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Vol: 01
Issue: 02
Architects of Tomorrow_Top 10 CAOs to Watch.pdf
Architects of Tomorrow_Top 10 CAOs to Watch.pdf
Mastering Enterprise and Solution Architecture to
Transform Organizations and Redene the Future
Andy Rawnsley
Eudald Domenech
A Journey from Inquisitive
Toddler to Chartered Engineer
The Psychology of Space
Understanding Human Behavior in Architecture
Maximizing Team Creativity!
Collaborative Design Process
A Journey from Internet Pioneer
to Streaming Visionary
Cra ing Dreams
into Concrete
Reali es
Have you ever stopped to admire the cityscape and
the soaring buildings that appear to reach the sky?
Or have you ever noticed yourself becoming
enthralled by the exquisite craftsmanship of a lovely bridge
or the quaint charm of the houses that front your street? In
certain cases, what you're seeing isn't just the tangible
expression of human creativity; you're seeing the
architectural composition in action—a work of art that
communicates a great deal without using words.
More than just a science of building, architecture is a visual
art and a language expressed through the skillfully designed
buildings that adorn our landscapes. Homes, bridges, and
skyscrapers are all canvases on which architects work their
magic. They have the amazing capacity to turn ideas and
visions into real, observable realities, much like magicians
of design.
When we stand in front of an exquisite structure, we see
more than simply carefully placed bricks and mortar. We
are seeing the artistic manifestation of architects who have
put their passion, talent, and ingenuity into every detail. The
end product is a work of visual art that perfectly expresses
the spirit of human ingenuity.
In this edition of The CIO World, we present “Architects
of Tomorrow: Top 10 CAOs to Watch in 2024,” Leading
this lively business toward a future where technology and
design merge and sustainability becomes more than just a
slogan, Chief Architect Officers (CAOs) are at the front.
Not only do these architects design structures, but they also
mold the future by striking a balance between practicality
and aesthetics.
Join us as we discover the stories and philosophies behind
these architectural leaders, exploring the secrets of the
spaces we inhabit. Every building, whether it is a rural
getaway or an urban landscape, is a tribute to the creativity
and vision that architects provide for our planet. These
architects of the future are not only creating buildings; one
brick at a time, they are constructing the stories of our
Christos Sarantopoulos
Chief Enterprise Architect
Al-Fu aim LLC
,,In order to ensure effective communication within the
team, Christos prioritizes establishing clear channels of
communication that cater to the unique personalities
and idiosyncrasies of the team members.
In our journey through life, we encounter various
challenges and obstacles that demand our attention and
problem-solving skills. While some problems are
straightforward and easily solvable, others can be
complicated and perplexing, requiring a more thoughtful
and strategic approach.
Amidst the myriad challenges that life presents, there exists
a unique breed of individuals who revel in the face of
complexity. They are problem solvers, puzzle enthusiasts,
and seekers of ingenious solutions. For them, complexity is
not a daunting obstacle but rather an exhilarating journey.
They are the ones who truly enjoy the challenge of solving
complex problems.
One of them is Christos, who entered the field of
architecture to solve complex problems. Christos
Sarantopoulos, a visionary Chief Enterprise Architect at
Al-Futtaim with over three decades of experience, has left
an indelible mark on multiple domains, empowering
organizations to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.
His journey into the realms of enterprise and solution
architecture commenced in the early 2000s. Fuelled by an
innate passion for tackling complexity head-on, he
embarked on a career path that would not only shape his
future but also redefine the possibilities for the
organizations he would come to serve.
Throughout his illustrious career, Christos has exhibited an
unwavering commitment to excellence, continuously
seeking to enhance, as well as optimise IT solutions and
business processes, through innovative thinking and re-
engineering. His track record of successfully delivering
solutions and managing high performing teams reflects his
prowess as a seasoned leader, capable of driving impactful
outcomes and nurturing the growth of his colleagues.
Christos stands apart as a multifaceted professional,
possessing a diverse skillset that spans enterprise and
solution architecture, leadership, project management,
solution delivery and operations, just to name a few. This
versatility has been a key asset in navigating the complex
landscapes of modern enterprises, where the ability to
connect the dots between technology and business is
As a skilled analyst and evaluator, Christos has become
adept at identifying opportunities for optimization and
growth, bringing his expertise to bear on every project he
undertakes. His talent for coaching and mentoring has not
only empowered his teams but also fostered a culture of
learning and continuous improvement within the
organizations he has worked with.
Let’s explore his excursions more thoroughly!
For Christos Sarantopoulos, the allure of enterprise and
solution architecture lies in the perpetual challenge it
presents. In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, he
finds the thrill of innovation and the opportunity to create a
lasting impact immensely rewarding. His ability to manage
relationships, negotiate effectively, and work with
stakeholders and vendors with finesse, has been
instrumental in driving the success of his endeavors.
As Christos continues to pave the path for enterprise
architecture, he envisions a future where the fusion of
technology and business not only meets the demands of the
present but also anticipates the needs of tomorrow. His
passion for pushing the boundaries of what is possible
serves as a guiding light for organizations seeking to
navigate the complexities of the digital age.
Many reasons contributed to his decision to follow this
career path, like:
The challenge of it: Enterprise Architecture (EA) presents a
multifaceted and demanding area of expertise. It
necessitates a profound comprehension of business and
technology, as well as the capacity to envision the broader
perspective. Individuals who relish the satisfaction derived
from resolving intricate problems may find great fulfillment
in this endeavor.
,, He emphasizes the
importance of structured
and concise
communication, avoiding
unnecessary tangents or
distractions. He also
encourages both formal
and informal modes of
regular communication.
Architects of Tomorrow_Top 10 CAOs to Watch.pdf
• The impact it can have: It has the potential to
significantly influence an organization’s success. By
designing and implementing robust architectures,
architects play a vital role in enhancing efficiency,
productivity, and profitability for organizations. For
individuals passionate about making a meaningful
impact, this experience is incredibly fulfilling.
• The variety of work it offers: It provides a wide range
of opportunities for professionals. Architects in this
field engage in diverse projects, including new product
development, IT infrastructure, and business process
improvement. This variety ensures that the work
remains consistently interesting and challenging.
• The opportunity to learn and grow: It is in a constant
state of evolution, providing architects with ongoing
opportunities for learning and staying up-to-date with
the latest trends. Engaging in this process can be highly
rewarding, but it requires a commitment to continuous
education to keep pace with the ever-changing
Inspiring Leadership and Empowering Teams
Christos, an experienced leader and team builder, has
successfully established numerous teams over the past
decades. Rather than merely managing, he adopts a
leadership approach, setting an example for his team
members and empowering them to share his vision and act
in accordance to it. Christos also demonstrates a remarkable
level of empathy, understanding the needs of his team and
striving to minimize distractions to prioritize results. His
,, Christos begins the design
process by focusing on the
business architecture when
a solution needs to be
developed. Once the
business architecture is
established, the design of
other architectures can
proceed in a more
organized and coherent
teams are consistently motivated to surpass expectations
and go the extra mile. Recognized for his mentorship
abilities, many individuals from both his teams and others,
within the organizations he has worked for, have sought his
guidance, enabling them to discover their professional and
personal paths. With skills such as patience, supportiveness,
and honesty, Christos excels as an exceptional mentor and
Pioneering Digital Transformation
Christos has an extensive track record of spearheading
digital transformation and digitalization initiatives,
predating the actual coining of these terms. His projects
have focused on enhancing existing target operating models
through the integration of technology, as well as conceiving
new operating models and harnessing technology to
generate fresh revenue streams for organizations. Notably,
he has achieved remarkable success in both realms. One
noteworthy accomplishment includes leading the
development of a people and technology ecosystem for
wealth management, resulting in a substantial enhancement
of customer experience and satisfaction. Additionally, he
has overseen the architecture of an ecosystem designed to
offer a lifestyle management super app, which has garnered
over 1 million downloads. Furthermore, Christos has taken
charge of digital transformation efforts in various
departments, such as IT, finance, marketing, sales, and HR
amonst many others. Through his leadership, he has
achieved unparalleled outcomes, including optimizing
business processes by more than 50%, delivering cutting-
edge digital solutions that facilitate the creation of new
revenue streams, and significantly reducing costs.
Holistic Solution Delivery
Christos begins the design process by focusing on the
business architecture when a solution needs to be
developed. Once the business architecture is established,
the design of other architectures can proceed in a more
organized and coherent manner. Christos possesses
extensive knowledge and expertise in various architecture
domains, including business, information, application,
integration, technology, and security. This enables a
comprehensive evaluation of the solution in terms of its
entirety and effectiveness before it is delivered to
Integrating Legacy Systems
While working at a prominent financial services company,
he encountered the task of integrating a 35-year-old blue-
screen mainframe solution into the contemporary realm of
the open API economy. Due to the high risks and expenses
associated with replacing the outdated system, the company
sought an alternative approach to connecting the legacy
system with the new APIs. Christos proposed the creation
of an API interface layer that would harmonize, orchestrate
and choreograph the APIs. This layer would serve as a link
between the legacy system and the new APIs, enabling the
company to circumvent the hazards and expenses of a
complete upgrade. The implementation of the interface
layer proved to be successful, breathing new life into the
legacy system and enabling the company to mitigate the
considerable risks and costs of upgrading.
