably as stable as many fiat currencies, it is simply one CryptoCurrency of an increasingly growing number. CURRENCY 1.0 Blockchain Applications
  • 51. Stephen Haw king “If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality.” WE ARE VERY CREATIVE PEOPLE
  • 52. 52P a g e c_den_heyer@hotmail.com nz.linkedin.com/in/clintondenheyer clinton den heyer

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