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Teacher and student talking in school hallway

Great Public Schools

Tomorrow’s leaders are today’s students. Great public schools will get them ready.
All students deserve schools with the resources, programs, and curriculum to nurture their curiosity, imagination, spirit, talents, and desire to learn.
We know that growth is work. That’s why we’ve created a framework, guide, and grants to support collaboration and innovation–so students in every zip code, in every family, of every background, attend a great public school.

What Students Deserve

All students have a basic right to a great public school. This is our vision of what great public schools need and should provide.

Bias-Free Schools

Safe and affirming schools are a core element of student success. When students feel that they are not welcome, their ability to learn and thrive is diminished. We can create schools where every student can learn, regardless of their skin color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or ability.

Community Schools

Community Schools are public schools that provide services and support that fit each neighborhood’s needs, created and run by the people who know our children best—all working together.

Collaborative Practice

Research shows that effective collaborative partnerships in education lead to greater teacher retention and educator empowerment, more effective communication among stakeholders, and an increase in student success, even in high poverty school districts.

GPS Fund Grants

The NEA’s Great Public Schools Fund Grants (GPS Fund Grants) advance the goal of great public schools for every student. GPS Fund Grants are intended to help NEA State and Local Affiliates enhance the quality of public education by developing, implementing and leading an agenda that engages members with an emphasis on student-centered success and well-being through union-led efforts.
Member Kimberly Eckert
It is our job, and the community’s job, and it’s the school’s job, and it’s the country’s job to make sure that kids—all kids—have their best shot.
Quote by: Kimberly Eckert, High School English Teacher, Louisiana Education Association
Leadership Summit

National Leadership Summit

NEA's annual National Leadership Summit helps to develop activist leaders and prepare them with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to lead relevant, thriving associations and to lead in their professions.

Are you an affiliate?

Jump to updates, opportunities, and resources for NEA state and local affiliates.

What’s on Your Mind?

We’re here to help. Our community comes to us seeking tools (guides, reports, trainings, and more) to help answer everyday questions. We’re here to support you in whatever you need.
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.