Out of the Ordinary
Christos faced a momentous decision when the company
sought to implement a new solution. This undertaking
would require a substantial investment of time and finances.
Two potential options emerged: a commercial off-the-shelf
(COTS) system, tried and tested by other companies,
offering cost-effectiveness and swift deployment, but
lacking alignment with the company’s specific needs (and
thus requiring high level of customization), and a custom-
built system, promising greater flexibility and alignment,
but entailing a slightly higher cost and longer
implementation timeline.
Understanding the weightiness of this choice, Christos
recognized that there was no simple solution. While the
COTS system seemed safer, the potential advantages of the
custom-built alternative were compelling, outweighing the
associated risks. Though not without some dissent among
others, Christos firmly believed that the company was ready
to commit the necessary resources for the custom-built
In the end, Christos stood firm in recommending the
custom-built system, confident in its potential to best serve
the company’s interests. Despite differing opinions, the
custom-built solution was successfully implemented,
becoming a valuable asset that significantly boosted the
company’s efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
This experience imparted invaluable lessons to Christos. It
reaffirmed the importance of making decisions that
prioritize the company’s best interests, even if they aren’t
universally popular. Furthermore, it highlighted the
necessity of meticulously evaluating the risks and benefits
of available options before arriving at a well-informed
conclusion. Looking back, he remains content with the
decision to endorse the custom-built system, as it has
proven to be the right and rewarding choice for the
company in the long run.
Proven Approach
Managing multiple projects concurrently necessitates a
considerable amount of skill and leadership aptitude. The
approach employed incorporates several sequential steps.
To be more precise:
• He is identifying the most important projects and
focusing his efforts on them.
• Once these projects are identified, he sets clear
priorities to stay focused and avoid getting sidetracked.
• He is delegating tasks in accordance with the skills of
the people who would undertake them.
• He communicates clearly to the team and stakeholders,
ensuring that everybody is on the same page.
• If things are not going according to plan, he is resilient
enough to adjust priorities.
Blueprint for Team Success
To ensure effective communication within the team,
Christos prioritizes establishing clear channels of
communication that cater to the unique personalities and
idiosyncrasies of the team members. Additionally, he
emphasizes the importance of structured and concise
communication, avoiding unnecessary tangents or
distractions. He also encourages both formal and informal
modes of regular communication. A key aspect of effective
communication that he emphasizes is the need for patience
and understanding within the team. Under his guidance,
there is a strict policy against finger-pointing, allowing
everyone to make mistakes without fear of reproach.
However, it is expected that mistakes are not repeated, thus
fostering a learning environment.
Impactful Legacy
As Chief Enterprise Architect, Christos, has attained
numerous remarkable triumphs during his professional
journey. One particular accomplishment that shines brightly
is his pivotal contribution to the establishment and
enrichment of the Enterprise Architecture practice within a
prominent financial services organization. Upon his arrival
at the company, Christos faced a dearth of comprehension
and documentation pertaining to architecture. With a
methodical and rigorous approach, he adeptly executed the
adoption of Enterprise Architecture, followed by solution
architecture. Furthermore, Christos instigated a
comprehensive documentation endeavor to record the
company’s processes and solution architecture.
After 2 years on the aforementioned projects:
• He introduced the Enteprise Architecture practice to the
organization, reaching a maturity level of 2.7 (on a
scale of 1–5), with an industry average of 2.2.
• He designed and assessed numerous solutions, to
support the organisation’s rigorous expansion plans.
• He created an extensive electronic library
documenting the business processes and the
architecture of the IT solutions, as well as a
knowledge management portal where people
could search for information in an easy and
intuitive fashion.
These achievements helped the company enormously
in achieving its goals as well as extending the IT team
to meet the requirements of the strategy.
An Extraordinary Honor
Throughout his career, Christos has garnered multiple
accolades from CIOs/CTOs and other high-level
executives. Yet, the most cherished recognition he
ever received was during his tenure at a prominent
telecommunications company. This particular
organization had implemented a comprehensive 360-
degree performance evaluation system, allowing team
members to assess their managers. Surpassing the
company average by over 10%, he achieved the
highest score across the entire company. This
remarkable accomplishment was a direct outcome of
his exceptional ability to foster and guide a united,
purpose-driven, empowered, and achievement-
oriented team.
Architects of Tomorrow_Top 10 CAOs to Watch.pdf
Architects of Tomorrow_Top 10 CAOs to Watch.pdf
Architects of Tomorrow_Top 10 CAOs to Watch.pdf
Exploring the Early Sparks of Curiosity and the STEM Trail
That Led to a Career in Telecommunications!
hildren are inherently curious beings. From the
Cmoment they open their eyes to the world, they are
driven by an insatiable desire to understand, touch,
taste, and explore. Everything is new, and every experience
is an opportunity to learn. This natural curiosity is the
foundation upon which a lifelong journey of discovery is
built. "Mum, why is the sky blue?" "Dad, why do birds
sing?" The incessant questioning of a child is not merely a
phase; it is the early manifestation of an inquisitive mind
eager to unravel the mysteries of the world. Encouraging
these questions, rather than dismissing them, nurtures the
spark of curiosity.
What's it to do with?" A simple question, yet one that
ignited a lifelong passion for understanding the
complexities of technology and engineering in the mind of
a young Andy Rawnsley. Fast forward to today, and he
stands as a visionary Chief Architect Officer at Gamma,
leading the charge in shaping the technological landscape.
From childhood curiosity to orchestrating cutting-edge
solutions, Andy's trajectory in the engineering and
technology space is a testament to destiny aligning with
passion. "I think I was born to be in the engineering and
technology space," reflects Andy, reminiscing about the
days when he played with army field telephones, sparking
the initial flames of curiosity that would fuel his journey to
STEM subjects became his playground during his school
days, setting the stage for a formidable foundation. This
academic inclination seamlessly translated into a pursuit of
knowledge, culminating in a Systems Engineering and
Computing degree. The journey didn't stop there. Andy
embarked on a graduate training scheme that laid out a path
to Chartered Engineer status, solidifying his commitment to
excellence in the field.
A Journey from Inquisi ve Toddler
to Chartered Engineer
As CAO, Andy stands at the forefront of innovation,
steering the company towards new heights in the dynamic
world of telecommunications. His leadership not only
reflects a deep technical understanding but also a visionary
approach to shaping the future of connectivity.
Below are the interview highlights:
Two Decades of Innovation and Efficiency
Speaking about Gamma, Andy explained that nearly 25
years ago, the founders, Paul Banner and Phil Corbishley,
observed the challenges and unsustainability of the
'deregulated' and 'privatized' telco bubble. Analyzing the
cash burn rate and reserves of various UK and European
alternative operators, they patiently awaited opportunities.
In late 2001, when Atlantic Telecom went into receivership,
they seized the chance, acquiring all assets for £0.003 per
£1. This led to the creation of a debt-free NewCo, which
eventually became Gamma.
Initially, Gamma focused on a price and quality proposition
in the UK wholesale voice traffic space, a market
established by the regulated interconnect regime for
wholesale use of the BT network.
I think I was born to be in the engineering
and technology space. Apparently, as a
toddler, I was very inquisitive and always
wanted to know how something worked,
often pointing at something electrical or
mechanical and uttering the words,
"What’s it to do with?
January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
The acquisition of a customer base through M&A activities
played a crucial role in financing the introduction of VoIP
technology in 2003—20 years ago. Since then, Gamma's
emphasis has remained on innovating communication
services through technology and operational efficiency, a
commitment that continues to define its approach today.
Strategies for Redefining Operational Excellence
In elucidating the strategies employed, Andy highlighted
that Gamma's initial adoption of VoIP technology was
justified by the operational efficiencies it brought. The
transformation involved replacing power-hungry, circuit-
switched equipment with just a few racks, significantly
enhancing customer-serving capacity. Subsequent iterations
of the VoIP technology, now in its third refresh, have
consistently delivered increased efficiency, flexibility, and
expanded features.
A pivotal strategic component complementing Gamma's
VoIP technology stack is its in-house software development
capability. This capability has been a continuous focus since
the acquisition of the software house responsible for
Gamma's first-generation Business and Operational Support
Systems (BSS and OSS). Presently, Gamma maintains
dedicated teams for developing communication
applications, core service control platforms (including
routing engines), and BSS and OSS. However, the
company's approach is not limited to self-development; it
emphasizes building in areas where innovation leads to
differentiation and acquiring where it makes sense to
harness the benefits of development at scale.
Technological Evolution for Seamless Connectivity
Andy highlights the ongoing evolution of the public cloud
and the hyperscale model in delivering communication
services. This trend is closely linked with the emergence of
Universal Communications as a Service (UcaaS) from
major players such as 8x8, Cisco, Google, and Microsoft, as
well as numerous smaller providers entering the market.
In addition, the advent of high-speed local access, whether
through 5G or Fiber to the Premises with Wi-Fi 6, is
steering the industry toward an 'always on' model for rich
voice and video communications. Andy humorously
expresses his hope that the 'do not disturb' mode proves
effective in managing constant connectivity.
