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Your Support Matters!

Dear friends,

Last year, we told you about a group called Donor Experience Partners (DXP). They were working with us to capture the insights and experiences of our donors. Together, we developed a special survey that was sent to donors via email and the post office. DXP processed your responses and this past August, met with us to deliver the results, all the while preserving your anonymity.

First, let me begin by thanking everyone who took part in this important project. It was our hope that what we learned would provide a framework from which we could continue to build strong connections with our vital community of NCR supporters. We learned a great deal and are beginning to incorporate those learnings into our day-to-day work.

I am grateful to report that much of what we heard was “Keep doing what you do,” along with some suggestions and ideas for us to consider. One message was loud and clear: You want to hear more from us regarding donations. You want to hear our specific needs as well as how donations are used. We are working to address this. 

We also received a strong message of your interest in engaging with us more, particularly our writers. We are currently looking at short-term and long-term ways to create those opportunities.

I hope you find the enclosed report interesting. We are very pleased (as was DXP) with the number of people we heard from; it provided a great sampling of NCR readers.

Many of you took the time to send along comments with your responses — thank you! A sampling of those comments is included in this report. Other suggestions from the survey were more specific and will be sent to the appropriate department at NCR.

Finally, please be assured that this survey is the beginning and not the end. We’re not the kind of team that asks for your input, reads a report, then puts it on a shelf. We read, we listen and we work to see what’s possible. As I said, your input lays the framework; now we build.

With gratitude and excitement,


Joe Ferullo

Publisher / CEO


About Our Survey


The National Catholic Reporter entered into partnership with Donor Experience Partners, LLC (DXP), to conduct a comprehensive and proactive survey of their donors on their experiences with NCR as donors with the hope of using the opportunity to engage donors in a new way and identify strengths and challenges in their fundraising efforts by listening to their voices.

The Donor Experience Survey developed by DXP focuses on three specific key areas of experience: Communication; Recognition; Engagement.

A total of 5,071 surveys were sent to NCR donors and selected subscribers. A total of 557 (11%) responded.

The response was within hoped-for response rate.

While response anonymity was emphasized, donors were given the opportunity to reveal their identity by voluntarily providing their name and contact information at the end of the survey so that NCR staff could directly contact them.

Note: The percentages in some charts will not equal 100%. For some questions, respondents skipped the question, and for others provided multiple answers.

Can I make an online donation?

Sure! Click here.

I prefer to mail a check – is that ok?

Absolutely! Please mail the check to:

National Catholic Reporter

115 E Armour Blvd

Kansas City, MO  64111

I’d like to donate to Global Sisters Report or EarthBeat. How do I do that?

Great — thank you! Online, you may do so here for Global Sisters, and here for EarthBeat. If you would like to write a check, issue the check to NCR, and write “EarthBeat” or Global Sisters Report” in the memo line.

What’s the difference between being a donor and a member?

Technically, both are donors, and we are grateful for all our donors! A member has taken the additional step of making a commitment to NCR to make a monthly or annual donation. Most members set up a monthly donation to NCR through their debit card. Members receive a weekly email from NCR staff, and are invited to virtual and live events. And, of course, we have swag! Learn more here.

I heard that there may be advantages to making my donation directly from my IRA. Is this true?

If you are 70½ years old, there just might be. Currently, the IRS permits those who receive a required distribution from their IRA to donate to a qualified charity directly from the IRA. You may then deduct the amount of your donation from your taxable income. You can read more here. And yes! NCR is a qualified charity.   

I’m thinking about naming NCR in my will. Can I get some info?

Absolutely. Please contact us at giving@ncronline.org or give Laure Krupp a call at 816.968.2265.

Do you accept gifts of stock?

Why yes, we do. Please contact us at giving@ncronline.org or give Marge Gasnick a call at 816.968.2233.

My question isn’t included here. Who can I contact?

Marge Gasnick will be happy to field your question! Contact her at giving@ncronline.org, or by calling Marge at 816.968.2233.



Our Respondents

The participants in our survey tend to be older compared to our overall readership. While our online readership includes a fairly balanced mix of ages, the majority of our donors are from older generations. This trend is common among nonprofit organizations, as older individuals often have more resources to donate.

In terms of gender, our community is nearly evenly split but leans slightly towards female. This pattern holds true for both our donors and online readers.

Looking at the loyalty of our donor base, a significant portion has been following us for more than 15 years. Remarkably, 13% of our donors have been with us since our founding in 1963. It’s a well-observed fact that those who contribute financially to an organization are usually its most longstanding and dedicated supporters.

Age of Respondents

Gender of Respondents

How Are We Doing? 

One of the most important considerations for a non-profit is how the organization communicates it's mission, how it engages with it's donors, and how it maintains transparency in how funds are used. Our next section of survey data highlights how we're performing in these key areas. 

donor survey 4

Donor Survey 5

Donor survey 6


Your Support


Your support

How Donors Engage with NCR

How Respondents Read Us

How long respondents have been reading us

Heidi Schlumpf and Arthur Jones


Donor survey 1

Donor Survey 2

Donor Survey 3

Donor Survey 7

Your NCR Development Team