Gamma, as a player in this evolving landscape, fully
embraces these trends. They utilize these advancements not
only for delivering their own services but also for providing
wholesale connectivity services to various cloud and
infrastructure providers, including hyperscalers. Leveraging
the public cloud, Gamma simultaneously operates a
multisite private cloud platform for its product and service
delivery. In the realm of wireless connectivity, they harness
the capabilities of the high-speed and high-capacity 5G
mobile network, particularly the unique approach of pulling
data packets back into their core network for enhanced
processing. This distinctive strategy ensures a superior
customer experience. Notably, this model mirrors their
longstanding approach to broadband access services, which
has seamlessly transitioned into the fiber-to-the-premises
services constituting a significant part of their connectivity
Navigating the Interconnected Landscape
Andy, with a strong conviction in the foundational role of
interlock in supply chain relationships, believes in the
necessity of both commercial and technical cohesion.
Whether in human-to-human operational interfaces or
machine-to-machine protocol interfaces, understanding
what to do, guided by specifications or standards, is vital for
seamless interworking harmony.
Andy's introduction to NICC's work on telecommunications
technical interconnect and interoperability standards came
while specifying Gamma's initial VoIP platform
requirements. Witnessing the real-world benefits of this
Andy Rawnsley
Chief Architect Officer
January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
Architects of Tomorrow: Top 10 CAOs to Watch in 2024
work at Gamma, Andy delved into NICC's activities,
eventually joining the board. In his current NICC role,
Andy focuses on oversight, staying informed about task
group activities, and contributing where possible. This
journey reflects the interconnected landscape of
telecommunications standards.
A Journey through Telecom Leadership
During Andy's nearly decade-long tenure at AT&T, he had
the privilege of participating in their Leadership Continuity
Program. This unique opportunity allowed him to acquire
skills and experience across various facets of AT&T's
operations. Notably, he played a pivotal role in establishing
an AT&T operation in the UK, catering to multinational
clients with a local presence. The challenges faced during
the UK operation's development became valuable lessons,
significantly influencing his problem-solving approach at
Gamma, especially during its early and formative years.
At Global Crossing, Andy gained exceptional exposure to
VoIP technology during its early-scale deployment. Despite
the technology's initial reliability challenges, this
experience presented numerous opportunities for skill
development and problem-solving. The emphasis on
crafting high-availability and resilient architectures
emerged as a crucial takeaway from his time at Global
Meeting Varied Customer Demands
Gamma adeptly caters to both corporate and public-sector
clientele. Exploring the challenges and opportunities
inherent in serving such diverse customer bases reveals
interesting dynamics.
From a technological standpoint, the needs of these
customer segments exhibit remarkable similarities.
However, when delving into the commercial and
contractual interfaces, distinct differences emerge. Andy
observes that the public sector takes the lead in technical
and cyber security, displaying a proactive stance. In
contrast, corporations appear more reactive in this regard.
Gamma’s journey involves navigating these varied
landscapes, acknowledging the nuanced demands of each
sector, and ensuring a seamless blend of technology and
security solutions to meet the diverse needs of both
corporate and public-sector customers.
Seamless Network Transition
In the realm of network infrastructure, Andy recently
completed a significant upgrade, just before the lockdown
period. The project involved replacing their traditional
optical national network with a cutting-edge 'packet on
fiber' network. This transformation streamlined their
architecture by eliminating layers, resulting in a high-
capacity network. The overhaul not only reduced end-to-
end latency for services but also facilitated the
implementation of virtual functions across multiple data
Andy takes pride in the seamless transition from the old
network to the new one, accomplished without a single
outage. This meant that both internal and external
customers experienced no disruption during the process.
The success of this endeavor speaks to the effectiveness of
teamwork and the robust architecture and design
implemented. The operational colleagues embraced the
changes, ensuring a smooth delivery of services.
Empowering Careers
In his perspective, Continuous Professional Development
(CPD) is indispensable for keeping knowledge and skills
up-to-date. His university education and initial vocational
training date back to the 1980s and early 1990s, marking a
considerable span of time. The resources provided by the
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET),
particularly its Professional Networks, have been
instrumental in helping him consistently enhance and
sustain his knowledge and skill set throughout his career.
Engaging with the CPD framework has proven to be a
valuable experience for Andy. It not only prompts a critical
self-assessment of personal objectives but also aligns with
industry and academic trends. He strongly advocates for
everyone to embrace CPD through a relevant professional
body, emphasizing its role in continuous learning and
professional growth.
Corporate Excellence
• Barry Nee/Chief Information Officer: I define integrity
as doing the right thing when nobody’s
watching—that's what we get from Gamma and its
• Alec Campbell/Head of IT Procurement: With Gamma,
it always comes back to the people. We can buy from
anybody, but only Gamma can bring the ethos, the
experience, and the broad knowledge of our company.
January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
Architects of Tomorrow_Top 10 CAOs to Watch.pdf
The Psychology of Space:
Human Behavior in
Have you ever entered a room and
instantly felt relaxed or, on the flip side,
suddenly full of energy? The places we
spend time in really affect how we feel and act.
The connection between how our minds work and
the design of buildings is a super interesting topic.
Let's dig into the details of space psychology to
figure out how the places we're in impact how we
feel and how it affects our overall happiness and
Every place, whether it's a big city with tall
buildings or a small corner in our homes, affects
how we feel. Architects, psychologists, and
designers are curious about how the design of
spaces, like the layout of walls, the colors chosen,
and the way light is used, can influence our
emotions, productivity, and overall mental health.
Let's explore the psychological side of
architecture together. The buildings and spaces
around us aren't just physical things; they also
quietly shape our thoughts and feelings.
The Power of Proximity: Spatial Arrangement
and Social Dynamics
Consider the layout of a coffee shop; the
arrangement of tables and chairs can significantly
influence the social dynamics within the space.
Are the seating areas intimate and close-knit,
encouraging conversation and connection, or are
they spaced apart, fostering a more solitary
experience? The psychology of spatial
arrangement plays a pivotal role in shaping our
interactions with others.
January, 2024
Architecture is a visual
art, and the buildings
speak for themselves.
,, - Julia Morgan
Proximity, as studied by environmental psychologists, is a
key factor in determining the nature of social interactions.
In open-plan offices, for instance, the proximity of
workstations can impact collaboration and communication
among colleagues. The design of communal spaces in
residential areas can either facilitate a sense of community
or, conversely, create a feeling of isolation. Understanding
the psychological implications of spatial arrangement
allows architects to craft environments that promote
positive social interactions and cater to the diverse needs of
Color Palette and Emotional Resonance
"Color is a power that directly influences the soul." -
Wassily Kandinsky
The choice of colors in architectural design is a potent tool
that architects use to evoke specific emotions and moods.
Warm tones like reds and yellows can create a sense of
warmth and energy, while cool tones such as blues and
greens may induce calmness and tranquility. The
psychology of color is deeply ingrained in our cultural and
personal experiences, shaping our emotional responses to
the spaces we inhabit.
For instance, hospitals often opt for calming and neutral
color palettes to alleviate stress and anxiety among patients.
In contrast, vibrant and energetic colors may be employed
in recreational spaces or creative environments to stimulate
enthusiasm and innovation. By strategically leveraging the
psychology of color, architects can transform spaces into
dynamic canvases that not only serve their functional
purposes but also resonate with the emotional well-being of
their occupants.
Natural Light: Illuminating Well-Being
"Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent,
of forms assembled in the light." - Le Corbusier
The presence or absence of natural light within a space can
profoundly influence our circadian rhythm, mood, and
overall well-being. Sunlight, with its dynamic interplay of
shadows and highlights, not only illuminates physical
spaces but also has a psychological impact on our mental
state. Exposure to natural light has been linked to improved
productivity, better sleep quality, and an enhanced mood.
Architects, recognizing the importance of natural light,
often incorporate large windows, skylights, and open
designs to maximize sunlight penetration. The
psychological benefits of natural light extend beyond mere
aesthetics; they contribute to a holistic and harmonious
environment that nurtures both physical and mental health.
Understanding the interplay between architecture and
natural light allows designers to create spaces that not only
serve their utilitarian functions but also contribute to the
well-being of their occupants.
The Sanctuary of Personal Space
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, the concept of
personal space becomes increasingly crucial. Our homes,
designed to be sanctuaries from the external world, play a
pivotal role in shaping our mental and emotional well-
being. The psychology of personal space explores how the
design of our living spaces influences our sense of security,
privacy, and comfort.
Consider the layout of a bedroom; the placement of
furniture, the choice of colors, and the level of clutter can
all impact the quality of sleep and relaxation. The design of
private spaces within communal environments, such as
offices or shared residences, must strike a delicate balance
between fostering collaboration and providing individuals
with the autonomy to personalize their personal spaces.
Recognizing and respecting the psychology of personal
space allows architects to create environments that cater to
the diverse needs of individuals and promote a sense of
In the mix of how our minds work and the buildings around
us, the places we live play a big part in how we think and
feel. Everything, from where we put our furniture to the
colors we choose, affects how we feel. Architects and
designers are really important in making places that help us
feel good, connect with others, and live well with our
surroundings. Exploring how humans and their spaces work
together shows that architects have the power to create
environments that make us happy and live in harmony with
the world around us. Thinking about the psychology of
space helps us not only think about the places we design but
also understand how those places shape who we are.
- Alaya Brown
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Eudald Domenech
CEO & Service Architect
TVUP Streaming Media
January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
Charting the Evolution of a Tech Trailblazer in
Entertainment and Broadcasting!
Innovation is not about saying, 'I have a good idea.' It's
about asking, 'What does the world need that nobody
else can do?' It's a responsibility. In the dynamic world
of media and technology, one man has consistently posed
this critical question, reshaping the landscape of streaming
Eudald Domenech, the CEO and Service Architect of
TVUP Streaming Media, is a visionary whose journey
through the realms of internet entrepreneurship,
broadcasting, and content distribution has left an indelible
mark on the industry. His odyssey began in 1993 with the
founding of Servicom, marking the establishment of the
first commercial internet connection between the US and
Spain. Recognized as Spain's first internet entrepreneur, he
later co-founded ISP World Online in the Netherlands,
expanding his influence globally.
Venturing into web directories and virtual communities
with Telepolis, Eudald's journey evolved with the founding
of Techfoundries, exploring IT, home automation, cloud
desktops, and content distribution. His relentless pursuit of
innovation led to the restructuring of Techfoundries, paving
the way for future ventures.
In 2017, he founded TVUP Streaming Media, setting the
stage for a transformative period in the streaming industry.
With the launch of Tivify during the pandemic, the
company rapidly gained traction in Spain and expanded
globally with Mundo Go in Chile and Simple TV in
TVUP's groundbreaking technology, TV-as-a-Service
(TVaaS), is empowering operators and platforms in the
transition from broadcast to streaming. The Channel Store
(TCS), another brainchild of Eudald, revolutionizes content
ingestion and delivery, offering advanced services like
program restart, pause, recording, and catch-up.
Beyond technology, his vision extends to content
monetization through the TCS Ad Network, specializing in
connected TV (CTV). This holistic approach ensures that
TVUP doesn't just provide streaming solutions but actively
shapes the future of television.
Join us as we unravel the visionary mind behind TVUP
Streaming Media, where every challenge is an opportunity
and every innovation a responsibility!
Can you tell us about the inspiration and story behind
TVUP Streaming Media?
Broadcasting is obsolete, streaming is the future. 200 billion
in TV advertising and 150 billion in payTV subscriptions
will move from the hands of broadcasters and telcos to
streaming platforms. Advertisers prefer to invest in digital
advertising and consumers are canceling their subscriptions
with operators to switch to the cheaper streaming TV
What insights from restructuring InOutTV in 2012
influenced the launch of TotalChannel and later the
creation of TVUP Streaming Media?
InOutTV was hardware plus services, a very capital-
intensive business. Totalchannel moved everything to the
January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
Architects of Tomorrow: Top 10 CAOs to Watch in 2024
cloud, but at that time consumers did not have
enough bandwidth to support HD video. TVUP has
managed to bring the whole value chain together at
a time when all consumers have multiple advanced
devices and enough cheap bandwidth to support
even 4K video.
Could you elaborate on the challenges and
lessons learned during TotalChannel's
acquisition by Mediapro?
Having to sell your company to an industrialist
when it is ready to "fly" but you run out of money
is a very hard lesson for an entrepreneur. To
undertake, to innovate, to create new business
models, it is important to be able to count on
honest partners willing to help find the necessary
resources to consolidate the project.
January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
What inspired the creation of CBM Consulting with a
focus on the OTT sector, and how has your role evolved
to meet industry demands?
The sale of Totalchannel led to this period with CBM
Consulting. It was only a year and a half, but it served to
design a new generation of streaming platform that will
solve all the problems identified in InOutTV and
How did your collaboration with Google and
involvement in Agile TV in 2016 impact the direction of
your projects?
Agile TV was the first platform to use this design on
Google's Android TV ecosystem. This is where I met
Francisco Sáez, with whom we later co-founded TVUP.
What motivated the shift towards a free streaming
platform and the introduction of Tivify Pro under a
B2B2C model during the pandemic?
In 2018, TV Up Streaming Media began offering pay TV
solutions to local operators. During the pandemic, we
launched Tivify as a freemium TV platform, motivated by
the stagnation of the B2B business model.
Can you delve into the motivation behind TVUP's
development of TV-as-a-Service (TVaaS) and The
Channel Store (TCS)?
Once we had built and tested our solid platform, and found
great user acceptance, we saw that the first-tier technology
vendors were selling their product at astronomical prices.
We packaged our technology and proposed to the market to
license the entire platform, not just the technology. This
allowed us to reduce the time to market to less than six
months at up to five times less cost to the operator.
On the other hand, to properly monetize Tivify, we had to
develop The Channel Store, TCS, as an ad network
specialized in CTV (connected TV) advertising. TCS now
manages 150 million ad requests per month in Europe and
the Americas and is integrated into almost all platforms that
program FAST channels.
What challenges and opportunities did you encounter in
the international expansion of Tivify with Mundo Go in
Chile and Simple TV in Venezuela?
Doing business in Latin America is always challenging.
Both customers are owned by North American companies,
and this has made the relationship much easier as we are
able to invoice in euros and dollars. The level of expertise
of both teams, both technical and business, has also helped
a lot. The opportunity lies in the fact that they have both
started the migration of users from cable and satellite to
streaming, which means moving practically three million
users from one model to the other over the next few years.
Please give us a few testimonials from your clients and
awards or recognition that accurately highlight your
achievements in the corporate niche.
“We needed to quickly reach the market with a state-of-the-
art user interface without sacrificing service or
functionality. TVUP was the perfect solution for our needs
considering their extensive know-how, flexibility to adjust to
local conditions, and previous experience with Tivify in
Spain. We look forward to extending our partnership with
additional services that will continue to enrich the
experience of our customers.” - Renato Motta, CEO Latam
Streaming Services
“With MundoGo! Mundo customers obtain the best
experience possible today in terms of television
consumption, taking advantage of the excellent features of
our fiber. TVUP has been a fundamental piece to achieve
this achievement.” - Enrique Coulembier, CEO Mundo
January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
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Architects of Tomorrow_Top 10 CAOs to Watch.pdf
Design Process
Ever thought about what sparks the most
innovative ideas? Is it one person working
alone or a team working together? In the
world of design, where creativity is super important,
the answer usually involves working together as a
This article looks into how using the creativity of a
whole team can come up with amazing solutions that
go beyond what we thought was possible.
The Evolution of Design:
Design used to be something people did alone, but
now it's more of a team effort. This change shows
how things have moved from the old ways to the
new. At first, designers usually worked alone,
depending only on their own smarts. But as things
got more complicated, we realized we needed
different points of view and skills. That's when
collaborative design processes came about – a way
of working together and considering everyone's
ideas for a more complete and open approach.
The Collaborative Advantage:
The synergy created through collaborative design
processes offers a multitude of advantages. One of
the primary benefits is the amalgamation of diverse
skill sets and perspectives. When individuals with
varied backgrounds and expertise come together,
they bring unique insights that can spark innovation.
This diversity ensures a well-rounded exploration of
ideas, leading to solutions that address a broader
range of considerations.
Moreover, collaborative design fosters a culture of
open communication and idea exchange.
January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
Maximizing Team Crea vity!
January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
Teams working together often find that the free flow of
ideas generates fertile ground for creativity. Unlike isolated
design, where ideas may become stagnant, collaboration
breathes life into concepts, allowing them to evolve and
mature through continuous feedback and refinement.
Breaking Down Silos:
In many organizations, different departments have
traditionally operated in silos, limiting the exchange of
ideas and collaboration. Collaborative design processes
break down these silos, fostering cross-functional
collaboration. When designers, engineers, marketers, and
other stakeholders collaborate seamlessly, the result is a
product or solution that not only meets aesthetic standards
but also considers practicality, feasibility, and market
Tools for Collaboration:
In the digital age, collaboration is facilitated by a myriad of
tools and technologies. Virtual whiteboards, project
management software, and communication platforms have
become essential components of collaborative design.
These tools enable real-time collaboration, allowing team
members to contribute from different locations and time
zones. The democratization of information ensures that
every team member's input is valued and considered,
regardless of their physical location.
The Creative Spark in Collaboration:
When people work together to solve a design problem,
something special happens. The teamwork creates a
creative spark, and together, they come up with new and
clever ideas. The thoughts bounce around, changing and
getting better because everyone is sharing their input. This
way of working together, called collaborative design, is
special because it goes beyond what one person could think
up on their own. It takes creativity to a whole new level by
combining everyone's imagination.
Case Studies: Realizing the Impact
To illustrate the power of collaborative design processes,
let's delve into a couple of case studies that highlight
successful outcomes.
Apple's Design Studio: Apple's approach to design has
always been rooted in collaboration. The iconic products we
see today, from the iPhone to the MacBook, are the result of
a multidisciplinary design team working in unison. The
seamless integration of hardware and software, the hallmark
of Apple's success, is a testament to the power of
collaborative design thinking.
IDEO's Human-Centered Design: IDEO, a global design
consultancy, is renowned for its human-centered design
approach. The firm emphasizes collaboration and empathy
in the design process, involving end-users in the ideation
and prototyping stages. This collaborative approach ensures
that the final product not only meets functional
requirements but also resonates with the intended audience.
Challenges of Collaboration:
Collaborative design is great, but it's not always easy.
Dealing with different opinions and making sure everyone
understands each other can be difficult. Also, when a bunch
of people work together, it needs good planning and a
leader who knows how to guide the team. This leader
should make sure everyone is on the same page without
stopping them from being creative on their own.
Working together on designs is a big part of coming up with
new and creative ideas. It's like a team effort that helps us
think of things we might not have on our own. We use tools
like computers and online stuff to make it easier for
everyone to work together. When different people with
different ideas join forces, something special happens—we
break down walls and think of things that seemed
impossible before. Even though there are challenges, it's
clear that the future of making new and cool things is all
about working together and being creative as a team.
- Alaya Brown
January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com

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Architects of Tomorrow_Top 10 CAOs to Watch.pdf

  • 4. C O V E R S T O R Y Christos Sarantopoulos Mastering Enterprise and Solution Architecture to Transform Organizations and Redene the Future
  • 5. Andy Rawnsley Eudald Domenech A Journey from Inquisitive Toddler to Chartered Engineer The Psychology of Space Understanding Human Behavior in Architecture Maximizing Team Creativity! Collaborative Design Process A Journey from Internet Pioneer to Streaming Visionary ARTICLES
  • 6. Cra ing Dreams into Concrete Reali es Have you ever stopped to admire the cityscape and the soaring buildings that appear to reach the sky? Or have you ever noticed yourself becoming enthralled by the exquisite craftsmanship of a lovely bridge or the quaint charm of the houses that front your street? In certain cases, what you're seeing isn't just the tangible expression of human creativity; you're seeing the architectural composition in action—a work of art that communicates a great deal without using words. More than just a science of building, architecture is a visual art and a language expressed through the skillfully designed buildings that adorn our landscapes. Homes, bridges, and skyscrapers are all canvases on which architects work their magic. They have the amazing capacity to turn ideas and visions into real, observable realities, much like magicians of design. When we stand in front of an exquisite structure, we see more than simply carefully placed bricks and mortar. We are seeing the artistic manifestation of architects who have put their passion, talent, and ingenuity into every detail. The end product is a work of visual art that perfectly expresses the spirit of human ingenuity.
  • 7. In this edition of The CIO World, we present “Architects of Tomorrow: Top 10 CAOs to Watch in 2024,” Leading this lively business toward a future where technology and design merge and sustainability becomes more than just a slogan, Chief Architect Officers (CAOs) are at the front. Not only do these architects design structures, but they also mold the future by striking a balance between practicality and aesthetics. Join us as we discover the stories and philosophies behind these architectural leaders, exploring the secrets of the spaces we inhabit. Every building, whether it is a rural getaway or an urban landscape, is a tribute to the creativity and vision that architects provide for our planet. These architects of the future are not only creating buildings; one brick at a time, they are constructing the stories of our future.
  • 9. ,,In order to ensure effective communication within the team, Christos prioritizes establishing clear channels of communication that cater to the unique personalities and idiosyncrasies of the team members.
  • 10. In our journey through life, we encounter various challenges and obstacles that demand our attention and problem-solving skills. While some problems are straightforward and easily solvable, others can be complicated and perplexing, requiring a more thoughtful and strategic approach. Amidst the myriad challenges that life presents, there exists a unique breed of individuals who revel in the face of complexity. They are problem solvers, puzzle enthusiasts, and seekers of ingenious solutions. For them, complexity is not a daunting obstacle but rather an exhilarating journey. They are the ones who truly enjoy the challenge of solving complex problems. One of them is Christos, who entered the field of architecture to solve complex problems. Christos Sarantopoulos, a visionary Chief Enterprise Architect at Al-Futtaim with over three decades of experience, has left an indelible mark on multiple domains, empowering organizations to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. His journey into the realms of enterprise and solution architecture commenced in the early 2000s. Fuelled by an innate passion for tackling complexity head-on, he embarked on a career path that would not only shape his future but also redefine the possibilities for the organizations he would come to serve. Throughout his illustrious career, Christos has exhibited an unwavering commitment to excellence, continuously seeking to enhance, as well as optimise IT solutions and business processes, through innovative thinking and re- engineering. His track record of successfully delivering solutions and managing high performing teams reflects his prowess as a seasoned leader, capable of driving impactful outcomes and nurturing the growth of his colleagues. Christos stands apart as a multifaceted professional, possessing a diverse skillset that spans enterprise and solution architecture, leadership, project management, solution delivery and operations, just to name a few. This versatility has been a key asset in navigating the complex landscapes of modern enterprises, where the ability to connect the dots between technology and business is paramount. As a skilled analyst and evaluator, Christos has become adept at identifying opportunities for optimization and growth, bringing his expertise to bear on every project he undertakes. His talent for coaching and mentoring has not only empowered his teams but also fostered a culture of learning and continuous improvement within the organizations he has worked with. Let’s explore his excursions more thoroughly! Odyssey For Christos Sarantopoulos, the allure of enterprise and solution architecture lies in the perpetual challenge it presents. In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, he finds the thrill of innovation and the opportunity to create a lasting impact immensely rewarding. His ability to manage relationships, negotiate effectively, and work with stakeholders and vendors with finesse, has been instrumental in driving the success of his endeavors. As Christos continues to pave the path for enterprise architecture, he envisions a future where the fusion of technology and business not only meets the demands of the present but also anticipates the needs of tomorrow. His passion for pushing the boundaries of what is possible serves as a guiding light for organizations seeking to navigate the complexities of the digital age. Many reasons contributed to his decision to follow this career path, like: The challenge of it: Enterprise Architecture (EA) presents a multifaceted and demanding area of expertise. It necessitates a profound comprehension of business and technology, as well as the capacity to envision the broader perspective. Individuals who relish the satisfaction derived from resolving intricate problems may find great fulfillment in this endeavor. ,, He emphasizes the importance of structured and concise communication, avoiding unnecessary tangents or distractions. He also encourages both formal and informal modes of regular communication.
  • 12. • The impact it can have: It has the potential to significantly influence an organization’s success. By designing and implementing robust architectures, architects play a vital role in enhancing efficiency, productivity, and profitability for organizations. For individuals passionate about making a meaningful impact, this experience is incredibly fulfilling. • The variety of work it offers: It provides a wide range of opportunities for professionals. Architects in this field engage in diverse projects, including new product development, IT infrastructure, and business process improvement. This variety ensures that the work remains consistently interesting and challenging. • The opportunity to learn and grow: It is in a constant state of evolution, providing architects with ongoing opportunities for learning and staying up-to-date with the latest trends. Engaging in this process can be highly rewarding, but it requires a commitment to continuous education to keep pace with the ever-changing landscape. Inspiring Leadership and Empowering Teams Christos, an experienced leader and team builder, has successfully established numerous teams over the past decades. Rather than merely managing, he adopts a leadership approach, setting an example for his team members and empowering them to share his vision and act in accordance to it. Christos also demonstrates a remarkable level of empathy, understanding the needs of his team and striving to minimize distractions to prioritize results. His ,, Christos begins the design process by focusing on the business architecture when a solution needs to be developed. Once the business architecture is established, the design of other architectures can proceed in a more organized and coherent manner.
  • 13. teams are consistently motivated to surpass expectations and go the extra mile. Recognized for his mentorship abilities, many individuals from both his teams and others, within the organizations he has worked for, have sought his guidance, enabling them to discover their professional and personal paths. With skills such as patience, supportiveness, and honesty, Christos excels as an exceptional mentor and coach. Pioneering Digital Transformation Christos has an extensive track record of spearheading digital transformation and digitalization initiatives, predating the actual coining of these terms. His projects have focused on enhancing existing target operating models through the integration of technology, as well as conceiving new operating models and harnessing technology to generate fresh revenue streams for organizations. Notably, he has achieved remarkable success in both realms. One noteworthy accomplishment includes leading the development of a people and technology ecosystem for wealth management, resulting in a substantial enhancement of customer experience and satisfaction. Additionally, he has overseen the architecture of an ecosystem designed to offer a lifestyle management super app, which has garnered over 1 million downloads. Furthermore, Christos has taken charge of digital transformation efforts in various departments, such as IT, finance, marketing, sales, and HR amonst many others. Through his leadership, he has achieved unparalleled outcomes, including optimizing business processes by more than 50%, delivering cutting- edge digital solutions that facilitate the creation of new revenue streams, and significantly reducing costs. Holistic Solution Delivery Christos begins the design process by focusing on the business architecture when a solution needs to be developed. Once the business architecture is established, the design of other architectures can proceed in a more organized and coherent manner. Christos possesses extensive knowledge and expertise in various architecture domains, including business, information, application, integration, technology, and security. This enables a comprehensive evaluation of the solution in terms of its entirety and effectiveness before it is delivered to customers. Integrating Legacy Systems While working at a prominent financial services company, he encountered the task of integrating a 35-year-old blue- screen mainframe solution into the contemporary realm of the open API economy. Due to the high risks and expenses associated with replacing the outdated system, the company sought an alternative approach to connecting the legacy system with the new APIs. Christos proposed the creation of an API interface layer that would harmonize, orchestrate and choreograph the APIs. This layer would serve as a link between the legacy system and the new APIs, enabling the company to circumvent the hazards and expenses of a complete upgrade. The implementation of the interface layer proved to be successful, breathing new life into the legacy system and enabling the company to mitigate the considerable risks and costs of upgrading. Out of the Ordinary Christos faced a momentous decision when the company sought to implement a new solution. This undertaking would require a substantial investment of time and finances. Two potential options emerged: a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) system, tried and tested by other companies, offering cost-effectiveness and swift deployment, but lacking alignment with the company’s specific needs (and thus requiring high level of customization), and a custom- built system, promising greater flexibility and alignment, but entailing a slightly higher cost and longer implementation timeline. Understanding the weightiness of this choice, Christos recognized that there was no simple solution. While the COTS system seemed safer, the potential advantages of the custom-built alternative were compelling, outweighing the associated risks. Though not without some dissent among others, Christos firmly believed that the company was ready to commit the necessary resources for the custom-built system. In the end, Christos stood firm in recommending the custom-built system, confident in its potential to best serve the company’s interests. Despite differing opinions, the custom-built solution was successfully implemented, becoming a valuable asset that significantly boosted the company’s efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This experience imparted invaluable lessons to Christos. It reaffirmed the importance of making decisions that prioritize the company’s best interests, even if they aren’t
  • 14. universally popular. Furthermore, it highlighted the necessity of meticulously evaluating the risks and benefits of available options before arriving at a well-informed conclusion. Looking back, he remains content with the decision to endorse the custom-built system, as it has proven to be the right and rewarding choice for the company in the long run. Proven Approach Managing multiple projects concurrently necessitates a considerable amount of skill and leadership aptitude. The approach employed incorporates several sequential steps. To be more precise: • He is identifying the most important projects and focusing his efforts on them. • Once these projects are identified, he sets clear priorities to stay focused and avoid getting sidetracked. • He is delegating tasks in accordance with the skills of the people who would undertake them. • He communicates clearly to the team and stakeholders, ensuring that everybody is on the same page. • If things are not going according to plan, he is resilient enough to adjust priorities. Blueprint for Team Success To ensure effective communication within the team, Christos prioritizes establishing clear channels of communication that cater to the unique personalities and idiosyncrasies of the team members. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of structured and concise communication, avoiding unnecessary tangents or distractions. He also encourages both formal and informal modes of regular communication. A key aspect of effective communication that he emphasizes is the need for patience and understanding within the team. Under his guidance, there is a strict policy against finger-pointing, allowing everyone to make mistakes without fear of reproach. However, it is expected that mistakes are not repeated, thus fostering a learning environment. Impactful Legacy As Chief Enterprise Architect, Christos, has attained numerous remarkable triumphs during his professional journey. One particular accomplishment that shines brightly is his pivotal contribution to the establishment and enrichment of the Enterprise Architecture practice within a prominent financial services organization. Upon his arrival at the company, Christos faced a dearth of comprehension and documentation pertaining to architecture. With a methodical and rigorous approach, he adeptly executed the adoption of Enterprise Architecture, followed by solution architecture. Furthermore, Christos instigated a comprehensive documentation endeavor to record the company’s processes and solution architecture. After 2 years on the aforementioned projects: • He introduced the Enteprise Architecture practice to the organization, reaching a maturity level of 2.7 (on a scale of 1–5), with an industry average of 2.2. • He designed and assessed numerous solutions, to support the organisation’s rigorous expansion plans. • He created an extensive electronic library documenting the business processes and the architecture of the IT solutions, as well as a knowledge management portal where people could search for information in an easy and intuitive fashion. These achievements helped the company enormously in achieving its goals as well as extending the IT team to meet the requirements of the strategy. An Extraordinary Honor Throughout his career, Christos has garnered multiple accolades from CIOs/CTOs and other high-level executives. Yet, the most cherished recognition he ever received was during his tenure at a prominent telecommunications company. This particular organization had implemented a comprehensive 360- degree performance evaluation system, allowing team members to assess their managers. Surpassing the company average by over 10%, he achieved the highest score across the entire company. This remarkable accomplishment was a direct outcome of his exceptional ability to foster and guide a united, purpose-driven, empowered, and achievement- oriented team.
  • 18. Exploring the Early Sparks of Curiosity and the STEM Trail That Led to a Career in Telecommunications! hildren are inherently curious beings. From the Cmoment they open their eyes to the world, they are driven by an insatiable desire to understand, touch, taste, and explore. Everything is new, and every experience is an opportunity to learn. This natural curiosity is the foundation upon which a lifelong journey of discovery is built. "Mum, why is the sky blue?" "Dad, why do birds sing?" The incessant questioning of a child is not merely a phase; it is the early manifestation of an inquisitive mind eager to unravel the mysteries of the world. Encouraging these questions, rather than dismissing them, nurtures the spark of curiosity. What's it to do with?" A simple question, yet one that ignited a lifelong passion for understanding the complexities of technology and engineering in the mind of a young Andy Rawnsley. Fast forward to today, and he stands as a visionary Chief Architect Officer at Gamma, leading the charge in shaping the technological landscape. From childhood curiosity to orchestrating cutting-edge solutions, Andy's trajectory in the engineering and technology space is a testament to destiny aligning with passion. "I think I was born to be in the engineering and technology space," reflects Andy, reminiscing about the days when he played with army field telephones, sparking the initial flames of curiosity that would fuel his journey to telecommunications. STEM subjects became his playground during his school days, setting the stage for a formidable foundation. This academic inclination seamlessly translated into a pursuit of knowledge, culminating in a Systems Engineering and Computing degree. The journey didn't stop there. Andy embarked on a graduate training scheme that laid out a path to Chartered Engineer status, solidifying his commitment to excellence in the field. Andy Rawnsley A Journey from Inquisi ve Toddler to Chartered Engineer As CAO, Andy stands at the forefront of innovation, steering the company towards new heights in the dynamic world of telecommunications. His leadership not only reflects a deep technical understanding but also a visionary approach to shaping the future of connectivity. Below are the interview highlights: Two Decades of Innovation and Efficiency Speaking about Gamma, Andy explained that nearly 25 years ago, the founders, Paul Banner and Phil Corbishley, observed the challenges and unsustainability of the 'deregulated' and 'privatized' telco bubble. Analyzing the cash burn rate and reserves of various UK and European alternative operators, they patiently awaited opportunities. In late 2001, when Atlantic Telecom went into receivership, they seized the chance, acquiring all assets for £0.003 per £1. This led to the creation of a debt-free NewCo, which eventually became Gamma. Initially, Gamma focused on a price and quality proposition in the UK wholesale voice traffic space, a market established by the regulated interconnect regime for wholesale use of the BT network. I think I was born to be in the engineering and technology space. Apparently, as a toddler, I was very inquisitive and always wanted to know how something worked, often pointing at something electrical or mechanical and uttering the words, "What’s it to do with? ,, , , January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com 16
  • 19. The acquisition of a customer base through M&A activities played a crucial role in financing the introduction of VoIP technology in 2003—20 years ago. Since then, Gamma's emphasis has remained on innovating communication services through technology and operational efficiency, a commitment that continues to define its approach today. Strategies for Redefining Operational Excellence In elucidating the strategies employed, Andy highlighted that Gamma's initial adoption of VoIP technology was justified by the operational efficiencies it brought. The transformation involved replacing power-hungry, circuit- switched equipment with just a few racks, significantly enhancing customer-serving capacity. Subsequent iterations of the VoIP technology, now in its third refresh, have consistently delivered increased efficiency, flexibility, and expanded features. A pivotal strategic component complementing Gamma's VoIP technology stack is its in-house software development capability. This capability has been a continuous focus since the acquisition of the software house responsible for Gamma's first-generation Business and Operational Support Systems (BSS and OSS). Presently, Gamma maintains dedicated teams for developing communication applications, core service control platforms (including routing engines), and BSS and OSS. However, the company's approach is not limited to self-development; it emphasizes building in areas where innovation leads to differentiation and acquiring where it makes sense to harness the benefits of development at scale. Technological Evolution for Seamless Connectivity Andy highlights the ongoing evolution of the public cloud and the hyperscale model in delivering communication services. This trend is closely linked with the emergence of Universal Communications as a Service (UcaaS) from major players such as 8x8, Cisco, Google, and Microsoft, as well as numerous smaller providers entering the market. In addition, the advent of high-speed local access, whether through 5G or Fiber to the Premises with Wi-Fi 6, is steering the industry toward an 'always on' model for rich voice and video communications. Andy humorously expresses his hope that the 'do not disturb' mode proves effective in managing constant connectivity. Gamma, as a player in this evolving landscape, fully embraces these trends. They utilize these advancements not only for delivering their own services but also for providing wholesale connectivity services to various cloud and infrastructure providers, including hyperscalers. Leveraging the public cloud, Gamma simultaneously operates a multisite private cloud platform for its product and service delivery. In the realm of wireless connectivity, they harness the capabilities of the high-speed and high-capacity 5G mobile network, particularly the unique approach of pulling data packets back into their core network for enhanced processing. This distinctive strategy ensures a superior customer experience. Notably, this model mirrors their longstanding approach to broadband access services, which has seamlessly transitioned into the fiber-to-the-premises services constituting a significant part of their connectivity portfolio. Navigating the Interconnected Landscape Andy, with a strong conviction in the foundational role of interlock in supply chain relationships, believes in the necessity of both commercial and technical cohesion. Whether in human-to-human operational interfaces or machine-to-machine protocol interfaces, understanding what to do, guided by specifications or standards, is vital for seamless interworking harmony. Andy's introduction to NICC's work on telecommunications technical interconnect and interoperability standards came while specifying Gamma's initial VoIP platform requirements. Witnessing the real-world benefits of this Andy Rawnsley Chief Architect Officer Gamma January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com 17 Architects of Tomorrow: Top 10 CAOs to Watch in 2024
  • 20. work at Gamma, Andy delved into NICC's activities, eventually joining the board. In his current NICC role, Andy focuses on oversight, staying informed about task group activities, and contributing where possible. This journey reflects the interconnected landscape of telecommunications standards. A Journey through Telecom Leadership During Andy's nearly decade-long tenure at AT&T, he had the privilege of participating in their Leadership Continuity Program. This unique opportunity allowed him to acquire skills and experience across various facets of AT&T's operations. Notably, he played a pivotal role in establishing an AT&T operation in the UK, catering to multinational clients with a local presence. The challenges faced during the UK operation's development became valuable lessons, significantly influencing his problem-solving approach at Gamma, especially during its early and formative years. At Global Crossing, Andy gained exceptional exposure to VoIP technology during its early-scale deployment. Despite the technology's initial reliability challenges, this experience presented numerous opportunities for skill development and problem-solving. The emphasis on crafting high-availability and resilient architectures emerged as a crucial takeaway from his time at Global Crossing. Meeting Varied Customer Demands Gamma adeptly caters to both corporate and public-sector clientele. Exploring the challenges and opportunities inherent in serving such diverse customer bases reveals interesting dynamics. From a technological standpoint, the needs of these customer segments exhibit remarkable similarities. However, when delving into the commercial and contractual interfaces, distinct differences emerge. Andy observes that the public sector takes the lead in technical and cyber security, displaying a proactive stance. In contrast, corporations appear more reactive in this regard. Gamma’s journey involves navigating these varied landscapes, acknowledging the nuanced demands of each sector, and ensuring a seamless blend of technology and security solutions to meet the diverse needs of both corporate and public-sector customers. Seamless Network Transition In the realm of network infrastructure, Andy recently completed a significant upgrade, just before the lockdown period. The project involved replacing their traditional optical national network with a cutting-edge 'packet on fiber' network. This transformation streamlined their architecture by eliminating layers, resulting in a high- capacity network. The overhaul not only reduced end-to- end latency for services but also facilitated the implementation of virtual functions across multiple data centers. Andy takes pride in the seamless transition from the old network to the new one, accomplished without a single outage. This meant that both internal and external customers experienced no disruption during the process. The success of this endeavor speaks to the effectiveness of teamwork and the robust architecture and design implemented. The operational colleagues embraced the changes, ensuring a smooth delivery of services. Empowering Careers In his perspective, Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is indispensable for keeping knowledge and skills up-to-date. His university education and initial vocational training date back to the 1980s and early 1990s, marking a considerable span of time. The resources provided by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), particularly its Professional Networks, have been instrumental in helping him consistently enhance and sustain his knowledge and skill set throughout his career. Engaging with the CPD framework has proven to be a valuable experience for Andy. It not only prompts a critical self-assessment of personal objectives but also aligns with industry and academic trends. He strongly advocates for everyone to embrace CPD through a relevant professional body, emphasizing its role in continuous learning and professional growth. Corporate Excellence • Barry Nee/Chief Information Officer: I define integrity as doing the right thing when nobody’s watching—that's what we get from Gamma and its people. • Alec Campbell/Head of IT Procurement: With Gamma, it always comes back to the people. We can buy from anybody, but only Gamma can bring the ethos, the experience, and the broad knowledge of our company. January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com 18
  • 22. The Psychology of Space: Understanding Human Behavior in Architecture Have you ever entered a room and instantly felt relaxed or, on the flip side, suddenly full of energy? The places we spend time in really affect how we feel and act. The connection between how our minds work and the design of buildings is a super interesting topic. Let's dig into the details of space psychology to figure out how the places we're in impact how we feel and how it affects our overall happiness and health. Every place, whether it's a big city with tall buildings or a small corner in our homes, affects how we feel. Architects, psychologists, and designers are curious about how the design of spaces, like the layout of walls, the colors chosen, and the way light is used, can influence our emotions, productivity, and overall mental health. Let's explore the psychological side of architecture together. The buildings and spaces around us aren't just physical things; they also quietly shape our thoughts and feelings. The Power of Proximity: Spatial Arrangement and Social Dynamics Consider the layout of a coffee shop; the arrangement of tables and chairs can significantly influence the social dynamics within the space. Are the seating areas intimate and close-knit, encouraging conversation and connection, or are they spaced apart, fostering a more solitary experience? The psychology of spatial arrangement plays a pivotal role in shaping our interactions with others. January, 2024 20
  • 23. Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves. ,, - Julia Morgan
  • 24. Proximity, as studied by environmental psychologists, is a key factor in determining the nature of social interactions. In open-plan offices, for instance, the proximity of workstations can impact collaboration and communication among colleagues. The design of communal spaces in residential areas can either facilitate a sense of community or, conversely, create a feeling of isolation. Understanding the psychological implications of spatial arrangement allows architects to craft environments that promote positive social interactions and cater to the diverse needs of individuals. Color Palette and Emotional Resonance "Color is a power that directly influences the soul." - Wassily Kandinsky The choice of colors in architectural design is a potent tool that architects use to evoke specific emotions and moods. Warm tones like reds and yellows can create a sense of warmth and energy, while cool tones such as blues and greens may induce calmness and tranquility. The psychology of color is deeply ingrained in our cultural and personal experiences, shaping our emotional responses to the spaces we inhabit. For instance, hospitals often opt for calming and neutral color palettes to alleviate stress and anxiety among patients. In contrast, vibrant and energetic colors may be employed in recreational spaces or creative environments to stimulate enthusiasm and innovation. By strategically leveraging the psychology of color, architects can transform spaces into dynamic canvases that not only serve their functional purposes but also resonate with the emotional well-being of their occupants. Natural Light: Illuminating Well-Being "Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in the light." - Le Corbusier The presence or absence of natural light within a space can profoundly influence our circadian rhythm, mood, and overall well-being. Sunlight, with its dynamic interplay of shadows and highlights, not only illuminates physical spaces but also has a psychological impact on our mental state. Exposure to natural light has been linked to improved productivity, better sleep quality, and an enhanced mood. Architects, recognizing the importance of natural light, often incorporate large windows, skylights, and open designs to maximize sunlight penetration. The psychological benefits of natural light extend beyond mere aesthetics; they contribute to a holistic and harmonious environment that nurtures both physical and mental health. Understanding the interplay between architecture and natural light allows designers to create spaces that not only serve their utilitarian functions but also contribute to the well-being of their occupants. The Sanctuary of Personal Space In the hustle and bustle of modern life, the concept of personal space becomes increasingly crucial. Our homes, designed to be sanctuaries from the external world, play a pivotal role in shaping our mental and emotional well- being. The psychology of personal space explores how the design of our living spaces influences our sense of security, privacy, and comfort. Consider the layout of a bedroom; the placement of furniture, the choice of colors, and the level of clutter can all impact the quality of sleep and relaxation. The design of private spaces within communal environments, such as offices or shared residences, must strike a delicate balance between fostering collaboration and providing individuals with the autonomy to personalize their personal spaces. Recognizing and respecting the psychology of personal space allows architects to create environments that cater to the diverse needs of individuals and promote a sense of well-being. Conclusion: In the mix of how our minds work and the buildings around us, the places we live play a big part in how we think and feel. Everything, from where we put our furniture to the colors we choose, affects how we feel. Architects and designers are really important in making places that help us feel good, connect with others, and live well with our surroundings. Exploring how humans and their spaces work together shows that architects have the power to create environments that make us happy and live in harmony with the world around us. Thinking about the psychology of space helps us not only think about the places we design but also understand how those places shape who we are. - Alaya Brown January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com 22
  • 26. Eudald Domenech CEO & Service Architect TVUP Streaming Media January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com 24
  • 27. Charting the Evolution of a Tech Trailblazer in Entertainment and Broadcasting! Innovation is not about saying, 'I have a good idea.' It's about asking, 'What does the world need that nobody else can do?' It's a responsibility. In the dynamic world of media and technology, one man has consistently posed this critical question, reshaping the landscape of streaming services. Eudald Domenech, the CEO and Service Architect of TVUP Streaming Media, is a visionary whose journey through the realms of internet entrepreneurship, broadcasting, and content distribution has left an indelible mark on the industry. His odyssey began in 1993 with the founding of Servicom, marking the establishment of the first commercial internet connection between the US and Spain. Recognized as Spain's first internet entrepreneur, he later co-founded ISP World Online in the Netherlands, expanding his influence globally. Venturing into web directories and virtual communities with Telepolis, Eudald's journey evolved with the founding of Techfoundries, exploring IT, home automation, cloud desktops, and content distribution. His relentless pursuit of innovation led to the restructuring of Techfoundries, paving the way for future ventures. In 2017, he founded TVUP Streaming Media, setting the stage for a transformative period in the streaming industry. With the launch of Tivify during the pandemic, the company rapidly gained traction in Spain and expanded globally with Mundo Go in Chile and Simple TV in Venezuela. TVUP's groundbreaking technology, TV-as-a-Service (TVaaS), is empowering operators and platforms in the transition from broadcast to streaming. The Channel Store (TCS), another brainchild of Eudald, revolutionizes content ingestion and delivery, offering advanced services like program restart, pause, recording, and catch-up. Beyond technology, his vision extends to content monetization through the TCS Ad Network, specializing in connected TV (CTV). This holistic approach ensures that TVUP doesn't just provide streaming solutions but actively shapes the future of television. Join us as we unravel the visionary mind behind TVUP Streaming Media, where every challenge is an opportunity and every innovation a responsibility! Can you tell us about the inspiration and story behind TVUP Streaming Media? Broadcasting is obsolete, streaming is the future. 200 billion in TV advertising and 150 billion in payTV subscriptions will move from the hands of broadcasters and telcos to streaming platforms. Advertisers prefer to invest in digital advertising and consumers are canceling their subscriptions with operators to switch to the cheaper streaming TV platforms. What insights from restructuring InOutTV in 2012 influenced the launch of TotalChannel and later the creation of TVUP Streaming Media? InOutTV was hardware plus services, a very capital- intensive business. Totalchannel moved everything to the January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com 25 Architects of Tomorrow: Top 10 CAOs to Watch in 2024
  • 28. cloud, but at that time consumers did not have enough bandwidth to support HD video. TVUP has managed to bring the whole value chain together at a time when all consumers have multiple advanced devices and enough cheap bandwidth to support even 4K video. Could you elaborate on the challenges and lessons learned during TotalChannel's acquisition by Mediapro? Having to sell your company to an industrialist when it is ready to "fly" but you run out of money is a very hard lesson for an entrepreneur. To undertake, to innovate, to create new business models, it is important to be able to count on honest partners willing to help find the necessary resources to consolidate the project. January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com 26
  • 29. What inspired the creation of CBM Consulting with a focus on the OTT sector, and how has your role evolved to meet industry demands? The sale of Totalchannel led to this period with CBM Consulting. It was only a year and a half, but it served to design a new generation of streaming platform that will solve all the problems identified in InOutTV and Totalchannel. How did your collaboration with Google and involvement in Agile TV in 2016 impact the direction of your projects? Agile TV was the first platform to use this design on Google's Android TV ecosystem. This is where I met Francisco Sáez, with whom we later co-founded TVUP. What motivated the shift towards a free streaming platform and the introduction of Tivify Pro under a B2B2C model during the pandemic? In 2018, TV Up Streaming Media began offering pay TV solutions to local operators. During the pandemic, we launched Tivify as a freemium TV platform, motivated by the stagnation of the B2B business model. Can you delve into the motivation behind TVUP's development of TV-as-a-Service (TVaaS) and The Channel Store (TCS)? Once we had built and tested our solid platform, and found great user acceptance, we saw that the first-tier technology vendors were selling their product at astronomical prices. We packaged our technology and proposed to the market to license the entire platform, not just the technology. This allowed us to reduce the time to market to less than six months at up to five times less cost to the operator. On the other hand, to properly monetize Tivify, we had to develop The Channel Store, TCS, as an ad network specialized in CTV (connected TV) advertising. TCS now manages 150 million ad requests per month in Europe and the Americas and is integrated into almost all platforms that program FAST channels. What challenges and opportunities did you encounter in the international expansion of Tivify with Mundo Go in Chile and Simple TV in Venezuela? Doing business in Latin America is always challenging. Both customers are owned by North American companies, and this has made the relationship much easier as we are able to invoice in euros and dollars. The level of expertise of both teams, both technical and business, has also helped a lot. The opportunity lies in the fact that they have both started the migration of users from cable and satellite to streaming, which means moving practically three million users from one model to the other over the next few years. Please give us a few testimonials from your clients and awards or recognition that accurately highlight your achievements in the corporate niche. “We needed to quickly reach the market with a state-of-the- art user interface without sacrificing service or functionality. TVUP was the perfect solution for our needs considering their extensive know-how, flexibility to adjust to local conditions, and previous experience with Tivify in Spain. We look forward to extending our partnership with additional services that will continue to enrich the experience of our customers.” - Renato Motta, CEO Latam Streaming Services “With MundoGo! Mundo customers obtain the best experience possible today in terms of television consumption, taking advantage of the excellent features of our fiber. TVUP has been a fundamental piece to achieve this achievement.” - Enrique Coulembier, CEO Mundo Pacífico. January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com 27
  • 32. Collaborative Design Process Ever thought about what sparks the most innovative ideas? Is it one person working alone or a team working together? In the world of design, where creativity is super important, the answer usually involves working together as a team. This article looks into how using the creativity of a whole team can come up with amazing solutions that go beyond what we thought was possible. The Evolution of Design: Design used to be something people did alone, but now it's more of a team effort. This change shows how things have moved from the old ways to the new. At first, designers usually worked alone, depending only on their own smarts. But as things got more complicated, we realized we needed different points of view and skills. That's when collaborative design processes came about – a way of working together and considering everyone's ideas for a more complete and open approach. The Collaborative Advantage: The synergy created through collaborative design processes offers a multitude of advantages. One of the primary benefits is the amalgamation of diverse skill sets and perspectives. When individuals with varied backgrounds and expertise come together, they bring unique insights that can spark innovation. This diversity ensures a well-rounded exploration of ideas, leading to solutions that address a broader range of considerations. Moreover, collaborative design fosters a culture of open communication and idea exchange. January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com 30
  • 33. Maximizing Team Crea vity! January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com 31
  • 34. Teams working together often find that the free flow of ideas generates fertile ground for creativity. Unlike isolated design, where ideas may become stagnant, collaboration breathes life into concepts, allowing them to evolve and mature through continuous feedback and refinement. Breaking Down Silos: In many organizations, different departments have traditionally operated in silos, limiting the exchange of ideas and collaboration. Collaborative design processes break down these silos, fostering cross-functional collaboration. When designers, engineers, marketers, and other stakeholders collaborate seamlessly, the result is a product or solution that not only meets aesthetic standards but also considers practicality, feasibility, and market appeal. Tools for Collaboration: In the digital age, collaboration is facilitated by a myriad of tools and technologies. Virtual whiteboards, project management software, and communication platforms have become essential components of collaborative design. These tools enable real-time collaboration, allowing team members to contribute from different locations and time zones. The democratization of information ensures that every team member's input is valued and considered, regardless of their physical location. The Creative Spark in Collaboration: When people work together to solve a design problem, something special happens. The teamwork creates a creative spark, and together, they come up with new and clever ideas. The thoughts bounce around, changing and getting better because everyone is sharing their input. This way of working together, called collaborative design, is special because it goes beyond what one person could think up on their own. It takes creativity to a whole new level by combining everyone's imagination. Case Studies: Realizing the Impact To illustrate the power of collaborative design processes, let's delve into a couple of case studies that highlight successful outcomes. Apple's Design Studio: Apple's approach to design has always been rooted in collaboration. The iconic products we see today, from the iPhone to the MacBook, are the result of a multidisciplinary design team working in unison. The seamless integration of hardware and software, the hallmark of Apple's success, is a testament to the power of collaborative design thinking. IDEO's Human-Centered Design: IDEO, a global design consultancy, is renowned for its human-centered design approach. The firm emphasizes collaboration and empathy in the design process, involving end-users in the ideation and prototyping stages. This collaborative approach ensures that the final product not only meets functional requirements but also resonates with the intended audience. Challenges of Collaboration: Collaborative design is great, but it's not always easy. Dealing with different opinions and making sure everyone understands each other can be difficult. Also, when a bunch of people work together, it needs good planning and a leader who knows how to guide the team. This leader should make sure everyone is on the same page without stopping them from being creative on their own. Conclusion: Working together on designs is a big part of coming up with new and creative ideas. It's like a team effort that helps us think of things we might not have on our own. We use tools like computers and online stuff to make it easier for everyone to work together. When different people with different ideas join forces, something special happens—we break down walls and think of things that seemed impossible before. Even though there are challenges, it's clear that the future of making new and cool things is all about working together and being creative as a team. - Alaya Brown January, 2024 www.thecioworld.com 32